Anyango, Steve2016-03-142016-03-142015-09 Going Masters-Department of Business AdministrationIn Kenya, the Agricultural sector contributes 24 percent of the GDP and provides 70 percent of the total employment of Kenya. As a major contributor to economic growth and a major provider of employment, the business strategies adopted by the agricultural firms and tea firms in particular (since tea is the leading foreign exchange earning crop), have important implications for poverty and equity concerns in the country. The study therefore seeks to establish the effect of internationalization on global competiveness of the tea sector in Kenya. The study is further guided by the following specific objectives; (i) establishing the effect of promotional strategies on global competitiveness of tea Industry in Kenya, (ii) determining the effect of trade policies on global competitiveness of the Kenyan Tea industry (iii) establishing the effect of price volatility on global competitiveness of tea industry, and finally, (iv) investigating the impact of technological advancement on global competiveness of the tea Industry. In order to achieve these objectives the researcher will adopt a Cross-sectional surveys research design. The study population will comprise of 68 tea buying and exporting firms. The data will be collected using a questionnaire that will be administered to the respondents. The collected data will be entered, coded and analyzed in SPSS where descriptive and inferential statistics will be obtained.enEffect of internationalization on global competitiveness of the tea sector in KenyaThesis