Moi, Edna2023-05-302023-05-302022-12 Association for Public Administration and Management 41st Annual Roundtable Conference held on 6th – 9th December 2022 At The University Of The Western Cape, CapeTown, South Africa. Presentation: Institutions as Enablers of Economic Empowerment for People Living With Disabilities, Women, and The Youth: "What WorksAfrican Association For Public Administration and Management 41st Annual Roundtable Conference: 6th – 9th December 2022 At The University Of The Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. The audience consists of ministers, heads of public service, renowned public service and corporate practitioners, civil society leaders, managers, scholars, researchers, young professionals, students, and the private sector from all over Africa and beyond. The conference provided platforms for knowledge sharing, mentorship, capacity building and networking. Likewise, the conference has enlisted a number of activities including sideline meetings, plenary sessions, breakaway, and specialized session specifically designed for various groups such as academia, researchers, cabinet secretaries, young professionals, ministers, heads of public service.enAfricasustainable developmentinstitutionsAfrican Association for Public Administration and Management 41st Annual Roundtable ConferenceTechnical Report