Public Financial Reforms and Performance of Noncommercial State Corporations in Kenya

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Kimuli, Patricia Mumo
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Kenyatta University
State owned corporations are very important in providing financial solutions in order to foster public service delivery and economic development. However, irrespective of this crucial role, these enterprises face numerous challenges, and they have over years recorded dismal performance as a result of poor financial management, different financial reporting formats, increased corruption, poor governance, political interference and others. In the past, a number of initiatives were undertaken to enhance the financial management among state corporations. These were initially necessitated by the fact that the roles of the Parliament and Auditor General had been previously ignored. This called for the reviewing of the existing PFM reforms and frameworks since 2006. Review of these reforms highlighted the fact the organizations are still faced by various challenges targeted to implement these reforms. To counter these challenges, the corporations have adopted and implemented various public financial reforms (PFRs). The purpose of the study was to ascertain how the performance of State enterprises was impacted by the re-engineering of IFMIS, budget creation and execution, accounting and reporting reforms, and internal and external audit reforms. The non-commercial state corporations made up the study's target population. Specifically, the study only focused on the state executive agencies. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. Descriptive analysis helped to give thorough understanding of the respondents and the data they provided. Mean, frequencies, and percentages were used in this. The study concluded that IFMIS re-engineering help to increase accountability and transparency in the management of funds. By this, it helps to curb fraudulence and corruption. Regarding budget formulation and execution, the study concludes that effective implementation of budget formulation and execution reforms ensures that the budgeted funds are utilized for the planned projects, it ensures that the available resources are used effectively, and gives the organizations a proper way of benchmarking the performance of the organizations. On accounting and reporting reforms, the study concludes that with proper accounting and reporting reforms, the noncommercial state corporations would help to streamline the internal controls of the organizations so as to foster transparency and accountability. On internal and external control reforms, the study concludes that proper implementation of control reforms contributes to performance of noncommercial state corporations. Effective internal audit, proper control environment, and effective risk management contributes to increased accountability and transparency in public funds management.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Finance Option) in Kenyatta University, June 2023.
Public Financial Reforms, Performance of Noncommercial State Corporations, Noncommercial State Corporations, Kenya