Wamute, Isaac Gathirwa2012-11-232012-11-232012-11-23http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/602540p. Department of Business Administration: The KR 3014 .W3The study aimed at investigating the attitude of the members of the public on the performance of the advocates' complaints Commission of Kenya. It is a department of the State Law Office created in 1989, following an amendment of the Advocates Act, Cap 16 Laws Of Kenya 'for the purpose of inquiring into complaints against any advocate, firm of advocates or any member or employee hereof. The objectives of the study were, to investigate the attitude of the members of the public on the performance of the Advocates Complaints Commission in streamlining the Legal Profession in Kenya. To establish whether the Commission has effectively created awareness to the members of the public as far as the regulation of the Legal Profession is concerned. To establish whether the Commission has effectively punished errand Advocates in the legal Profession. And finally to establish whether the Commission has been able to streamline the Legal Profession in Kenya. A Descriptive research design was used, which entails the process of collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects in the study. It determines and reports the way things are and it also attempts to describe such things as possible behaviour, attitudes, values and characteristics. The target population was the first 100 complainants coming from all over the country to, lodge their complaints at the commission during the research period. The bigger percentage of the respondents (48%) learned of the Commission through Friends and Relatives. While 25% of the respondents learned of the Commission existence through other means such as; Kenya school of law, Police, Other Advocates, Staff of the commission, Court Clerks, as well as personal experiences with advocates. The researcher recommends that there is a strong case for decentralization of the commission services to the provinces and later to the districts. This will enable more people to access the Commission's services and lodge their underlying complaints. The researcher recommends that the Commission to publish and broadcast names of advocates who have been struck off the role of the advocates, those serving suspension and those that have been admonished. This will serve as a deterrence.enLawyersKenyaAn investigation on the attitude of members of the public on the performance of advocates' complaints commision of KenyaThesis