Kisendi, Julius MuluMurugami, Margaret WanguiKombo, Kisilu2024-05-232024-05-232024Kisendi, J. M., Murugami, M. W., & Kombo, K. (2024). AN EXAMINATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF WITHDRAWAL BEHAVIOR ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF LEARNERS IN KABETE REHABILITATION SCHOOL, NAIROBI CITY COUNTY, KENYA. European Journal of Education Studies, 11(7). study aimed to examine the influence of withdrawal behavior on learners' academic performance in Kabete Rehabilitation School, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was based on The Delinquent Behavior Theory and The Theory of Educational Productivity. The study used a concurrent triangulation design in which the researcher implemented the quantitative and qualitative methods simultaneously and with equal weight. The study targeted a total of 70 respondents, which included one headteacher, 29 teachers, and vocational trainers, as well as 40 learners at Kabete Rehabilitation School. Purposive sampling was used to select all 29 teachers and one headteacher, while simple random sampling was used to select 10 learners in the rehabilitation school in Kabete, translating to a total sample of 40 respondents. Questionnaires, interview guides for the head teacher, and observation checklists were used to collect data. Research instruments were piloted among three teachers and vocational trainers from Kiringiti Rehabilitation School in Kiambu County to establish validity and reliability. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS version 26.0). The quantitative findings of the study were then presented using tables and graphs. With the qualitative data, the researcher used thematic analysis. Then, a record of all themes was prepared and arranged according to similarities and differences. The themes were afterwards abbreviated as codes, and the codes were written near the related text in a Word document. Findings revealed that the withdrawal behaviors among learners in Kabete rehabilitation school were majorly expressed in feelings of rejection, isolation, and victimization. The study concluded that there was a stronger association between isolation and learners' academic performance in the Kabete Rehabilitation School. The study recommended that the government and or rehabilitation schools need to educate parents and the general public on children's aggressive behaviors and their influence on educational progress in school. The Nairobi County government should ensure professional counselors are deployed in rehabilitation schools.endelinquent behaviorwithdrawal behaviorthe academic performance of learners, and rehabilitation schoolAn Examination of the Influence of Withdrawal Behavior on the Academic Performance of Learners in Kabete Rehabilitation School, Nairobi City County, KenyaArticle