Niyonkuru, VenantMutuku, Winifred2023-07-272023-07-272022Niyonkuru, V., & Mutuku, W. (2022). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Optimal Control Strategies for Malaria Transmission in Bubanza Province, Burundi. Burundi (1 5, 2022). is a parasitic infection ranked among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in Sub-Sahara African countries. If recommended interventions measures are well applied, malaria can be prevented and controlled. In many cases, the budget allocated to malaria prevention and treatment project is not enough, using malaria intervention measures properly will guarantee the reduction of infected population while the intervention costs is minimized. This saves the budget and produces the results in economical way. The aim of this article is to understand the cost so that decision makers are well informed when they determine budget allocated to malaria interventions. After ordering different possible strategies from the smallest to the highest, utilizing Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER), we studied the Cost-effectiveness of each strategy. This study analyses the cost-effectiveness of all possible optimal control measures to identify which is the intervention strategy is going to save available resources and cost-effective. After analysis, this study shows that malaria can be minimized in Bubanza using preventive measures at the most cost effective way.enMathematical modelStabilityDisease-free equilibriumEndemic EquilibriumBasic Reproductive numberOptimal controlcost effectiveness AnalysisMalaria intervention strategiesCost-Effectiveness Analysis of Optimal Control Strategies for Malaria Transmission in Bubanza Province, Burundi.Article