Influence of Leadership Competencies on Performance of Tea Companies in Nandi County, Kenya

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Chikamai, Maureen Mutsachi
Makhamara, Felistus
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In Kenya, there is evident declining results in the Tea sector in regard to sector competitor’s prices from competing countries, commitment of workers and declarations of bonuses. On the same note, although tea earns the country the second largest share of export, there has been inefficiency in production and insufficient demand for sale volume of tea over the last decade. The study aimed to determine the effect of leadership competencies on Tea Company’s performance in Nandi County, Kenya. Strategic leadership theory was used to explain the interrelationship between variables. Empirical literature reviewed scholarly studies on leadership and its relationship with organizational performance. Descriptive research methodology was used. The unit of analysis were the management staff at the 9 tea organizations in Nandi County who total to 121. The survey adopted a census study of all 121 respondents for the population was small and manageable. Semi structured questionnaire through the self- administration method was used to collect data from the primary sources. Both content and construct validity were determined. The research results add value to the areas of strategic leadership and tea sector performance. The study found that most of the tea factories management uses guiding vision statement, mission statements, firm’s objectives and tea factory’s guiding principles to guide their strategic direction. The research study concluded leadership competencies significantly and positively affects performance of Tea factories. The study recommended that the management of Tea factories should focus on developing an organization's path through the creation of a vision, purpose, and core values through strategic leadership.
competencies, performance, leadership competencies
Chikamai, M. M., & Makhamara, F. (2021). Influence of leadership competencies on performance of tea companies in Nandi County, Kenya. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 5(1).