Makee, Albert Luvanda2014-07-242014-07-242014-07-24 study seeks to assess the distribution and area coverage of Commiphora. myrrha and Commiphora holtziana in its natural stands; assess the gum myrrh and opoponax production potential from natural stand; assess the socio-economic factors influencing the production of gum opoponax on the lives of the local communities; assess the gum myrrh and opoponax market chain analysis and document the constraints affecting the commercialisation of gum myrrh and opoponax in Wajir County. Research evidence carried out in the neighbouring countries such as Ethiopia show that there exists multitude of economic and ecological benefits from C. myrrha and C. holtziana though little efforts have been made to explore, investigate, document, sustainably manage and conserve the resource in its natural range. Therefore, there exist knowledge gap on the distributioh, production potential, economic uses and marketing, particularly on the genus Commiphora in Kenya. This study will be undertaken through resource mapping, resources assessment, household and market surveys using GIS and remote sensing techniques, participatory techniques, designed data sheets, the market structure, conduct and performance model, checklist and questionnaires. This study expected to generate policy recommendations that will guide decision making on the sustainable exploitation, commercialisation and socio-economic contributions to the livelihood of the local communities in Wajir County and the Kenyan economy.enAnalysis of the gum myrrh and oppoponax chain and its implications communities (hagar) market on the livelihood of local in Wajir county and Kenyan economyThesis