Factors Affecting Implementation of Vision 2030 Flagship Projects In Kenya: A Case of the Galana-Kulalu Irrigation Scheme

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Leshore, Lenas
Minja, David
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Vision 2030 blueprint has received applauds as one of most progressive ideas ever envisioned. However, its implementation has come to be synonymous with its failure rate more than its success rate. The study focus on food security as one of the most desired objectives and the case in point is the development and implementation of the Galana-Kulalu irrigation scheme. GalanaKulalu food security scheme was touted as a solution to cyclic hunger problems in the country where 1,000,000 acres was to be put under irrigation by the year 2022. To date, only 5,000 acres out of the targeted one million is under crop, even as millions of Kenyans are going to bed without food. The irrigation project is one of the key campaign promises that the Jubilee administration made in its manifesto to make Kenya a foodsecure nation through the one-million-acre land irrigation initiative. The initiative objective was to reduce food shortages among Kenyans since food security is the first step towards realizing a strong growing and efficient nation. Objectives that guided this study were to establish the cost related factors on the implementation of vision 2030 projects in general and in particular, the Galana-Kulalu irrigation scheme, contractor related factors on the implementation of this project and to determine the importance of monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of vision 2030 projects in general. The study was based on a target population of 70 National Irrigation Board officials and 100 project managers were selected. Descriptive research design method was used in collecting data; simple sampling and convenience sampling method will be used in choosing the samples to be studied in the research. SPSS was used to analyze both primary and secondary source of data such as questionnaires. Finally the data was presented in charts, tables and graphs as will be found appropriate for each set of data. The findings revealed that cost related factors, contractor related factors and monitoring and evaluation significantly relate to implementation of vision 2030 flagship project since P-value (0.00) is less than 0.05. However, the study recommended that a proper financial guideline should be drawn in the scheme with a clear direction on the sourcing of funds for the projects, the process of monitoring and evaluation of the financial process be enhanced and the delays that are realized as a result of bureaucracy be addressed.
implementation, Vision 2030 flagship projects, Galana-Kulalu irrigation scheme, Kenya
Leshore, L., & Minja, D. (2019). Factors affecting implementation of Vision 2030 flagship projects in Kenya: A case of the Galana-Kulalu irrigation scheme. International Academic Journal of Law and Society, 1(2), 395-410.