Mazrui, Lubna M.2015-01-152015-01-152014 of Philosophy (PHD) Department of special needs education 181p. September 2014, HV 1559 .K4M3This mixed methods study investigated the determinants of primary school wastage for learners with disabilities in the Coast province of Kenya. The study sought to: establish patterns of grade repetition and dropout, investigate determinants of wastage, establish the impact of wastage on learners and dropouts, and develop a model on how wastage can be reduced and educational access and achievement enhanced. The study participants were primary school learners with disabilities in special schools and units/integrated programmes in regular schools, school dropouts, adults with disabilities who were former learners of special schools and units/integrated programmes, parents of repeaters and dropouts, and primary school teachers. Participants were sampled through purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Research data was collected through documentary analysis, interviews and Focused Group Discussions. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and discourse analysis. Study findings revealed that repetition and dropout of learners with disabilities was not frequent, and that wastage affected boys and learners with hearing impairments most. Findings also revealed that the wastage of learners with disabilities resulted from economic, socio-cultural and other factors which were neither economic nor socio-cultural. Findings further revealed that wastage has a negative impact on learners and dropouts with disabilities, and that this impact can be decreased by employing various measures for preventing wastage. The implications of these findings are discussed. A model for preventing wastage and improving the educational achievement and academic success of learners with disabilities, based on the findings of this and previous studies, is also proposed. This model consists of several measures to be implemented at the community and school levelsenDeterminants of primary school wastage for learners with disabilities in Coast province, Kenya: towards a theoretical prevention modelThesis