Owuor, Everlyne AchiengAwori, Beatrice BunyasiOtieno, Syprine A.2020-10-212020-10-212020Owuor, E. A., Awori, B. B., & Otieno, S. A. (2020). INFLUENCE OF SOCIALIZATION ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF LEARNERS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT AT INCLUSIVE PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KENYA: A CASE IN THAWABU PRIMARY OF NAIROBI CITY COUNTY. African Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 47-63.2519-0296https://iprjb.org/journals/index.php/AJEP/article/view/1148/1263http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/20610A research article published in African Journal of Education and PracticePurpose:This research aimed at determining theinfluence of socialization on performance of learners with hearing impairmentatThawabu Inclusive Public PrimarySchoolinNairobi, Kenya. The objectives wereto; establish modes of communication that promote socialization in an inclusive environment; establish strategies for boosting socialization to enhance academic performance;and establish challenges facing teachers in enhancing socialization to improve academic performance oflearners with hearing impairment. Methodology:The research design was a case study design. Structured questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. Purposive sampling was employed to select the school and learners with hearing impairment while hearing learners were randomly selected. Findings:The study found that: modes of communication among learners with hearing impairment, hearing learners and teachers create social and educational change for improvement of academic standards in the school and narrows the gap between those with hearing impairment and their hearing counterparts. Strategies like family support program (assisting children and families in language learning), family-infant-toddler program, and competent and consistent administration system promote learning. Socialization influences incidental learning of learners with hearing impairment to put them at par with their hearing peers on matters related to both academic performance and social advancement. Socialization makes learnerswith hearing impairment comfortable, self-esteemed, and self-actualized, hence improving educational performance. Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy:The study may help to promote attitudinal, psychological and educational change in all stakeholders for inclusive education to be a success and meaningful to learners with hearing impairment. The study recommends that the government should add specially qualified teachers of learners with hearing impairment in Thawabu among other inclusive public schools in Kenyato help promote socialization and to increase inclusivity of leaners with hearing impairment.enSocializationAcademic PerformanceInclusive Primary SchoolsInfluence of Socialization on Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment at Inclusive Primary Schools in Kenya: A Case in Thawabu Primary of Nairobi City CountyArticle