Orodho, John AlukoMbaabu, Lucy Njeri2014-11-142014-11-142014Developing Country Studies ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) Vol.4, No.20, 20142225-05652224-607Xhttp://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/DCS/article/viewFile/16248/16648http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/11665The thrust of this study was to examine the constraints experienced by headteachers in primary schools in Chogoria Division, Meru County, Kenya. A survey research design of the exploratory sub-type was adopted . Combinations of purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to draw a sample of 30 teachers out of an accessible population of 42 to participate in the study. The main research instrument for data collection was an in- depth interview guide which was used to collect qualitative data. Interview transcription and thematic analysis was applied to analyse the qualitative data from in-depth interviews. The major finding was that although the headteachers had appropriate academic qualifications, they experienced myriad of intertwined challenges that gravitated around lack of intrinsic leadership acumen, lack of skills in curriculum and instruction, as well as inefficient human, physical and financial management. As a result, there was no collegial interrelationship among various key stakeholders in education leading to low quality school outcomes in terms of student discipline and academic performance in internal and national examinations. It was recommended that the Government of Kenya through the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KEMI) should intensify the professional training of Headteachers and members of School Management Committees in school leadership, particularly in resource acquisition and management techniqueenPrimary School HeadteachersManagementConstraintsProfessional Development Chogoria DivisionMeru CountyKenyaPrimary School Management: Focus on Constraints Faced by Headteachers in Managing Primary Schools in Chogoria Division, Meru County, KenyaArticle