Kisato, Jacqueline2011-12-272011-12-272011-12-27 of Business administration, 49p. The HF 5415.122 .K5 2005This study was conducted with the aim of finding out the effectiveness of the marketing communication strategies (MCS) used by Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the government in combating the Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Disease (AIDS) and Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) scourge among the Secondary School Youth. The research was carried out in Nakuru Municipality Secondary Schools. The sample schools were chosen from a total of 34 secondary schools registered in Nakuru Municipal Council. Questionnaires were given out to a sample group picked from the secondary school within the Municipality. This town was selected for the study because it has a semi-urban setting; that is it has both rural and urban areas within its environs. The analytical tool used was descriptive and numerical statistics. SPSS was used to analyze the data and tables and charts were used for presentation of the information. In the findings it was evident that 70.6% of the respondents (381) have been exposed to the MCS dealing with HIV / AIDS. 63.3% did not give their opinion on whether the talks had encouraged abstinence. On the use of condoms 81.6% of the respondents affirmed that the adverts had encouraged use of condoms for the sexual active youth. The respondents' opinion on stigmatization of HIV positive students was that these students should be retained in school (83.2%). This clearly indicates that stigma against HIV positive students was significantly reduced due to these MCS. It is also evident that 57.7% of the respondents concurred that the MCS encouraged monogamous relationships. The most popular media were T.V and Radio. In conclusion therefore, these MCS against HIV/AIDS have been very successful. The recommendation would be that abstinence is emphasized more as a protective measure against HIV/AIDS and to have the various stakeholders talking more to the students on this matter.enMarketing-KenyaThe impact of marketing communication strategies on HIV and AIDS targeting the youth : a case of Nakuru Municipality Secondary School StudentsThesis