Mwisukha, AndanjeMuniu, Robert K. (Late)Muriithi, Daniel Wambugu2017-01-102017-01-102015-11 research thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of science (Physical and Health Education) in the School of Applied Human Sciences of Kenyatta University. November 2015The purpose of this study was to assess the status of resources for teaching Physical Education (P.E) in secondary Schools "in Thika East Sub-County, Kiambu County. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The target population of this study comprised ofP.E teachers and form two and three students in secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County. All the 19 secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County were included in the study where twoschools were used for pre-testing and 17 were used in the actual study. A sample size of 731 respondents was targeted, by the study out of which 645 responded (constituting 600 students and 45 teachers) giving a response rate of 88%. SPSS was used to analyze the quantitative data where frequencies and percentages were "used to analyze the data. On the adequacy of teachers, the study found that 81% of the respondents indicated that the number of P.E teachers were inadequate. Regarding the perceptions on the adequacy of time allocated for the teaching of P.E the study found that 69% of the respondents indicated that they consider the time allocated for the P.E. to be inadequate. On the availability of P.E equipment, the following equipment was available: balls 82.5%, games kits (40%) and footwear (37.5%). On the availability of P.E facilities, the following facilities were available football fields as indicated by 89.6%, volley ball courts (81.3%), netball field (60%~ and handball field 57.6%. On the adequacy of physical facilities, the study further found, that all the respondents (100%) indicated that hockey courts were inadequate, 50.8% indicated that volleyball field was inadequate and 50.7% indicated that basketball court was inadequate. Finally, on the availability of text books and reference materials, the study found that most of the respondents (80 %) indicated that there are no books and reference materials for teaching P.E and that where text books and reference materials were available; the materials were inadequate as indicated by the respondents. Chi-square showed that teaching and learning of P.E in schools was affected by professional qualification of teachers, availability and adequacy of equipment, facilities, funds and text books and reference materials. The study concluded that there was shortage of equipment, facilities, P.E teachers and text book and reference materials which affects teaching and learning of P.E in schools. The study recommended that the government through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology should" ensure that there are adequate facilities and equipment for teaching and learning P.E in schools. P.E teachers should be trained and be prepared to handle Physical Education in schools. The study finally recommended that another study on teaching and learning ofP.E in secondary schools in other districts.enStatus of resources for teaching physical education in secondary schools in Thika East Sub-County, Kiambu county KenyaThesis