Piero, N.M.Njagi, J.M.Kibiti, C MNgeranwa, J.J.N.Njagi, E.N.M.2013-09-242013-09-242012International Journal of Diabetes Research 2012, 1(2): 24-27http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/7340DOI: 10.5923/j.diabetes.20120102.01Diabetes mellitus is suspected based on symptoms. Urine and blood tests can be used to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes based on the amount of glucose in the urine and blood. Urine tests can also detect ketones and protein in the urine, which may help diagnose diabetes and assess how well the kidneys are functioning. These tests can also be used to monitor the disease once the patient is under treatment. This paper reviews the different diagnostic tests for diabetes mellitus. Keywords Diabetes Mellitus, Ketones, Urine Tests, Blood TestsenDiabetes MellitusKetonesUrine TestsBlood TestsDiagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus.Article