Mwasiaji, EvansIloka, Kenneth2023-08-032023-08-032021Mwasiaji, E., & Iloka, K. (2021). Cyber Security Concerns and Competitiveness for Selected Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprises in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya. SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 8(8), 1-7.2348 – 8387doi:10.14445/23488387/IJCSE-V8I8P101 study hence sought to establish data security concerns for selected medium scale manufacturing enterprises in Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted in obtaining data from 76 senior executives. The study recorded 63.33% response rate with 67% of the enterprises reporting having experienced a cyber related incident within the last one year. Theft of intellectual property was the most cited cyber security threat at 38%, followed by phishing (24%) and malware (22%). Despite this, only about 6% of the executives are conversant with the applicable data security laws in the country, while 50% are not sure whether their enterprises’ cyber risk management program and capabilities are aligned to industry standards. The study concluded that cybercrime is a global problem that exposes businesses to legal suits by customers due to data breach, and may inhibit a firm’s competitiveness due to loss of customer confidence, stolen business strategies and intellectual property. There is need therefore for governments globally to collaborate in facilitating capacity building for entrepreneurs and partner in providing policy solutions to address cyber security. This would enhance contributions by e-commerce compliant businesses towards global sustainable development.enCyber SecurityMedium Scale Manufacturing EnterprisesCyber Security Concerns and Competitiveness for Selected Medium Scale Manufacturing Enterprises in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in KenyaArticle