Josphat KyaloNyokabi, Gathoni Millicent2022-04-212022-04-212021 Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Obligation for the Award of Degree of Masters in Business Administration (Management Information Systems) of Kenyatta University, September, 2021Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) are commercial entities that operate in cooperation with formal and informal sections cutting on all segments of the economy. They have immensely contributed to the economic growth, social structure and prolific source of employment in Kenya. The Inclusion of E-commerce has consequently become a re-known term in business and industry, especially over the last decade. ICT creates a platform that provides for not only the efficient running of businesses but also the dissemination of the global users at profound speeds and relatively cheap means. However, its application to SME’s has been scanty and short of depth. This research project intends to find out the challenges that affect E-Commerce SMEs in Kiambu county Kenya. The research was fueled by three major theoretical theories that are the Technological Acceptance Model, Unified theory of Acceptance and Use of technology and finally Information systems success model. The Empirical review looked at Service delivery, infrastructure, innovations and literacy on the performance of E-commerce SME’s. The general objective was to determine the effect of ICT agility and the performance of E-commerce SME’s in Kiambu County. A sample of 503 E- Commerce SME’s was identified in Kiambu County. The study narrowed down to 50 E-Commerce SME’s chosen through the method of stratified random sampling. The data collection methodology was the semi-structured questionnaires which was distributed to various E-Commerce SMEs serving in the region. The drop and pick up later technique was employed in the questionnaire distribution. Statistics were employed and descriptive methods to examine the data. Descriptive included the percentages, mean and standard deviation while inferential involved linear regression. Analysis was done by the use of qualitative data and procedure of context analysis and inferences realized thereof. Findings revealed that an increase in service delivery, infrastructure, innovation, literacy and government policy resulted to an increase in performance of E-commerce SME’s. Therefore, this study has demonstrated that for ICT agility to be quick paced, service delivery must be enhanced, better ICT infrastructure, more advanced ICT innovation, better skills in the ICT field and finally enhanced government support.enInformation and Communication TechnologyAgilityPerformanceElectronic-CommerceSmall and Medium-Sized EnterprisesKiambu CountyKenyaInformation and Communication Technology Agility and Performance of Electronic-Commerce Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Kiambu County, Kenya.Thesis