Mbewa, MartinNdende, F.W.S.Laichena, Elizabeth K.2012-07-032012-07-032012-07-03http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/5246Department of Accounting and Finance,72p.The LB 2826.6 .K4L3 2011The increasing cost of Secondary education and increasing level of Poverty have seen the coming of many day secondary schools through out the country. The success of these schools in terms of provision of learning resources and. quality of Education is determined by financial management Practices used by head teachers. However in the recent past, public secondary schools in Kenya have witnessed increased cases of financial mismanagement as found out by audit and inspection unit carried out by MOEST (2004). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the financial management practices in Public day Secondary schools in Kenya, taking a case of Imenti North district. The study aimed at investigating whether day secondary schools in Imenti North district have well established financial management practices. It also identified the challenges, if any that faced the financial management practices. The study was carried out in twenty six (26) day secondary schools in Imenti North district. All Head teachers and Account clerks from each school were included in the study. Data was collected using open and some closed-ended questionnaires. The result of the data was analyzed using frequency distribution tables, data converted into percentages and reported in frequency distribution tables, bar graphs and pie charts where necessary. The study concluded that day secondary schools have spent a lot of their resources in payment of salaries to the support staff, BOG teachers, construction of physical facilities such as classes, administration block etc in their initial years. The study also found out that some of the statutory regulations are old and out dated, that most of the schools had received auditors and inspectors only once in the last one year while others did not have them at all. The study therefore recommends that inspection and auditing of day secondary schools should be carried out more frequently so as to prevent financial mismanagement.enEducation --Kenya --Imenti North, Meru --FinanceEducation, Higher --ResearchAn evaluation of financial management practices in public day secondary schools in Kenya: Imenti North District-MeruThesis