Maina, Sebastian Kabue2016-04-212016-04-212014 Research Proposal Submitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Award of the Degree in Masters of Arts (Counselling Psychology) of Kenyatta University, March 2014Alcohol use has both positive and negative effects on psychosocial and economic development and for this reasons many countries Kenya included have put in place policies to regulate the use of alcohol in the society. The compliance or noncompliance of the policies may be influenced by many factors among them perceptions of the policy recipients. However, a few studies have focused on understanding how perceptions influence the compliance with alcohol policies. Using Psychological reactance theory and the Health belief model, this study sought to establish the effects of perceptions on compliance with the Kenya Alcoholic Drinks Control Act 2010 on residents of Kwa Rhonda estate in Nakuru County. Cluster sampling technique was employed where Kwa Rhonda estate was clustered in two geographical regions; upper and lower. Systematic random sampling was carried out in each stratum to come up with two hundred respondents. A descriptive survey research design was used to conduct the study. A questionnaire was used as the method of data collection. Quantitative data was coded and analysed using descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequencies. Data from open ended questions was analysed using narrative analysis. The findings of this study show that though majority of the residents believe the government was right in coming up with that law for the benefit of its citizen's social and health well-being, most of them are however concemed about its implementation. The residents of Kwa Rhonda estate view the law as one that interferes with their day to day life by punishing the low income earners as well as people who are employed in the informal sectors. Due to this negative perception, the compliancy level is quite low and the reaction to the law can be described as rebellious. The implementers need to involve the stakeholders that the residents have more trust in like the church and the nyumba kumi initiative in the Laws implementation process. They need to do a lot of civic education and refrain from using threats as this makes the residents more determined to resist any attempts at controlling them as "children"enThe Effects of Perceptions on Compliance with the Kenya Alcoholic Drinks Control Act 2010: A Case of Residents of Rhonda Estate in Nakuru County, KenyaThesis