Fudge, Barry WWesterterp, Klaas RKiplamai, Festus KOnywera, Vincent OBoit, Michael KKayser, BengtPitsiladis, Yannis P2023-07-252023-07-252006Fudge, B. W., Westerterp, K. R., Kiplamai, F. K., Onywera, V. O., Boit, M. K., Kayser, B., & Pitsiladis, Y. P. (2006). Evidence of negative energy balance using doubly labelled water in elite Kenyan endurance runners prior to competition. British Journal of Nutrition, 95(1), 59-66.DOI: 10.1079/BJN20051608http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26397ArticlePrevious studies have found Kenyan endurance runners to be in negative energy balance during training and prior to competition. The aim of the present study was to assess energy balance in nine elite Kenyan endurance runners during heavy training. Energy intake and expenditure were determined over 7 d using weighed dietary intake and doubly labelled water, respectively. Athletes were on average in negative energy balance (mean energy intake 13 241 (SD 1330) kJ/d v. mean energy expenditure 14 611 (SD 1043) kJ/d; P¼0·046), although there was no loss in body mass (mean 56·0 (SD 3·4) kg v. 55·7 (SD 3·6) kg; P¼0·285). The calculation of underreporting was 13 % (range 224 to þ9 %) and almost entirely accounted for by undereating (9 % (range 255 to þ39 %)) as opposed to a lack of significant underrecording (i.e. total water intake was no different from water loss (mean 4·2 (SD 0·6) l/d v. 4·5 (SD 0·8) l/d; P¼0·496)). Fluid intake was modest and consisted mainly of water (0·9 (SD 0·5) l/d) and milky tea (0·9 (SD 0·3) l/d). The diet was high in carbohydrate (67·3 (SD 7·8) %) and sufficient in protein (15·3 (SD 4·0) %) and fat (17·4 (SD 3·9) %). These results confirm previous observations that Kenyan runners are in negative energy balance during periods of intense training. A negative energy balance would result in a reduction in body mass, which, when combined with a high carbohydrate diet, would have the potential in the short term to enhance endurance running performance by reducing the energy cost of runningenEnergy expenditureDoubly labelled water: Energy intakeUndereatingIntense high-altitude trainingEast African endurance athletesEvidence of Negative Energy Balance Using Doubly Labelled Water in Elite Kenyan Endurance Runners Prior to CompetitionArticle