Otuya, W. I.Onyango, M.A.Ofafa, G. A.Ojera, P. B.Wachana, R.S.2013-12-032013-12-032013-02International Journal of Current Research Vol. 5 , Issue, 02 , pp. 377 - 381 , February , 20130975 - 833Xhttp://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/7756This study attempts to examine the role of ethical treatment towards customers in enhancing enterprise performance. In this study respondents are the farmers contracted to Mumias sugar company which subcontracts cane transport services to private cane haulage companies. A total of 138 questionnaires were distributed and 100 were returned. To test the conceptual frame work, a structural equation modeling to analyze the data was done. In this regard, frequencies, correlations and binary logistic regression were used to establish the relationship between ethical treatment to customers (farmers) and enterprise performance. Findings revealed that ethical treatment indicators are predictors of enterprise performance among cane transport companies in Mumias sugar beltenEthical treatment towards customers,Enterprise performanceMumias sugar beltThe Effect of Ethical Treatment towards Customers on Enterprise performa nce in Mumias Sugar Belt, KenyaArticle