Work Life Balance and Employee Engagement in Commercial Banks in Nairobi City County, Kenya

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Afwande, Sylivia
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Kenyatta University
In the era of global competition, the employee plays a key role in helping the organization achieve its goals. Hence, companies should thrive to ensuring that their employees are engaged, as this might drive employees to better performance as they achieve optimal results for the company however this might often result to the workers wasting their social and family time hence a need to draw a balance between work and other life activities. This study looked at the influence between of work life balance on employee engagement in commercial banks in Nairobi city county, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study was to assess the effects of work flexibility on employee engagement in commercial banks in Nairobi City County Kenya, to ascertain the effect of employee assistance programs on employee engagement in commercial banks in commercial banks in Nairobi City County Kenya, to ascertain the impact of teleworking arrangement on employee engagement on commercial banks in commercial banks in Nairobi City County Kenya and to ascertain the impact of job sharing among employees on employee engagement in commercial banks in commercial banks in Nairobi City County Kenya. The underpinning for this study was the border theory/work-family border theory, social exchange theory, Spill over theory and the expectancy theory. The intended audience consisted of 43 regulated and authorized banks by the Central bank of Kenya. The researcher utilized a questionnaire to gather primary data from bank personnel. When analysing qualitative data, content analysis was employed to prepare and organize the content of the responses, evaluate and explore the data, and then categorize the responses according to similar themes or patterns for logical categorization. Descriptive statistics, such as percentages, was utilized to help convert raw data into a format that facilitated understanding and interpretation in relation to the study themes. Additionally, to examine quantitative data, inferential statistics like linear regressions were used. For quantitative data, the presentation took the form of tables and graphs with a textual explanation. The study found that work flexibility, employee assistance programs, teleworking arrangement and job sharing had a positive and significant influence on employee engagement in commercial banks in Nairobi City County Kenya. The study concluded that allowing current employees to work flexible schedules can help you retain valuable employees. Offering flexible schedules may assist the organization in attracting more top-tier talent. Employers can benefit from employee assistance programs by lowering absenteeism, workers’ compensation claims, health-care costs, accidents, and grievances. Teleworking arrangements can help employees feel more in control of their working lives, which can lead to increased productivity, fewer instances of sickness and absenteeism. Before beginning to implement the employee assistance program, the commercial banks should plan a workable and simple design for it. The commercial banks should provide flexible and remote working options and encourage managers to prioritize productivity over hours. The commercial banks should clearly define the collective role description and responsibilities to ensure the role the employee is serving the bank and that those all-important outcomes or objectives are set out and also ensure the skillset of individuals matches.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) of Kenyatta University, November 2023.
Work Life Balance, Employee Engagement, Commercial Banks, Nairobi City County, Kenya