Jumping is Not Just About Height: Biosocial Becomings as an Integrative Approach in Understanding Contextualized Jump Performance in Maasai Society
Tianid, Xiaojie
Yanoharaid, Yushi
Mwangiid, Francis M.
Sado, Natsuki
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Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA
Studies focused on jumping performance in humans have so far investigated either its biological or sociocultural significance, with very little attentions paid to the inseparable relations of these two aspects in daily life of people. Integrating both ethnographic and
biomechanical methods, this research investigated the biosocial features of the jump performance of Maasai youth in its most well observed context, the wedding ceremony. Ethnographic data were used to explain the social status of participants, the physical movements
and singing tempo of performers, and their interactions. Biomechanical methods were
applied to assess the heights and frequencies of identified repetitive double-legged vertical
jumps (n = 160, from 15 male youths). All youth performers followed a certain posture pattern, paying specific attention to their final landing. Large variations exist in their jumping
heights [coefficient of variation (CV) = 0.237]; however, the frequency in jump repetitions
were maintained with the least variations (CV = 0.084). Cheering interactions were confirmed, but with no significant difference in height between the cheered and non-cheered
groups. These results indicate that the Maasai youths did not compete for jump height during local ceremonies. Rather, they emphasized the rhythmical retention of jumps, corresponding to other youth mates who were singing alongside. In the broader context of human
behaviors, the analysis addresses the diverse meanings of motor performances in different
daily contexts that reject the generalized sports regime of “higher/faster-the-better”
Tian, X., Yanohara, Y., Mwangi, F. M., & Sado, N. (2022). Jumping is not just about height: Biosocial becomings as an integrative approach in understanding contextualized jump performance in Maasai society. Plos one, 17(12), e0278547.