Digital Transformation and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives in Nairobi City County, Kenya

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Ogindo, Eunita Atieno
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Kenyatta University
The deposit taking Saccos in Kenya have registered increased amount of nonperforming loans as well as reduction in liquidity, which have affected their overall financial performance. Additionally, Saccos have faced stiff competition from other financial institutions due to their slow uptake of digital transformation in the past. Currently, there has been an increase in uptake of digital transformation in Saccos. Therefore, this study sought to examine how digital transformation affects the financial performance of Nairobi-based Saccos. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the impact of mobile banking, ATM services, agency banking services and internet banking on financial performance. The Study was supported by financial intermediation theory, agency theory and transaction cost innovation theory. Explanatory research design was used for this study. The target group consisted of 44 licensed Saccos. 30 Saccos were included in this study. This study used secondary panel data from 2017 to 2021. The method used was panel regression. While utilizing descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum, it was possible to characterize the characteristics of the research variables. Regression and correlation were also employed. The results showed that agency banking (β=0.046817, p<0.05) and internet banking (β=0.109425, p<0.05) had a positive and significant effect on the financial performance of Saccos in Nairobi having districts. The results also showed that mobile banking (β= -0.00945, p>0.05) and ATM (β=0.072028, p>0.05) have no significant impact on the financial performance of saccos by taking deposits in cities in Nairobi. The study concluded that the key factors improving the financial performance of Saccos deposit beneficiaries in Nairobi District were agency banking and online banking. The study also concluded that ATMs and mobile banking have no impact on deposit-taking saccos' financial success. The paper makes recommendations for enhancing agency banking services for Saccos that accept deposits. The study also suggests enhancing the online banking system for managing Saccos that accept deposits. The research also advises the leadership of deposit-taking Saccos to review their policies on ATMs and mobile banking in order to identify any potential obstacles to taking appropriate action. For further studies, longer periods should be considered, loan performance and the quality of services offered should be looked at.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration (Finance) of Kenyatta University
Digital Transformation, Financial Performance, Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives, Nairobi City County, Kenya