Orwasa, BernardOrodho, John Aluko2023-06-162023-06-162018Bernard, O., & Orodho, A. J. (2018). Wastage in Public Secondary Schools: Strategies to Reduce Effects of Home-Based Variables in Kericho County, Kenya. Greener Journal of Educational Research, 8(4), 076-084.2276-7789http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/25845ArticleThe gist of this study was to determine strategies for reducing home-based variables causing educational wastage in public secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: first to profile the nature of educational wastage, second, to determine the home-based variables causing the educational wastage and, third, to devise strategies for reducing these variables. A descriptive survey research design was employed. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 10 principals and simple random sampling to select 25 teachers and 275 students, yielding a sample size of 320 participants. Questionnaires were used to collect data from students and teachers while interview schedules were used to collect information from teachers and principals. The instruments were pretested before fieldwork to determine their validity and reliability. It was established that the nature of educational wastage was rather complex and rampant in all classes in the study locale. It was revealed that the proportion of total wastage due to student dropout (PTWSD) ranged between 49.3% to 83.7compared to the proportion of total wastage due to student repetition (PTWSR) at between 6.8% and 50.7%. The main factors responsible for repetition were ranked in decreasing order of magnitude as: child labour, absenteeism, negative peer influence, and lack of parental support of school development projects The recommended strategies ^^^alleviate the negative trend were: key stakeholders, especially the parents and community members should be sensitized to support school development projects ; and Board of Management in schools should put in place early identification procedures to retain students who are likely to drop out of school because of school fees and other home-based bottlenecks.enPublic secondary schoolshousehold-based variableswastageKericho CountyKenyaWastage in Public Secondary Schools: Strategies to Reduce Effects of Home - Based Variables in Kericho County, KenyaArticle