Godfrey KinyuaAnne MuchemiOuma, Paul2022-08-232022-08-232022http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/24046A Thesis Proposal Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Business (Strategic Management) Kenyatta University, June 2022The concept of performance is pertinent to organizations as it gauges how well organization utilizes its resources to make income over given period of time. Central bank of Kenya regulated microfinance banks have been performing poorly as illustrated by huge losses declared by MFBs in their full year financial statements. Competitive corporate environment is incessantly operating to reduce rate of return on investment. To mitigate these competitive forces, organizations have resolved to collecting data at their disposal and transforming it into competitive intelligence through assessment and judgment. Thus, the current research sought to investigate influence of competitive intelligence strategy on performance of Central Bank of Kenya regulated microfinance banks. Specific objectives of research sought to establish effect of technological intelligence strategy, marketing intelligence strategy, competitor intelligence strategy, regulating and intervening effects of regulatory framework and competitive advantage on performance of Central Bank of Kenya regulated microfinance banks in Nairobi City County. Research was grounded on balanced scorecard model, RBV theory, Porter’s five forces model, institutional theory and adopted positivism paradigm. The study utilized cross-sectional research design comprising descriptive and explanatory research methods. Target population was 13 Central Bank of Kenya regulated microfinance banks. Sample of 344 participants was nominated using combination of sampling methods. Primary data was gathered using of open and closed-ended questionnaire. Reliability was be determined by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.7 and above was considered adequate. Validity was established by use of face, content and construct validity. Quantifiable information was evaluated by both descriptive and inferential indicators while qualitative information was examined through content analysis. Outcomes of the research found out that competitive intelligence strategy absolutely impact performance. Market intelligence strategy and competitor intelligence strategy were found to be statistically significant while technological intelligence strategy was not statistically significant. Competitive advantage was established to partly intervene the connection between competitive intelligence strategy and performance. In addition, the outcomes also had shown regulatory framework regulates the connection between competitive intelligence strategy and performance regulated microfinance bank. Management of regulated microfinance banks ought to increase application level of competitive intelligence strategy to allow organizations create precise expectations on variations in the business environment, contest better in the marketplace, advance on invention and computerization, monitor contestants' undertakings and expand on effectiveness of their organizations by detecting threats and prospects before they become observable. The research recommends that prospective studies ought to concentrate on advancing information on competitive intelligence strategy to other sectors of the economy to aid in simplification of outcomes to all segments in the economy.enCompetitiveIntelligenceStrategyPerformanceRegulated Microfinance BanksNairobi City CountyCompetitive Intelligence Strategy and Performance of Regulated Microfinance Banks in Nairobi City CountyThesis