KiiruNjugi, George Kigamba2022-04-112022-04-112021 Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management Option) at Kenyatta University, November, 2019Culture in the organization entails a grand total of important visions, values, perspectives, modes and standards of behavior that characterize an organization. As a management tool, organizational culture can achieve success, efficiency, work ethic, high outputs. Performance of the firm is based on how well the resources are organized by the managers. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of organization culture on performance of the judiciary in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish how hierarchy culture affect judiciary performance in Nyeri, to find the extent to which collaborative culture affect performance of the judiciary in Nyeri, to examine how innovation culture affect performance of the judiciary in Nyeri County and to establishes how competitive culture affect judiciary performance in Nyeri. Descriptive research design was used. The variables in the study were based on institutional theory, resource based view and Durkheim’s theory. The target population of the study was 120 respondents who were composed of the staff working in Nyeri Law Court, Karatina Law Court, Mukurweini Law Court and Othaya Law Court. Sample size of 96 respondents was arrived at after stratified random samplings method was used. Data from primary sources were gathered from respondents through the use of open and closed ended questionnaires. The researcher used a multiple regression analysis to determine the relationship between organizational culture and judiciary performance in Nyeri County. Data was analyzed by the use of descriptive analysis using SPSS package and presented using tables and figures. The findings indicated that there is less of disruptions in the court operations in Nyeri County. Majority of the respondents agreed that the Nyeri law courts have formal procedures which govern policies and formal rules thus enabling smooth running of the Courts. The study found that Nyeri courts encourages citizen in the county in sharing ideas related to processing of information. Majority of the respondents agreed that the court emphasizes on human development and teamwork in the workplace throughout all the department within Nyeri law court. The results indicated that majority of the employees in the court were allowed to have ideas that will enable easier processing of data in Nyeri law Courts. The courts encourage competitive actions and achieving stretched targets in all departments within the Courts. Majority of the employees indicated that the court style of leadership in Nyeri County is characterized by leaders with strive for excellence. The study concludes that there was a strong positive relationship between independent variable; competitive culture, collaborative culture, hierarchy culture and innovative culture and the dependent variables; judiciary performance.enOrganization CulturePerformanceJudiciaryNyeri CountyKenyaOrganization Culture and Performance of the Judiciary in Nyeri County, KenyaThesis