Sairam, MasinaMaitra, SagarPraharaj, SubhasishaNath, SupravaShankar, TanmoySahoo, UpasanaSantosh, D.TSagar, LalichettiMonalisha, PandaPriya, G. ShanthiAshwini, T.RGaikwad, Dinkar J.Hossain, AkbarPramanick, BiswajitJatav, Hanuman SinghGitari, Harun I.Aftab, Tariq2023-03-222023-03-222023978-3-031-22268-9 1 of "An Insight into the Consequences of Emerging Plant Responses Contaminants in Soil and Water and Plant Responses".With the advancement of science, better monitoring of soil and water quality has become possible. Many contaminants have been reported in the recent past that influence the quality of soil and water negatively. However, the consideration of these pollutants or contaminants is still in the initial stage and needs to be explored in detail for a better understanding of their activity as contaminants.enSoilWaterSoil ContaminantsWater ContaminantsAgrochemicalsAn Insight into the Consequences of Emerging Plant Responses Contaminants in Soil and Water and Plant ResponsesBook chapter