Security Awareness and Students’ Safety in Selected Universities in Kenya
Mwiti, Antony Manyara
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Kenyatta University
The prevalence of criminal attacks and victimization of university students is an issue of
global concern. Such incidences have been observed with increasing regularity in Kenyan
universities. This study sought to explore how security awareness can enhance students’
safety in universities in Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were to investigate
factors that cause students’ vulnerability to criminal attacks; examine how observance of
principles of security can enhance safety of university students and analyze non-personal
security strategies for enhancing student’s safety. The study reviewed empirical literature
to shed light on the thematic areas. The research, which adopted the Routine Activity
Theory, used cross-sectional descriptive survey design, and was carried out in Kabarak,
Egerton and Kenyatta Universities. Respondents and informants of the study were chosen
using mixed sampling techniques which included random, stratified, and purposive
sampling. Field data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. The data
collected was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Simple
descriptive statistics were used to present quantitative data and qualitative data was
presented verbatim. This study concluded that observance of principles of personal security
can be used to reduce individual vulnerability of university students in Kenya to security
threats. The study further noted a host of factors that make students vulnerable to criminal
attacks key among them being their poor observance of principles of personal security.
Finally, the research explored non-personal security measures whose adoption by
universities in Kenya could enhance students’ safety. From the findings, the study vouched
for the training of university students to enhance their security awareness and the enactment
and periodical review of campus security policies to remain relevant in the era of dynamic
contemporary security threats. Other recommendations include the active profiling of
potential offenders, periodic conduct of threat assessment, integrating technology to
enhance students’ safety, development of emergency response plans and the adoption of a
layered approach to university security plans in all areas of the campuses: entry points, the
building infrastructure of the lecture halls, libraries, and halls of residence. Cumulatively,
these measures will enable the university communities to remain proactive in anticipating
and responding to potential threats to students’ safety in Kenyan Universities.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Strategic Security Studies of Kenyatta University, June 2023.
Security Awareness, Students’ Safety, Universities, Kenya