Oluoch, J.Marwa, Stephen Muniko2011-11-252011-11-252011-11-25http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/1751Department of Business Administration, 73p. The HF 5549.5.M63M3 2007To all intents and purposes; this study investigated factors that influence motivation amongst Local Authority workers. It is true that the employees and employer are interdependent. Whereby the employee expects some needs to be met by his/her employer. Conversely, the employer requires the employee for the production process. This study effort was expended to bring to light the motivational needs of these workers. Motivation is not one-size-fit-all affair. Firms use incentives to encourage efficient behaviour. Appropriate incentives increase output and decrease internal monitoring course. No longer can leaders hire workers and expect to get already motivated individuals. At the end of the study recommendations were made on how best to alleviate motivational problems or how to reduce them to a bare minimum. The study was procedurally organized into the following key areas: Introduction, Literature Review and Methodology. The Introduction looked at: the background, statement of the problem, objectives, significance, justification and delimitation of the study. The Literature Review part encapsulated selected content and process theories on motivation. The Research Methodology laid out methods employed to sample and capture responses from Kehancha Municipal workers. The random sample of workers were furnished with questionnaires to complete. The responses generated were analyzed by use of various statistical tools. The true findings were recorded and suggestions made on motivational or demotivational factors facing employees of Local Authorities.enEmployee Motivation--Local anthorities--Kenya--kehenchaPersonel management--Local authorities--Kenya--KehenchaFactors that influence motivation of employees in local authorities : a case of Kehancha Municipal CouncilThesis