Anyieni, A. G.Adongo, Atola Janepher2014-06-262014-06-262014-06-26 of Business Administration, 61p. 2013Employee is a blood stream of any business. The accomplishment or disaster of the firm depends on its employee performance. Hence, top management should realize the importance of investing in training for the sake of improving employee performance. This study was set to examine the effects of job training on employee performance in Mobile Telephone Industry Nakuru, Kenya as a case. Those included in the study were the top level management, middle level employees and the junior employees of Telkom Orange who were randomly selected. Employee training has been viewed as a tool for better productivity, general workforce skill development and motivation. The objective of the study was to examine the aspect of job training on employee performance in Telkom Orange. To establish whether technological change affect the performance of employees in Telkom. It also determined whether Telkom train their employees to enhance their performance. Lastly it investigated how effective employee training was for any organization. The target population was 419 comprising of 44 top level management, 165 middle level employees and 210 junior employees from all the entire department of Mass market and Customer care, Information Technology, finance and account and human resource in Telkom Orange Nakuru County, Kenya. To ensure all categories of employees were represented in the sampling process, stratified random sampling technique was used to sample the survey respondents from the target population. The employees were categorised into three strata of top level management, middle level employees and the junior employees.Training improved productivity and job satisfaction for organizations because employees knew what is expected of them as they were also equipped with the information and tools to perform their jobs effectively It appeared to be a gap, concerning the study on the impact of training on employee performance. Therefore, the study was intended to investigate training programs of Telkom Orange and the impact it had on employee performance in mobile telephone industry. Data was collected from all employees using self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive Survey method was used to gather data. This was done to find out the opinions, preferences, attitudes, concerns of a cross-section of the population about the impact of job training on employee performance. Interviews were also conducted on managers from whom the researcher gathered more perspectives. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics like frequency counts provided by SPSS. Data was processed by editing, coding, entering and then presenting in comprehensive tables which showed the responses of each category of variables. All the responses were recorded and incorporated in Chapter four and five. Finally, the study discussed and identified the limitations of the previous studies and gave directions for future research on this topic.enExamining the effects of job training on employee performance in mobile telephone industry. A case of telkom orange Nakuru, Kenya.Thesis