Onywera, VincentMwisukha, A.Njororai, W.W.S.2015-09-162015-09-162001http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/13551Research articleConflicts in Institutions of Higher Learning have been a disturbing phenomenon for many years. Colleges and Universities in many parts of East Africa have experienced problems associated with student riots and demonstration. Conflicts are known not only to be expensive to institutions of learning in terms of time, money and inconvenience, but also to the learners, sponsors and other stakeholders in education. A lot of effort has been put in place to eradicate this menace in the education sector, yet student unrest continues to be on the rise. More concerted effort needs to be put in place to eradicate this problem. Sport has certain unique values that can help learners enjoy their leisure time. Sport is a human activity that involves specific administrative organisation and a historical background of rules, which define the objective and limit the pattern of human behaviour. It involves competition or challenge and a definite outcome primarily determined by physical skill. Through participation in sports; students release emotions, experience success, socialize, control behaviour and affirm identity. Therefore if institutions of learning took sport seriously, putting rules and regulations to ensure that all students engaged in sport as an agent for change and development, cases of student riots and demonstrations might be controlled.enSport s as means of preventing conflicts in institutions of higher learningArticle