Ohando, Ezekiel OdhiamboMinja, DavidMuna, Wilson2024-10-172024-10-172024Ohando, E. O; Minja, D & Muna, W. (2024). Health infrastructure and implications on provision of health care services to nurses and medium level bureaucrats in health facilities in Siaya County and nationally, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, 8(4), 54 – 74.2523-6725https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/29202Journal ArticleContemporary bureaucracy health infrastructure dimensions involve (hospitals facilities, operating electrical and internet connections, equipment, tools, ambulances, medical supplies and medium level bureaucrats; roads, refrigeration for medicines, vaccine and blood; clean water, sanitation, medium level bureaucracy and medium level autonomous bureaucrats) having implications on provision of accessible and affordable nursing health services in Siaya county hospitals and nationally. Management, health medium level bureaucracy and bureaucrats continues to face evolving challenges owing to dynamic nature of environment and dilapidated health facilities countrywide. Challenges health industry face is medium level bureaucrats driven satisfaction and commitment critical for coping up with eternally fluctuating and evolving respectable environment for realization of goals and objectives through infrastructure facility implications while remaining competitive in health sector. Health medium level bureaucracy should uphold efficacy, desirable production, job commitment through respectable working environment and medicines access to patients’ contrary to facilities referring patients to private pharmacies. Electricity connectivity, accessible roads, medical supplies, refrigeration, water and internet coverage significantly impact health care service positively enhancing efficacy from staff riding on job satisfaction. The objective of this paper is to analyze the implication of infrastructure and working environment on bureaucrats’ job satisfaction while providing patients care and implication of infrastructure nationally. The study employed quantitative and qualitative methodology covering public health facilities in Siaya county and cross-sectional study to cover referral hospitals. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire, adopted and validated for study targeting a population of 500 nurses in level four and five hospitals in Siaya county. Stratified random sampling using Krejcie & Morgan 1970 was used to select 217 sample from the population of 500 nurses and health medium level bureaucrats in level four and five hospitals. The findings revealed that infrastructure encompassing good roads, electricity connectivity working 24 hours daily, internet coverage, medical supplies accessible to patients promoting and supporting optimal health wellbeing while permitting autonomous medium level bureaucrats enjoy their job satisfaction on optimum health care service. The study concluded that realization of adequate health infrastructure and respectable working environment resulted to medium level bureaucrat’s optimization of work satisfaction affecting optimal health care services of nurses and medium level bureaucrats in health facilities in Siaya County and nationally in Kenya. This paper shall benefit the citizens by encouraging them to contribute more towards enhancing healthcare growth, secured job satisfaction, retention, health welfare and autonomous motivated staff deriving their deserved job satisfaction helping their personal growth and development.enHealth Infrastructure and Implications on Provision of Health Care Services to Nurses and Medium Level Bureaucrats in Health Facilities in Siaya County and Nationally, KenyaArticle