Gathaara, M. P. H.Kiara, J. M.2014-07-292014-07-291988Kenya Coffee (Kenia). 1988. v. 53(618) p. 309-312. trial was set up to find out the optimum irrigation rate and interval and their effects on tree growth and yield of Arabica coffee. The irrigation rates were 38, 76 and 100 mm of water applied at 14, 21 and 28 days intervals. Results indicate that there were no significant yield differences between the rates and between the intervals. Irrigation however increased Grade "A" coffee by 43 per cent. The best rate x interval combination was 76 mm at 28 day interval which is the current practice. This was 113 kg per ha. more than 38 mm at 21 day interval. It is concluded that there was very little yield advantage occurring from the higher irrigation rates. The practical implications of these results are discussedencoffea arabicairrigationapplication methodsEffects of irrigation rates and frequency on the growth and yield of arabic coffeeArticle