James OwuorOuma, Duncan O.2012-03-282012-03-282012-03-28http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3568Department of Business Administration,73p.HD 2346.K4O9 2010In recent years, the government has put a lot of emphasis on rural development. One of the strategies for doing this is through the use of funds to SMEs to finance various projects. However, any project-based organization must follow the set principles of project management that ensure successful achievement of project objectives. This study aimed at examining the factors influencing the effective monitoring and evaluation of projects initiated by small and medium enterprises in Rachuonyo District. This paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one provides the background of the study and spells out the underlying problem motivating the study and the study objectives, which included among others, to analyze the extent to which background training of key project officers affects M&E effectiveness and to investigate the effect of original project designs on the subsequent M&E exercise. Chapter two then presents a comprehensive coverage of the literature that was used to develop the paper. Finally, chapter three presents the research methodology in which the various techniques of data collection and data analysis (that is, frequency and percentage distributions) were used. Results showed that M&E officers are crucial in the achievement of organizational goals, and that their training, knowledge and skills are also important. However, in many businesses in Rachuonyo, trained expertise in this area are lacking, even though on the ground many of the M&E activities can be seen being played by informal personnel who happen to have experience in the M&E areas. In addition, stakeholders were also seen helping in the evaluation and monitoring activities. Recommendations were made along the following issues to improve M&E effectiveness: • The need for training for M&E officers • To make slots for qualified M&E personnel in business organization • To conduct workshops, seminars and conferences on the significance of M&E activities in organizations • To increase networking and collaboration between organizations and stakeholders so as to improve M&E activities in organizations • Stakeholders to actively support M&E activities in organizationsenSmall business --Kenya --RachuonyoSmall business --Finance --Kenya --RachuonyoFactors influencing effective monitoring and evaluation of small and medium enterprise projects in Rachuonyo districtThesis