Transformational Leadership Influence on Performance of Employees in Selected Flower Firms in Nakuru County, Kenya
Wanjiru, Peninnnah Muthoni
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Kenyatta University
Transformational leadership is progressively being focused on by the flower industry
since it improves employee performance. The flower firm’s employees who have
been stressed can’t carry out their tasks well hence affecting the output level
negatively. Even though the horticultural industry is among the vision 2030’s flagship
project s, there are concerns regarding emerging issues in the organization leading to
employee health problems, burn-out and low productivity and increased absenteeism.
A lot of resources have been allocated to the horticultural industry by the government
since it is aware the sector’s significance. Kshs. 564 million was allocated to the
sector during the 2015/16 annual budget for its activities enhancement but like other
agricultural areas, the sector has not realized its vision. The study’s general objective
was to assess how employee performance among Nakuru County flower firms is
affected by transformational leadership. The path goal and transformationaltransactional
leadership theory informed the study. The research design was
descriptive. 21 flower businesses in Nakuru County served as the unit of analysis, and
115 top-level executives and 188 middle-level executives served as the unit of
observation. The 105 respondents were obtained using a stratified random sampling
and Nassiuma's equations to meet the sample size requirements. Primary data
collection was by a questionnaire desirable for the study. The researcher sought for
relevant authorization to collect data, after the permission has been granted, the
researcher proceeded to visit Baraka Roses in Nakuru County, for introduction. The
pilot study was carried in Salgaa flower firm where 9 top level management
employees will be issued with the questionnaires. Supervisors’ views was utilized in
enhancing the research instrument’s content validity while Reliability will be tested
using Cronbach’s Alpha. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered. Quantitative
data was analyzed using SPSS version 24. The study employed inferential and
descriptive statistics. Percentages, frequency, standard deviation and mean was
utilized for descriptive statistics. For inferential statistics, correlation analysis was
conducted. The data was presented inform of tables. According to the study's findings,
there was a statistically significant moderately favorable association between
idealized impact and employee performance of the flower businesses sector in Nakuru
County. The study also discovered a statistically significant somewhat positive
association between individual consideration and worker performance in the Nakuru
County flower sector. Additionally, it was determined that there was a significant link
between intellectual stimulation and worker performance in the Nakuru County
flower sector. The study also showed a significant positive association between
inspiring motivation and worker performance in the Nakuru County flower sector.
The study came to the conclusion that the organization gives its employees a sense of
personal success. The study came to the additional conclusion that the leadership of
the firm thoroughly comprehends other employee perception. Additionally, the survey
found that the work environments supplied by flower businesses allow for a healthy
balance between work and other life difficulties. The study's final finding was that
promotions in the Nakuru County flower sector are based on merit. The researcher
recommends conducting additional research to determine the impact of democratic
leadership on worker performance in businesses. The study included a number of
restrictions. The management of the flower industry was first reluctant to permit data
collection. They were persuaded by the researcher that all of the information would
only be used for academic purposes.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business
Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment for the
Award of Degree in Masters of Business Administration
(Human Resource Management) of Kenyatta University
Leadership Influence, Performance of Employees, Flower Firms, Nakuru County, Kenya