Corporate Social Responsibility Programs on Media House Performance in Selected Media Houses

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Kemunto, Ondieki Deborah
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Kenyatta University
Despite the fact that professionals and the scholastics' significant advantages have been drawn by CSR practices, little consideration has been received by the thought processes driving the CSR practices in the academic writing, particularly from the experimental point of view. There is an absence of drudge scrutinizing the causal drivers of CSR programs on firm performance especially for media firms, and we have to even more instantly comprehend the portions that grow how and why firms act biologically, relate with the workforce, and the system all around Recently, there has been an imperative growth in eagerness for CSR, and it is seen as a colossal subject for research. CSR topic has gotten educational thought and is transforming into a standard-issue for certain affiliations. Nonetheless, it has been noticed that the exploration of CSR in media houses is very inadequate. The general objective of this study is to investigate the effect of CSR programs on media houses performance. The specific objectives are to investigate; the effect of labour relations program on media house performance in selected media houses, the effect of environmental sustainability program on media house performance in selected media house and the effect of community relations program on media house performance in selected media house. The investigation was regulated at the huge media houses in Kenya that is the Royal Media, Nation media and The Standard Group. The data gathering instrument was self-directed poll and information was gathered by a drop and pick later system of the structure. The gathered information was checked for the fulfillment, coded and fed into SPSS Version 25. The information was at that point dissected utilizing SPSS and furthermore the strategy included tallying up responses, processing rates of varieties accordingly moreover as depicting and deciphering the data per the investigation targets through the usage of SPSS. This examination engaged a blended research plan that joined both illustrative and quantitative research. The investigation populace included 199 sample workers in the three media houses. The investigation focused on all top and center administration staffs at all the three media houses, sample random sampling was utilized to choose top and center level managers. The study deduced that majority of the media houses are not committed to; labor relations programs, environmental sustainability programs, and in the community relations programs. This led to poor performance rating of most media firms. From the research findings, most of the media firms do not benefit largely from environmental sustainability programs they have, and some media firms have been forced by members of the community to adopt an environmental sustainability program. However, the environmental sustainability programs adopted by the media firms led to improved performance of the respective firms. It was revealed that majority of the media houses are committed to some extent in developing great community relations. Companies that incorporate social into their strategic plan always focus on uplifting the living standards of the community and safeguarding the environment they operate within. The study recommends that media houses should work closely with their employee and the community as a whole to keep a long-term relationship.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Business Administration Degree (Strategic Management Option) of Kenyatta University, November, 2021
Corporate, Social Responsibility, Programs, Media House, Performance, Selected Media Houses