Waweru, S. N.Kisiang'Ani, Electine Ayiela2014-11-262014-11-26201110: 384544449513: 978-3-8454-4449-9http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/11760Globalization-characterized by the overwhelming power of the Western-controlled information super highway called the internet, and consummated by the hegemonizing tendencies of the Euro-American social-political and economic structures-has influenced the school system in Kenya.The study reported in this book investigated how school managers handle the global influence of the internet and the impact of globalization on the management of secondary schools along side disciplinary problems of youthful teachers and students. The study established that global mass culture has profoundly shaped the general behaviour of youthful teachers and students in the schools under review. Attributable to the intimidating consequences of globalization was the growing tendency among students and youthful teachers to defy authority and question the usefulness of the school curriculum, routine and rules. Consequently, due to contemporary globalization, most schools in Butere-Mumias District have serious disciplinary problems. The study recommends that school managers in this region involve all stakeholders in finding a lasting solution to the discipline problems in the schools.enGlobalization and Discipline in Kenyan Secondary Schools: Issues and Challenges for School Management in Butere/Mumias DistrictBook