Wainaina, N. LucyOndigi, SamsonBabusa, Hamisi2024-10-082024-10-082024Wainaina, L.N., Ondigi, S. & Babusa, H. (2024). Use of Information Communication and Technology and Its Influence on Performance in Landforming Processes among Secondary Schools in Lamu County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Development and Research Vol.9, Issue 5.2455-2631https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/29084Journal ArticleResearch shows that ICT can promote quality education by fostering a learner-centered environment, quality teaching-learning processes, and strategies, effectual, creative, motivated, collaborative, interdisciplinary, evaluative, and self-directed learning as well as the enrichment of basic skills. This study probed the use of ICT in teaching and learning land forming processes among secondary schools. The two major objectives of the study were: first, to establish types of ICT resources used in teaching and learning land forming processes, second, to establish factors influencing the choice of ICT used in teaching and learning land forming processes The study employed the Roger’s (2003) theory of Diffusion of Innovation. The study sought to investigate whether the form two geography teachers and students use ICT when teaching and learning land forming processes. The study involved a sample size of 121 students, 9 teachers, 6 HODs, and 6 Principals. Data collection instruments included students’ and teachers' questionnaires, a teaching observation checklist, and HODs’ and Principals’ semi-structured interviews. Data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data was analyzed by way of both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The study concludes that while most schools have ICT tools that they can use for teaching and learning, most teachers in those schools are not fully utilizing these tools due to a number of factors including lack of a culture of using ICT tools and expertise. Accordingly, the study recommends that schools should work out ways of encouraging the development of an ICT cultureenUse of Information Communication and Technology and Its Influence on Performance in Landforming Processes among Secondary Schools in Lamu County, KenyaArticle