Mutisya, Esther Ndunge2024-02-292024-02-292023-05 research thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of masters of education (educational administration) in the school of education and lifelong learning of Kenyatta University, May 2023The Kenyan government adopted the 100 percent transition policy in 2018 in response to universal access to basic education following international and national instruments that demand that all children should complete free, equitable, and quality secondary education. Nevertheless, due to inadequate preparation, the policy seems to narrow the access gap alone without paying sufficient attention to how the students would be taught and learn. This study sought to investigate the relationship between implementation of 100 percent transition measures and quality of teaching and learning in Mwala Sub County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: establish the relationship between physical resource strategies, human resource strategies, learner-support related strategies, community linked strategies to support 100 percent policy and quality teaching and learning in public secondary schools. Open Systems Theory and correlational design guided this study. The study target popualtion comprised 68 public secondary schools in Mwala Sub County. The target respondents were principals, HODs and teachers. Random sampling technique was used to sample ten schools to participate in the study. Teachers were selected using simple random sampling. Using purposive sampling, Principals and HODs were selected. Qualitative data was collected from principals through an interview guide while quantitative data was obtained from the HODs and teachers through a questionnaire. Validity of the instrument was determined using expert judgment while Cronbach alpha established reliability. Quantitative data was organized and managed using statistical package for social sciences. Descriptive statistics in form of mean and standard deviation was used to measure the extent the 100 percent transition policy measures had been implemented. Inferential statistics (Pearson’s correlation) was used to measure the strength of relationship between implementation of 100 percent measures and quality teaching and learning. Qualitative data was put into thematic categories. The findings indicated that physical facilities strategies (r=0.630, p<0.05), human resource strategies (r=0.418, p<0.05), learner support strategies (r=0.738, p<0.05), and communities linked strategies (r=0.561, p<0.05) had a positive and significant relationship with quality teaching and learning. The study concluded that implementation of 100 percent transition policy measures contributes significantly to improved quality teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Mwala Sub County. The study recommends that government of Kenya through Ministry of Education should provide adequate physical resources to public secondary schools including classrooms, desks, electricity, water, sanitation and hygiene facilities; should provide adequate human resources to public secondary schools including teachers, technology for virtual teaching and learning, adequate support staff and competent teaching staff. The school management should ensure adequate learner support in public secondary schools including supporting needy students, effective anti-bullying rules, and instilling discipline among the students; should strengthen communication among stakeholders including teachers, students and parents.enpolicy strategiesquality teachinglearningMachakos CountyKenyaRelationship between implementation of hundred percent transition policy strategies and quality teaching and learning in Machakos County, KenyaThesis