Effects of social-economic and institutional factors on boys' performance in Kenya certificate of secondary education in Subukia District, Kenya

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Mwaniki, John Migwi
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To understand the causes of the evident declining performance of boys in secondary schools, the study sought to establish institutional and social economic factors that affect the boy students' achievement in Subukia District, Nakuru County. The study had four objectives namely; to assess the performance of boys in Kenya Certificate of secondary Education in Subukia District; to analyze the social-economic factors affecting the performance of boys in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Subukia District; to evaluate institutional factors affecting performance of boys in Kenya Certificate of secondary Education in Subukia District: and to assess the mechanisms adopted by secondary schools in Subukia District to help boys improve their performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. The study adopted a survey design where questionnaires and interviews were administered to the participants. The target population ofthe study was 7,943 consisting of7,886 boy students and 57 principals. Using purposive sampling technique, the study drew a sample of 429 consisting of 372 students and 57 principals The data collection instruments included a questionnaire and an interview. The questionnaire was used to collect data from the students while the interview was used to collect qualitative data from the principals. The quantitative data obtained was analyzed using SPSS to generate mean, percentages frequency. The data was presented using pie charts, graphs and frequency tables. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis where themes were identified and interpreted. Further, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to establish the extent to which the social-economic and institutional factors affected the performance of the boys in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education In Subukia Districts. Among the findings of the study was that parents' income and education levels positively correlated to the boys' performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. Syllabus coverage and motivation by teachers are also positively correlated to boys' performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Subukia District. According to the principals, the specific problems that affect boys' performance negatively were truancy and coupling especially in mixed schools. The study concluded that as boys progress within the school system their performance declines due to institutional and social economic factors such as lack of fees and indiscipline. This study recommends that secondary schools should consider fully operational guidance and counseling departments to mitigate on the effects of social-economic and institutional factors effecting the boys performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Subukia District.
Department of Educational Management Policy & Curriculum Studies, 47p.2013