Masayi, Dellilah2024-11-122024-11-122024-11Dellilah, M. (2024). Relationship Between Utilization Of Assistive Hearing Devices And Academic Achievement Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 13-17. purpose of this research was to examine the academic performance of students with hearing impairments in Kenya and to determine whether or not assistive hearing aids had any effect on their academic progress. Two elementary schools in Kenya were the settings of the research. A correlational study strategy was used. Because they were forced to fill out surveys, the two schools could assume that the students understood how to read and write. Data was gathered via the use of questionnaires and the examination of secondary sources. The correlations between variables were established by analyzing quantitative data using SPSS and inferential statistics. Participation in the research was positively associated with higher levels of academic success among students who used assistive hearing aids. The research also found that most students who have trouble hearing do not have access to assistive listening equipment and have low academic performance.enRelationship between Utilization of Assistive Hearing Devices and Academic Achievement of Learners with Hearing Impairment in KenyaArticle