Michael KatolaMargaret GecagaSunguti, Henry Khakavo2024-02-012024-02-012023-11https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/27395A thesis submitted to the school of law, arts and social sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Arts of Kenyatta University, November, 2023The primary goal of this study was to examine how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church about the sanctity of human life relate to youth suicide. The World Health Organization stated on World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) of 2022 that an estimated 703,000 persons attempt suicide each year (WHO, 2022). Suicide ranks as the fourth most common cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 28 worldwide, with over 77% of instances occurring in low- and middle-income nations (WHO, 2019). When faced with traumatic life events like suicide, many turn to religion as a protective coping mechanism that gives them comfort and significance. According to Roman Catholic doctrine, life is sacred and, as such, is the preserve of God, the author. The problem statement was: Can the RCC’s teaching on sanctity of human life enhance the mitigation of suicide among youth in Ruaraka Deanery, Nairobi City County, Kenya? The general research problem was to examine why some youth resort to suicide even after being exposed to the teachings of the RCC on sanctity of human life through various pastoral programs. The study's specific goals were to determine the factors that contribute to youth suicide cases, find out how the RCC teaches the sanctity of human life in various youth programs, look into how the RCC handles successful and unsuccessful suicide cases, and, lastly, develop different strategies to reduce youth suicide in Ruaraka. The study utilized two interconnected theories of suicide: David Klonsky and Alexis May's (2015) Three-Step Theory of Suicide (3ST) highlighted the ideation to action path of a suicidal person, while Thomas Joiner's (2005) Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS) emphasized the importance of an individual's social connections. The survey design employed in the study was descriptive. A purposive sampling strategy was employed in the Ruaraka Deanery to choose the ten parishes. Three methods were used to gather primary data: questionnaires, interview guides, and focus groups. The study's target group included the clergy, parish administration, youth, and catechists of Ruaraka Deanery. Youths were selected by simple random selection, whereas clergy, catechists, and leaders were selected using a purposive sample technique. Consequently, the study findings showed: various factors lead to suicide cases and suicidal thoughts, social media and online sources, poor understanding of RCC teachings on sanctity of life, deficiencies in training of the catechists and ineffective methodology in teaching of the sanctity of human life. The study recommends: that the Catholic Deanery of Ruaraka needs to enhance the methodology of teaching the doctrine on sanctity of human life in catechism classes and other programs, the clergy availability to youth, and the government to step up efforts to enshrine religious teachings to address the problem of suicide in Kenya.enRoman Catholic Churchsanctity of human lifesuicideNairobi City CountyKenyaRoman Catholic Church teaching on sanctity of human life and its bearing on suicide among youth in Nairobi City County, Kenya.Thesis