Jagongo, A. O.2013-10-112013-10-112013-10-11http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/7454Department of Business Administration, 52p. The HE 283.5.J3 1999Public as well as private organizations require efficient and a well coordinated transport system to enable them realize conveyance of their goods and services effectively. Transport system inefficiency therefore remains a major concern in promoting harmony among various interacting organizational parts and suppliers. Inefficiency could be caused by outright wastage/misuse of transport resources, inefficient utilization of staff arising from improper planing, lack of expenditure containment measures, poor evaluation of the possible transport systems among others. Despite the general awareness, no empirical study has examined the efficiency issues in the transport systems in Kenyan organizations, yet expenditures on transport account for substantial percentages of these organizations annual total spending.enTransportation--KenyaA comparative analysis of the efficiency Levels of transport fleet management Systems in Kenya:Thesis