Organizational Capabilities and Implementation of Health Care Projects by Busia County Government, Kenya

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Makokha, David Taabu
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All the 47 county governments in Kenya undertake health care functions as part of the service delivery to its citizens. The construction of health care facilities in Busia County, funded by various sources, has seen the number of health facilities in all sub-counties increasing. The County Government has made significant improvements to the health-care infrastructure.These projects, however, face implementation challenges, as many health projects fail to be implemented due to factors such as time inefficiency, financial constraints, and a lack of political will.Therefore, the study sought to investigate the influence of organizational capabilities on the implementation of health care projects by Busia County Government, Kenya. The specific objectives sought to determine the influence of organizational structure, resource allocation, leadership and organizational culture on projects implementation by Busia County government, Kenya. The resource-based view theory, project implementation theory, and classical organizational theory guided this research. A descriptive research approach was used. The target population were six health projects implemented by Busia County, Kenya. The study had 95 respondents, who were project managers and team members. A census of 95 respondents was conducted. The study instrument was a quantitative questionnaire. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics using means and standard deviations were adopted. The presentation of data was in tables and figures. The inferential statistics that involved correlation and regressions analysis was used to determine the influence of one variable on the other. The study found that organizational structure, resource allocation, leadership and organizational culture had a positive and significant influence on projects implementation by Busia County government, Kenya. The study concluded that organizational structure empowers the project team and is obligated to exercise independent judgment and to delegate authority to those who have agreed to accept responsibility for the results of their work. The project manager identifies issues, prevents over allocation, and adapts to change with the help of proper resource allocation, which guarantees that the project has the appropriate staff, equipment, money, etc., as efficiently as possible. Successful project managers continually develop their leadership skills to encourage and motivate teams. Planning, scheduling, monitoring, and coordination of project activities are ensured by effective leadership. Projects that start with the tenet that organizations are living social systems and evaluate, identify, work with, and adhere to the organization's fundamental culture have a higher chance of success. The study recommended that the project manager should establish a structure for the project that will accommodate the project requirements throughout each phase, assess the team members' strengths at the outset, and enquire about their comfort in their roles after they have been assigned. The project managers must ensure that they must avoid overstaffing and understaffing and make sure the appropriate number of project team members is available at all times. To successfully achieve a project's goals, project managers must combine various disciplines and a variety of skills. They must also communicate clearly and foster an environment where everyone can succeed. Project managers should demonstrate the value and benefits that project management brings to both the project and the County as a whole, as well as contributing to strategies that positively leads to the development of County health care projects.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment for the Award of Degree in Master of Business Administration (Project Management) of Kenyatta University, November, 2022
Organizational Capabilities, Organizational Implementation, Health, Health Care Projects, Busia County Government, Kenya