Gachara, Joshua2016-04-252016-04-252003-09Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender, Vol. 19966996918 international conference proceeedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya chapterOur societies are in pathetic state and are gradually recovering from their traditional amnesia to the wake of modern civilization. However, in both traditional and modern, the societies are experienriing a state of gender disempowerment, gender injustices characterizing human rights abuse and an imbalance of roles played by member. This makes them not realize and utilize their maximum potentials towards development, hence lowering human dignity. The paper critically assesses issues raised in the above; elaborate them and relate how each hinders economic development. It discusses how these problems can be tackled through institutions such as the government; NGOs, and how they canfully participate in handling certain issues. Such issues include domestic violence,female genital cut, African taboos and traditions in relation to gender, and the effects of male domination in civil warfare.enUnder development as a reflection of gender disempowerment and injustices in society: The way forwardDisparities in developing countries types, challenges and the way forwardPresentation