MODELLING OF PETROLEUM SYSTEM STRUCTURES BY USE OF GRAVITY AND SEISMIC DATA IN KERIO VALLEY BASIN, KENYA FAITH SILA [B.Ed. (Science)] I56/CE/29207/2015 A THESIS SUBMITTED AS PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF SCIENCE (GEOPHYSICS) IN THE SCHOOL OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY. NOVEMBER, 2021 DECLARATION DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my mum, Elizabeth, my siblings Sylvester Musyoki, Ann Muendi and Caro Mutio. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my supervisors Prof. W. J. Ambusso from Kenyatta University and Prof. J. G. Githiri from Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology and Agriculture greatly for their motivation, contributions at different stages of this research and writing of the report. Without them this research would not be possible. Am very grateful to NOCK exploration department members; Godfred Osukuku, Abiud Masinde, Edmond Wanjala, Innocent Murunga and Elizabeth for generously sharing their data and providing valuable inputs on the project initiation. I appreciate my friends for the assistance, encouragement and motivation they gave me throughout the study period. I thank Esther Muturi, Penina, Wataka and Sam Mburu. Lastly my mom, with her determination and hardwork, she supported me financially and morally, molding me up to this far. May God bless you all. TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION.......................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION............................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... iv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. viii LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................ ix ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS ...................................................................... x ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. xi 1.0 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of study ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Study area................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Geological setting of Kerio valley basin .................................................................. 6 1.4 Problem Statement ................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 8 1.5.1 General objective .................................................................................................. 8 1.5.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................ 8 1.6 Justification of the study .......................................................................................... 8 2.0 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................... 9 2.1 Historical literature review ...................................................................................... 9 2.2 Seismic reflection Technique in Field ................................................................... 11 2.3 Gravity method Technique in field ........................................................................ 12 2.4 Basin and Petroleum system modeling .................................................................. 13 2.4.1 Pressure ............................................................................................................... 14 2.4.2 Porosity ............................................................................................................... 14 3.0 CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................... 16 3.1 Gravity survey equipment ...................................................................................... 16 3.1.1 Global positioning system................................................................................... 16 3.1.2 Soldin gravimeter ................................................................................................ 16 3.2 Gravity data acquisition ......................................................................................... 17 3.2.1 Gravity data corrections ...................................................................................... 17 3.3 Seismic survey equipment ..................................................................................... 19 3.3.1 Geophones and geophone cables ........................................................................ 19 3.3.2 Seismometer ........................................................................................................ 19 3.4 Seismic data acquisition ......................................................................................... 20 3.5 Petroleum system and basin modelling.................................................................. 20 3.5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 20 3.5.2 Modelling work flows ......................................................................................... 20 4.0 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ........................................................................... 27 4.1 Gravity Data Processing ........................................................................................ 27 4.1.1 Bouguer anomaly map ........................................................................................ 27 4.1.2 Elevation of Kerio Valley Basin ......................................................................... 27 4.1.3 Analysis of Kerio Valley gravity data ................................................................ 28 4.2 Interpretation of observed anomalies ..................................................................... 29 4.2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 29 4.2.2 Quantitative interpretation of the gravity data .................................................... 30 4.2.3 Indirect methods.................................................................................................. 31 4.3 Seismic data processing and interpretation ............................................................ 34 4.3.1 Seismic Interpretation ......................................................................................... 36 4.4 Basin modelling ..................................................................................................... 39 4.4.1 Model dimension ................................................................................................ 39 4.4.2 Model outputs ..................................................................................................... 39 4.4.3 Thermal history ................................................................................................... 43 4.4.4 Maturation history ............................................................................................... 44 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................... 46 5.1 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 46 5.1.1 Density distribution ............................................................................................. 46 5.1.2 Basin evolution ................................................................................................... 46 5.2 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 48 5.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................. 49 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 50 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ 53 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: lithological facies of Kerio valley basin ..................................................... 22 Table 4.1: Structural indices of geological structure .................................................. 31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Topographical map of research area ........................................................... 5 Figure 1.2: Geological map of Kerio valley and its surrounding .................................. 7 Figure 2.1: Diagram showing geophone and source arrangement (Gluyas and Swarbrick, 2015).3 ....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3.1: Petroleum systems 1-D modelling (PS1D) workflow. .............................. 21 Figure 3.2: Paleo water depth curve of Kerio valley water depth. .............................. 23 Figure 3.3: Kerio valley basin sediment water interface temperature ......................... 24 Figure 3.4: Kerio valley basin Heat flow curve .......................................................... 25 Figure 4.1: Kerio valley basin bouguer anomaly contour map .................................... 27 Figure 4.2: Kerio valley basin elevation contour map ................................................. 28 Figure 4.3: 3-D topographical map of kerio valley basin ............................................ 28 Figure 4.4: Regional curve graph................................................................................. 30 Figure 4.5: A graph showing after regional and residual separation ........................... 30 Figure 4.6: Euler Deconvolution solutions of the profile cut along the basin. ............ 33 Figure 4.7:Grav2dc model of the profile along the basin ............................................ 34 Figure 4.8: Flowchart showing stages of seismic data processing .............................. 35 Figure 4.9: Representation of the three 3-D seismic lines ........................................... 38 Figure 4.10: A seismic line showing picked faults and horizons ................................ 38 Figure 4.11: Kerio valley burial history curve ............................................................. 39 Figure 4.12(a): Temperature curve for upper Miocene volcanics ............................... 40 Figure 4.12(b): Temperature curve for lower Miocene volcanics ............................... 40 Figure 4.12(c): Curve for Mio-Pliocene sediments ..................................................... 41 Figure 12(d): Temperature curve for Paleogene-Miocene sediments .......................... 41 Figure 13(a): Transformation ratio of upper Miocene volcanics ................................. 41 Figure 13(b): Transformation ratio of lower Miocene volcanics ................................. 41 Figure 13(c): Transformation ratio of mio-pliocene sediments ................................... 42 Figure 4.13(d): Transformation ratio of Paleogene-Miocene sediments ..................... 42 Figure 4.14: Sweeney and Burnham (1990) curves ..................................................... 42 Figure 4.15: Temperature and Sweeney and Burnham (1990) curves ......................... 43 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Profile Databefore Residual and Regional Separation ............................ 53 Appendix 2: Profile Data after Regional and Residual Separation .............................. 54 Appendix 3: Profile Regional Curve Data ................................................................... 55 Appendix 4: Approval of Research Proposal............................................................... 92 Appendix 5: Research Authorization Letter ................................................................ 93 Appendix 6: List of Data.............................................................................................. 94 ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS BHT Basal Heat Flow BGI International Gravimetric Bureau CMP Common Midpoint DWFR Davie Walu Fracture Ridge 1D 1 Dimensional 2 D 2 Dimensional 3D 3 Dimensional EARS Eastern Africa Rift System EMAG2 Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid GPS Global Positioning Station KRISP Kenya Rift International Seismic Project Ma Million years NOCK National Oil Company of Kenya N-S North-South NW-SE North West South East PS1D Petroleum System 1 Dimensional Modelling PWD Paleo water depth SEG-Y Society Exploration Group of geophysicists Y-format SWIT Sediment Water Interface temperature TMAX Maximum Temperature TR Transformation Ratio TS Surface Temperature TWT Two-way travel time ABSTRACT Kerio valley basin is one of the sedimentary basins in Kenya known to have hydrocarbon formation potential. Exploration is ongoing in the area with different geophysical methods being employed. The possible existence of significant hydrocarbons has led to increase investigating the structures developed interest in geological structures and basin modelling. This research utilized 2D seismic and gravity data with the aim of determining density variation within the basin, their characteristics and model geological structures of Kerio Valley basin. Gravity data collected in the basin was processed and interpreted using Golden surfer 8 to provide information about rock density contrast for the sedimentary layers. These sedimentary layers form from deposition and compaction of rocks due to pressure as the basin evolved. Data was uploaded in Euler deconvolution software with structural index of 1.0 and 0.5 in window size. It was again loaded in Grav2dc for forward modelling and the average density contrast values used were 2.2g/cm3, 2.5g/cm3, 2.28g/cm3 and 2.6g/cm3 respectively from the top to the deepest stratigraphic layer formed due to deposition and compaction of different rocks over a period of time. Seismic data was interpreted using PetroMod software, the value used for heat flow was 68Mw/m2 and paleo water depth were and 68m,112m,700m,840m and 900m as model input. Over a long period, the basin passed through tectonic regime and transformed into a sedimentary basin. ID model showed that the source rocks are mature and have potential to produce hydrocarbon as shown by vitrinite reflectance. Temperature curves show that temperature was maximum during Miocene volcanics and has been decreasing over a period of time. Gravity data analysis showed that there are high gravity anomalies at the western and eastern sides, low gravity anomalies at the centre of the basin and the sedimentation is constrained by two major faults. The basin is underlain by a deeper basement which is overlain by interbeds of sandstones and volcanoes. Seismic reflectors showed discontinuities which may be caused by lava flows. The deepest reflector showed the deep sedimentation in the basin. Geological structures necessary for hydrocarbon formation are present. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study Petroleum resources in Kenya are now being explored continually in more complex geological and geophysical methods due to the complicated petroleum systems despite the advanced technology applied in the field (Muia, 2013). The main hydrocarbon potential areas in Kenya are the four sedimentary basins; Lamu Basin, Anza Basin, Mandera basin and Tertiary Basin covering a total surface area of 485,000km2. The basins are divided into licensed blocks, 36 blocks licensed to 18 international companies; one block 14T is licensed to National Oil Corporation of Kenya. Various geophysical studies have shown possible existence of (poor to good) reservoirs of different quality in different parts of the basins. Lokichar basin is one of the basins in Tertiary rift which has mature source rocks and good reservoirs where over 600 million barrels of oil were discovered. Discoveries in Cheptuket exploration well in Kerio valley basin have shown possible existence of working hydrocarbon (Tullow, 2016). In this work, Kerio valley basin which has not been previously studied from petroleum systems modeling, was studied through integrated geophysical ways involving gravity and seismic data. Gravity data analyzed showed that there exist sedimentary and volcanic stratigraphic layers alternating from the earth’s surface to a depth of about ten kilometers and thereafter is a Precambrian basement. Modelling over Millions of Years in essence, basin and petroleum system modeling (BPSM) tracks the evolution of a basin through time as it fills with fluids and sediments that may eventually generate or contain hydrocarbons. In concept, BPSM is analogous to a reservoir simulation, but with important differences. Reservoir simulators model fluid flow during petroleum drainage to predict production and pro-vide information for its optimization. The distance scale is meters to kilometers, and the time scale is months to years. Although the flow is dynamic, the model geometry is static, remaining unchanged during the simulation. On the other hand, BPSM simulates the hydrocarbon-generation process to calculate the charge, or the volume of hydrocarbons available for entrapment, as well as the fluid flow, to predict the volumes and locations of accumulations and their properties. The distance scale typically is tens to hundreds of kilometers, and the periods covered may reach hundreds of millions of years. The model geometry is dynamic and often changes significantly during simulation. Basin and petroleum system modeling brings together several dynamic processes, including sediment deposition, faulting, burial, kerogen maturation kinetics and multiphase fluid flow. These processes can be examined at different levels, and complexity. Typically increases with spatial dimensions of the system; the simplest, 1D modelling, examines burial history at a point location. Two-dimensional modelling, either in map or cross section, can be used to reconstruct oil and gas generation, migration and accumulation along a cross section. Three-dimensional modelling reconstructs petroleum systems at reservoir and basin scales and has the ability to display the output in 1D, 2D or 3D, and through time. Most of the following discussion and examples pertain to 3D modelling; if the time dimension is including the modeling can be considered 4D. 1.2 Study area The study area is located in the tertiary rift and lies between Tugen hills to the east and Cherengani hills to the west. It is shown in figure 1.1 and located in licensed block 12A. It is in the southern part of Lokichar basin. The altitude is 1000 meters above the sea level. C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\FAITH SILA - Copy\hn.jpg Figure 1.1 Map of research area The rocks of the area are in the main poorly exposed. In the plains range outcrops are very rare, as there is thick sand and gravel cover on the surface of the plains. In the volcanic areas float is often abundant and is unreliable for mapping purposes, consisting usually of a mixture of quartz, grits, lavas and material derived from the breakdown of rocks of the Basement System. Unweathered solid outcrops are rare. There are some fairly good outcrops on the hill areas of Tugen and Cherengani but examination is difficult owing to the density of the bush cover. Outcrops of Basement System rocks are almost continuous along the foot of the Elgeyo escarpment, but there is evidence to suggest that many of them are large slipped masses. In the highlands west of the escarpment outcrops are exceedingly rare and in the forested areas non- existent, there being an overall humus-rich thick soil cover. Due to the uninhabited nature of much of the country little information is available concerning the climate. South of Chepkum may be regarded as having a rainfall typical of the Elgeyo escarpment, the main barrier lying athwart the rain-bearing winds. Station 6, lying in the plains near the south-eastern corner of the area, has a much lower rainfall comparable with that found throughout the plain areas. Rain falls on the plains mainly as isolated heavy storms of short duration, and often as many as five or six individual storms of small diameter are visible at the same time crossing the plains. Rain along the escarpment and in the hills above is, in contrast, prolonged and often falls for many hours without cessation. C:\Users\Faith\Downloads\IMG-20200215-WA0006(1).jpg Figure 1.2: Topographical map of research area 1.3 Geological setting of Kerio valley basin Kerio valley originated in the Pliocene tectonic movements of subsidence and rifting which created depocentres for Pleistocene sediments. This extension mechanism happened during the Paleogene period at the same time with rifting in northern Kenya(Chapman and Brooke,1978). These events led to formation Kerio valley basin. Exposure of fluvial and lacustrine sediments of Paleogene age includes green laminated sandstone of Kimwarer formation in Kerio basin. These exposures are located at the base of the Tugen hills that comprise sediment sequence of the Neogene system. Phonolitic and basaltic volcanic relatively capped Kerio basin in the period 23-10 Ma with fluvio lacustrine sediments. The stratigraphy of Kerio basin is complex with sedimentary formations alternating with volcanic lava flows. It has special strings of N-S oriented half grabens of Paleogene –Miocene age. The Elgeyo border Fault escarpment which is about 1500 meters exposes basement gneisses of Precambrian age overlaid by fluvial Miocene arkosic sandstones and defines the western edge of the rift (Morley, 1999). The region around Kerio Basin forms part of Cenozoic rifted zone of the northern Kenyan rift. During crustaceous-Paleogene times, there developed a N-S striking rift feature oblique to the original NW-SE rift basins (Le Gall et al., 2005). The Kerio basin comprises of young strata of 6-8 Km that overlie the basin. On the eastern flank of the Kerio Basin, formed by the Tugen Hills structural block, the oldest and lowermost volcanic formation to have been identified is the Sidekh Phonolites. This formation is 1200-m thick in the north, 700m thick in the Saimo area to the south and is dated at ca. 16.4 to 14.8-14.4 Ma (Chapman and Brook, 1978). About 80 m of sedimentary beds, called the Sigatgat Complex (Chapman et al., 1978) are intercalated within the Sidekh Phonolites. Between the metamorphic basement and the Sidekh Phonolites is the undated Kamego Formation, which is described as mainly being formed by arkosic sandstones (Chapman and Brook, 1978), and is inferred as a possible stratigraphic equivalent of the Kimwarer Formation in the Kerio Basin. Two volcanic units, the Lower Noroyan Formation (105m thick; formed by hawaiites and mugearites), and the Upper Saimo Formation (240m thick, formed by basanites and tephrites), dated at ca. 13.5-13.0 Ma (K-Ar method; Chapman et al., 1978), directly overlie the Sidekh Phonolites. C:\Users\Faith\Downloads\IMG-20200208-WA0032(6).jpg Figure 1.3: Geological map of Kerio valley and its surrounding 1.4 Problem Statement Many of the basins in Kenya along the rift have sedimentary rocks which are known to be potential hydrocarbon source rocks. Exploration has been done in some basins with drilling going on in others. In order to successfully locate these hydrocarbons, there must be sufficient knowledge about mature source rocks, reservoir rocks, seal rocks, generation, migration and accumulation. 1.5 Objectives 1.5.1 General objective The main objective of this study was to model petroleum system structures of Kerio valley basin through integrated geophysical data interpretation. 1.5.2 Specific objectives i. Determine gravity variation with the subsurface of Kerio valley basin. ii. Determine the subsurface structures that occur within the basin possible for petroleum traps. iii. Develop 1D seismic data model of petroleum system of Kerio valley basin using PetroMod software. 1.6 Justification of the study This research defined the source rock maturity and the geological conditions required for successful hydrocarbon formation. It showed the petroleum system of the Kerio valley Basin with parameters values such as temperature, vitrinite reflectance and transformation ratio. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Historical literature review Petroleum exploration in Kenya began in early twentieth century in most parts of the country by foreign companies. This was after oil was discovered in Uganda and Sudan in areas lying in the Africa Rift system early 1920’s. It was during this period 52 oil seeps were identified in Albertine Graben in Uganda. This discovery motivated oil companies and led to more exploration in areas near Albertine and in Rift system; Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Turkana using reflection seismic study. Amoco Kenya Petroleum Company was inspired by the discoveries made in Uganda and Sudan and conducted more seismic and gravity data around Lake Turkana in the east and south east direction. These studies led to discovery of half grabens within the Kenyan rift confirming sedimentary depocentres in the northern part of Kenyan rift. Reflection seismic survey was done in 1989 in Kerio valley basin to determine specific sedimentary horizons that had hydrocarbon potential (Mugisha, 1994). In 1992, two exploration wells were drilled; Eliye springs-1 well and Loperot-1 well in the Turkana basin and Lokichar basin respectively. Eliye springs-1 well was dry but Loperot-1 well showed few litres of waxed oil. The research showed that there exist a good reservoir and excellent source rocks in Lokichar Basin. This made attracted attention in Lokichar Basin and the surrounding basins. In 2012, British company Tullow oil, PLC, drilled first well successfully, Ngamia 1 in the Lokichar basin and recorded presence of petroleum at depth of 1041km (African Oil Corporation, 2014). Magnetic and gravity surveys data from International Gravimetric Bureau and Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid were processed and interpreted for major structures and geological anomalies based on variation in density, magnetism and chemistry of rocks. Gravity data revealed low values of -55mGals and this means that Kerio valley as quiescent half graben is suspected to be filled with fluvial, lacustrine sediments and thick piles of volcanics. The analytical signal anomaly map confirmed presence of basaltic signatures overlaid on sediments (Abiud et al., 2016). Exploration of the Cenozoic half graben basins of the East African Rift System in the early 1990's resulted in the acquisition of 2D seismic in the Turkana area (northern Kenya) led to the drilling of well Loperot-1 in the eastern part of the Lokichar Basin. The well turned out to be dry, and a second dry hole further north marked the end of the exploration activities. Recently, exploration has been revived in East Africa and revealed major discoveries near the Loperot-1 and in particular along the western bounding fault of the Lokichar Basin. This play is currently drilled out, and the first appraisal wells will reveal the commerciality of the discoveries. This study presents a regional synthesis, seismic interpretation and derived isopach maps, and a series of structural restoration sequences and petroleum systems models. This wild cat well encountered the organic-rich and oil-mature Lokhone and Loperot shale members and good reservoir facies in the Auwerwer and Lokhone sandstones, with oil shows. However, late tectonic activity of the trap-bounding fault is interpreted to have a destructive impact on the modelled pre-existing oil accumulation. Based on a serious of 2D and 3D petroleum systems models, we will then discuss the elements (source, reservoir, and seal rocks) and dynamic processes (trap formation, charge, and preservation) of the petroleum systems to discuss the success of the recent drilling activities in the Lokichar Basin. Finally, we will point out potential areas for future exploration. The analysis of the unconformities and the orientation of spatial trends in the isopach maps suggest three distinct periods of tectonic activity, from which only the most recent can be accurately dated (starting approximately Late Oligocene). A seismic interpretation study was undertaken on 58 migrated 2D marine seismic lines in the Lamu Basin, offshore Kenya. Gravity isostasy data were processed to give the overall regional interpretation of the major and minor structures within the basin. Davie Walu Fracture Ridge (DWFR) has large positive gravity anomalies extending from the Kenyan mainland to Tanzanian offshore with a NW-SE trend. Davie Walu Fracture ridge is an inverted harpoon that exhibits flower structures. The edges of the DWFR have large-sharp negative anomalies which indicate a large vertical displacement due to adjacent faults along the fracture zone. The displacements brought by these faults have created gravity-negative depocentres such as the Happy valley. Campanian Two Way Time (TWT) map depicts large throw faults separating Happy valley from the Davie Walu Fracture Ridge. The north-west section indicates that the accommodation space has been filled with sediments exceeding 6000ms TWT. Mio Miocene to Paleocene thickness map shows zone thickening to the west up to 3000ms TWT. Several tectonic episodes imply potential for stratigraphic trapping. There is also potential for stratigraphic traps to form in areas where depocentre have been inverted such as the inverted half graben. 2.2 Seismic reflection Technique in Field In reflection profiling (2D surveying) all source points and receivers are aligned along straight lines. Only when profiles run perpendicular to the prominent geologic strike, the reflected ray paths can be assumed to travel in the profile plane (Schuck and Lange 2007). During this survey the source point and its associated geophone spread are progressively moved forward along the profile line to achieve multilateral coverage of the underlying geological section, the mostly used spread is the split spread. C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\SCHRO\isgt.jpg Figure 2.1: Diagram showing geophone and source arrangement (Gluyas and Swarbrick, 2001).1 2.3 Gravity method Technique in field Gravity is a force that acts at a distance and therefore gravity method measures the gravitational differences in the different parts of the earth. Its strength is directly proportional to the mass and depth of the underlying structures. The equations governing gravity method are below F= Gm1m2r2 (2.1) Where F is the gravitational force, m1 and m2 are the masses of two bodies, r the distance of separation. In this method gravimeter is used to obtain the gravity readings. ..=mg (2.2) Combining the above two equations, 2.1 and 2.2, the gravity acceleration on the surface of the earth is obtained as g= GMERE (2.3) Equation (2.3) shows that acceleration is directly proportional to the earth’s mass ME and inversely proportional to earth’s radius RE. 2.4 Basin and Petroleum system modeling Petroleum modelling involves thermal and burial history modelling. Basin modelling, in one form or another, has been an integral part of petroleum exploration studies since the 1970s. Geochemical parameters have played a role in the development of these models as they have become more sophisticated. The major role of basin models is to reconstruct the history of sedimentary basins in an effort to predict how the processes of generation, expulsion, migration, trapping, and preservation control the volumetrics, quality and distribution of oil and gas in a basin. There are two aspects to basin modelling: thermal and fluid flow modelling. Thermal modelling deals with maturation, generation and cracking. Many parameters are required for the three-dimensional models in use today. But, from a geochemical point of view, probably the most important factors are related to generation kinetics and type of organic material in the source rock. Numerous geological parameters are also required, such as timing of geological events with respect to the source, carrier, reservoir, and overburden rock. This also includes information on the extent of deposition, nondeposition, uplift, erosion and subsidence. It has been recognized for some time that as organic matter is buried and subject to progressively higher temperatures, thermal degradation of the kerogen occurs to yield petroleum range hydrocarbons under reducing conditions. Among the earliest experiments demonstrating these effects were those of Tiercelin (2009), who heated oleic acid and other organic matter to produce an entire range of petroleum hydrocarbons. 2.4.1 Pressure The products show particular curves for unique rock type that deposited with constant sedimentation rates for shale and silt stones. The pressure gradient in sandstone is equal to the hydrostatic gradient, while the pressure in the shale returns quickly back to almost the level of the pure shale curve. Hence, increase of pressure in seal could be much higher than in the lithostatic gradients (Hantuschel and Kaueranf, 2009). All overburden loads above the seal are added to the pore pressure of all layers below the seal that caused increasing in lithostatic pressure. There are different effects on the pore pressure distribution; these are: the seal capacity, migration of hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon source rock maturation, the kinetics of vitrinite, and the evolution of basin structure and lithostratigraphy, in addition to compaction and hydrocarbon generation and cementation. 2.4.2 Porosity In gas and oil reservoirs, the pore volume is the space available for the storage of the hydrocarbons and water. The porosity of typical hydrocarbon productive sandstones ranges between 3 and 38% in gas reservoir and 10–38% in oil reservoir (Bowen 2005). The development of faults and fractures as found in hydrocarbon reservoir rocks is termed as a secondary porosity and is a function of the depositional history and diagenesis for the rocks. The porosity in the studied oil fields is almost same; it presents less value in the evaporitic formations such as Gotnia formation, while it represents high value in the carbonate formations which effected by secondary porosity such as Ghar and Dammam formations. In sedimentary rocks, porosity is controlled by lithology, grain size and shape, pore distribution and digenetic evolution. It is defined as: ..= .... .... 2.4 Where is the porosity VV is the volume of void-space (such as fluids) and VT is the total or bulk volume of material, including the solid and void components. It can also be calculated from densities as. ..=..- .......... .................. 2.5 Where is the bulk density including fluid-filled pore space and is the density of the material without any pores. Pore space is not always interconnected, therefore total and effective porosity need to be distinguished. Total porosity represents the total amount of pore space, whereas the effective porosity only represents the interconnected pore space. Thus, hydraulic conductivity depends on the degree of interconnected pore space and pore throat radii, ultimately defining the permeability of a porous medium. CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Gravity survey equipment 3.1.1 Global positioning system This is a global system satellite that provides reliable location and time information and is based on space. It has three segments; space segment, control and user segment. The functioning of GPS is based on the “trilateration” mathematical principle. The position is determined from the distance measurements to satellite. The satellites used to determine the position of a receiver on the earth are four. The fourth satellite is the one that determines the target location while the other three are used to trace location place. It has satellite control station, monitor station and receiver making them the three components. The GPS receiver takes the information from the satellite and uses the method of triangulation to determine the user’s exact position. 3.1.2 Soldin gravimeter This gravimeter is portable instrument used to measure gravity which operates on spring balance principles which determines the downward acceleration of gravity. It measures local gravity of a place in absolute units called milligals. They are very sensitive, with sensitivity of 10-11ms2 and has a fixed mass which is its acceleration determined during free fall in a vacuum. Change in gravity results in a change of weight of the fixed mass g (m+....) with change of a location and this causes the length of the spring to change slightly. 3.2 Gravity data acquisition 3.2.1 Gravity data corrections Bouguer correction The bouguer correction accounts for the gravitational attraction of the mass vertical datum and the station. This correction is calculated assuming that the mass of earth between the vertical datum and the station is represented by infinite horizontal slab given by equation gb=2pGsh=0.04193r mGal 3.1 Where G is the gravitational constant which is 6.6730.001±0.001×10-5m3/kg/s2, (Mohr and Taylor, 2001), .. is density of the horizontal slab in Kg/m3 and h is the height of station in meters with reference to ellipsoid. This effect varies slowly with distance because of low horizontal gradient of geoid. The amplitude changes of the geoid height for distances shorter than 10km.This effect interferes with interpretation of long wavelength anomalies. Latitude effect correction This is correction made to gravity readings to allow for variation in gravitational acceleration as a function of distance from the equator. This variation is also brought about by centrifugal force during earth’s rotation. These effects vary at earths latitudes and north-south distance is the only one taken into account in latitude correction. Latitude correction is subtracted from the observed gravity. gn=97031.85(1.0+0.005278895sin2(lat)+0.000023462sin4(lat) 3.2 Free air correction Free air correction accounts for height above sea level of the point of measure. The aim is to determine magnitude of gravity acceleration g if the corresponding value of gh is known at that height irrespective of the rock below the surface. It’s given as gfa=0.3086h m Gal 3.3 Where h is height. This value is negative for elevations below the sea level and positive for elevations above sea level. Terrain correction This effect is brought about by departures of topography from assumed spherical cap in bouguer correction. Terrain correction includes bathymetry of bodies of water. It minimizes rugged topographic effects that may affect gravity anomalies in data interpretation. It was first considered by Hayford and Bowie in early nineteenth century and Bullard and Lambert developed a way of tackling this problem which is the Hammer chart. It is computed using a three-procedure method. The first step is to calculate the segmented rings centered on station after topographic information has been collected in the area study area to a distance of 100 metres from the station (Hammer, 1939). The second stage is also based on segmented rings and uses local high resolution height data to find terrain effects which can apply up to 895 metres included in the hammer zone. The third data involves use of terrain model data to compute the effect (Godson and Plouff, 1988). 3.3 Seismic survey equipment 3.3.1 Geophones and geophone cables The geophone is the instrument used to transform seismic energy into an electrical voltage. It ordinarily responds to only one component of the ground’s displacement, velocity, or acceleration associated with the passage of a seismic wave. A motion-sensitive transducer converts ground motion to an electrical signal. The transducer in nearly all modern geophones is a moving-coil electrodynamics type and consists of a coil suspended by one or more springs in a magnetic field that is fixed relative to the geophone case. 3.3.2 Seismometer A seismometer is a device for measuring the movement of the earth, and consists of a ground motion detection sensor, called a seismometer, coupled with a recording system. A simple seismometer that is sensitive to up-down motions of the earth can be understood by visualizing a weight hanging on a spring. The spring and weight are suspended from a frame that moves along with the earth’s surface. As the earth moves, the relative motion between the weight and the earth provides a measure of the vertical ground motion. If a recording system is installed, such as a rotating drum attached to the frame, and a pen attached to the mass, this relative motion between the weight and earth can be recorded to produce a history of ground motion, called a seismogram. Seismographs operate on the principle of inertia stationary objects; they remain stationary unless a force is applied to them. The weight thus tends to remain stationary while the frame and drum are moving. Seismometers used in earthquake studies are designed to be highly sensitive to ground movements, so that movements as small as 1/10,000,000 centimeters (distances almost as small as atomic spacing) can be detected at very quiet sites. The largest earthquakes, such as the magnitude 9.1 Sumatra-Andaman Islands earthquake in 2004, create ground motions over the entire Earth that can be several centimeters high. Modern research seismometers are electronic and instead of using a pen and drum, the relative motion between the weight and the frame generates an electrical voltage that is recorded by a computer. By modifying the arrangement of the spring, weight and frame, seismometers can record motions in all directions. Seismometers also commonly record ground motions caused by a wide variety of natural and man-made sources. 3.4 Seismic data acquisition The seismic data were acquired by a group of geophysicists from National Oil Corporation of Kenya. Four vibrator trucks were used in-line as the seismic source. The vibrators used linear 12–second upsweep. A 120-channel recording system was used with 24 geophones per station along a linear array. The geophone-frequency was 14 Hz and data were recorded at 4ms sample rate. The station interval was 100 ft. for all but one seismic line that had a station interval at 150 ft. A symmetric split spread was used which rolled on and off the ends of each line. Seismograms from the seismometer were read from a computer. 3.5 Petroleum system and basin modelling. 3.5.1 Introduction Basin modelling is a numerical modelling of physical and chemical processes in sedimentary basins over geological time span. It predicts and simulates the thermal regime and hydrocarbon flow through time in order to access source rock maturity, pore pressure and hydrocarbon characteristics. 3.5.2 Modelling work flows Seismic data was used to develop 1D model to determine basin and petroleum systems. One- dimensional modeling of burial history and thermal maturity was performed on the Basin using BasinMod software. The well data parameters used was for Lokichar. Basin because they are : Main input: stratigraphy source rock properties lithology Time trends: paleo water depth (PWD) Sediment water interface temperature (SWIT) Heat flow Make 1D petroleum system simulation Geotime/well section window simulations: Temperature Vitrinite reflectance pressure porosit y Global well log calibration data: Temperature Vitrinite reflectance pressure porosity g Model inputs Stratigraphy all sedimentary basins, they lie in the rift system and have measured vitrinite reflectance and downhole temperature data to aid in calibrating maturation model of the study basin. The modelling workflow is represented in figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: Petroleum systems 1D modelling (PS1D) workflow.2 The three input elements used were stratigraphy, source rock properties and lithology. The strata chosen for Kerio valley basin are upper Miocene volcanics composed of basalts (weathered), mio-pliocene sediments deposited as clastic sediments, Miocene volcanics made of basalts (normal) and Paleogene to early Miocene sediments comprised of classic sediments. Upper Miocene volcanics, Mio-Pliocene sediments, Miocene volcanics and Paleogene to early Miocene sediments. Lithology Time trends Paleo water depth Thicknesses of the stratigraphic units in the subsurface were determined from tops of units recorded in the Petroleum Information database. Lithologies of the stratigraphic units were interpreted from geophysical well logs and American Stratigraphic Company lithology logs and from published cross sections (Keefer et al, 1998). Ages of stratigraphic units were estimated using Love and others (1993) as a guide for the ages of stratigraphic units and ages of regional unconformities throughout the Kerio valley Basin. Table 3.1 shows the age, thickness and generalized lithological data used to construct the burial history curves. The ages at system and series boundaries were adjusted to the 1999 Geologic Time Scale (Palmer and Geissman, 1999) for modeling purposes. Table 3.1: lithological facies of Kerio valley basin Geologic layer Deposition Age Model lithology Upper Miocene volcanics Basalt(weathered) 4 Ma igneous Mio-Pliocene sediments Sandstone(typical) 12Ma Clastic sediments Miocene volcanics Basalt(normal) 18Ma igneous Paleogene to early Miocene sediments Sandstone(typical) 44Ma Clastic sediments This the assumed depth input in the modeling process. The assumption was done based on sedimentary environments of rocks rock layers formation. The values that were estimated are 68 meters, 112metres, 700 meters, 840 meters and 990 metres as shown in the figure 3.2. Sediment water interface temperature. Figure 3.2: Paleo water depth curve of Kerio valley water depth.3 Current basin modeling practices require an estimate of the sediment-water interface temperature for the upper thermal boundary condition (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009). For estimates of past sediment-water-interface temperature variations, an average paleo-air-surface temperature (TS) is first estimated from paleo-latitude (Wygrala, 1989), which requires knowledge of latitudinal changes of the study basin. Then, TS is corrected to the actual sediment-water-interface temperature (SWIT) accounting for the paleo-water depth. This SWIT is then used as the upper thermal boundary condition. For the modern researches, sediment-water-interface temperature, the annual mean ground surface temperature is often obtained from mean air temperature (, using the present-day latitude of the study area, and water depth is accounted for following the equations (Beardsmore& Cull, 2001). Heat flow The estimated values that were used in the modelling systems are represented by the curve below. Figure 3.3: Kerio valley basin sediment water interface temperature4 Heat can be transferred by conduction and radiation in sediments (Beardsmore and Cull, 2001). The main boundary conditions for heat flow analysis in sediments are the sediment–water– interface temperature and the basal heat flow. Mechanical and thermal processes of the crust and mantel are lead to magnitude, orientation and distribution of the heat flow at the base of the sediments (Allen and Allen 2005). Date of heat flow calculations is gathered and estimated as follows: values of porosity were derived from well logs in Lokichar basin, Km values were obtained from lithological sections of the wells and assign constant value for each lithology unit and geothermal gradient was estimated after knowing the values of TS, TD and BHT from well logs records. Geotime window simulations Vitrinite reflectance Figure 3.4: Kerio valley basin Heat flow curve5 Vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) analysis is the major method in definition of thermal maturity of sediments. The rock katagenetic alterations can also delineate the thermal history of well sections, structures, zones and sedimentary basins as the case in Kerio Valley basin. One of the most important and used indicators for thermal maturity of rocks is vitrinite reflectance (%Ro). It is a universal method in the world-wide practice and a major approach in analyses of thermal history and sedimentary katagenetic alterations. There are also other parameters for thermal maturity evaluation in sedimentary basins, including Tmax, PI, TAI, and many others. However, the only direct and exact indicator changing with burial depth is namely vitrinite reflectance. It is very important for the reconstruction of basin thermal history, calibration of heat flow and time of hydrocarbon generation from source rocks. The numerous advantages of the vitrinite reflectance method are widely applied in sediment maturity assessment in Kerio valley basin, where are the locations of major oil and gas fields. The analyses of the measured %Ro values also allow determination of the maturity in individual localities; recovery of the thermal and generation history; maturity characterization and summary in definite zones or basins. CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS This chapter presents the results and the analysis of gravity and seismic data. 4.1 Gravity Data Processing 4.1.1 Bouguer anomaly map The gravity data points are represented in the table in appendix 4. From the reduced data of Kerio valley basin, contour maps, vector maps, surface maps were drawn. Analysis and interpretation of gravity data was done by drawing elevation contour maps, bouguer anomaly contour maps and directional derivatives. C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\KERIO VALLEY\RESI.png Figure 4.1: Kerio valley basin bouguer anomaly contour map.6 4.1.2 Elevation of Kerio Valley Basin The elevation data was used to plot this contour map. The elevation data is included in the data table in appendix 3. The region slopes gently from the south and north direction towards the Centre of the basin. This means that the edges of the basin are raised to a significant height leaving a depression at the Centre of the basin. The highest point rises to about 3200m and the lowest is about 800m which in the North-western part of the basin with contour interval of 100 metres. C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\KERIO VALLEY\MAPPP.png Figure 4.2: Kerio valley basin elevation contour map.7 The topography of the area is important because in most cases hydrocarbons are found in areas of depressions especially sedimentary basins. This map helps to show if there is relationship between the Kerio valley basin and hydrocarbon traces generation. The figure 4.3 below shows a 3D topographical map of the area with the elevation information. It clearly shows the elevation in metres with a depression at the centre. C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\KERIO VALLEY\3DD.png Figure 4.3: 3-D topographical map of Kerio valley basin.8 4.1.3 Analysis of Kerio Valley gravity data Qualitative interpretation of gravity anomaly Selection of profile Residual anomalies isolation and description of the profiles Complete bouguer anomaly was used to produce contour and 3D maps. The color range of gravity anomalies values shows that purple has the lowest values ranging – 2400mgals while red has the highest values of milligals which rises to -300mgals. The low gravity anomalies tend to lie at the Centre of the basin. Since hydrocarbon is associated with low gravity values, it’s evident that the anomalies marked A, B, C, D and E are low gravity anomalies. This is clear indication of presence of hydrocarbons in the basin. The anomalies suggest existence of faults, dykes and other bodies buried deep in the ground. 4.2 Interpretation of observed anomalies 4.2.1 Introduction After data has been processed and regional trend removed to isolate the residual gravity anomalies along the selected profile, it was subjected to inverse and forward modelling procedures to identify the causes of the anomalies by giving density contrast information of the rocks and also depths of the anomalies. Qualitative interpretation involves inspecting the bouguer anomaly contour map of the area for the regions showing gravity anomalies. This is always done to establish the extent to which the causative body has effect on gravity and identify regional trend in each profile for further interpretation. One profile was selected along North South direction of the map where a great anomaly is evidenced at the centre of the map. The profile shows information on residual anomalies. The regional trend was removed estimating to polynomial of one order. The respective graphs are shown in figures 4.4 and 4.5 below. The data values for this profile are shown in appendix 1 and 2. Figure 4.4: Regional curve graph9 Figure4.5: A graph showing after regional and residual separation.10 4.2.2 Quantitative interpretation of the gravity data Direct interpretation Limiting depth Euler deconvolution: Principles This is the method that defines the maximum depth at which an anomaly is located in the earth’s surface and has effect on observed gravity. Gravity anomalies decay with inverse square of the distance from their location so that the anomaly caused by shallow structures are of higher amplitude and smaller extend than those caused by deep structures. The wavelength-amplitude to computing maximum depth is then quantified to compute maximum depth at which the top of gravity anomaly could be allocated. Z . X1/2 where Z is depth to the top and X1/2 is the width of the anomaly from peak to the position where it has only half its maximum value. 4.2.3 Indirect methods Euler Deconvolution aids the interpretation of gravity field. It involves determining the position of the causative body based on an analysis of the gravity field and the gradients of that field and some constraint on the geometry of the body (Zhang et al. 2000). The quality of the depth estimation depends mostly on the choice of the proper structural index which is a function of the geometry of the causative bodies and adequate sampling of the data, (Williams et al. 2005). It is based on the Euler equation of homogeneity, for the gravity anomaly vertical component Tz of a body having a homogeneous gravity field, (Xo, Yo, Zo) are the unknown co-ordinates of location of the source body whose total gravity is to be estimated at (X, Y and Z). The values Tzx, Tzy, Tzz are the measured gradients along the X, Y and Z directions, n is the structural index and Bz is the regional value of the gravity to be estimated. Structural index is chosen according to prior information of the source geometry. The following table shows structural indices and the associated geological bodies. Table 4.1: A table structural indices of geological structure2 Euler deconvolution along the selected profile Structural index Geological structure 0 Contact 0.5 Thick step 1 Sill/dyke 2 Vertical pipe 3 Sphere In 2D, this equation reduces to; (..-..0 ) .... .... ( ..-..0) .... .... =..(B-T) 3.4 There are three unknown parameters (Xo, Zo and BZ). In this study, a structural index of 0.5 was adopted since it gives the most accurate depth estimates for gravity data where the typical source structures are finite offset, (Williams et al., 2005). In this study the results were generated using Euler 1.0 software after Cooper (2004). Figure 4.6 below shows the vertical and horizontal gradients of the gravity field and 2D Euler solutions for the one profile. The structural index used was 0.5 since this is the best value to use with gravity data with window size of 11. The x-separation and y-separation distance chosen was 100m for both. The depth of these high gravity causative bodies coincides well with the geology of the study area which reveals a swarm of shallow dykes of possibly carbonate nature. Euler deconvolution also captures a less dense structure along profile taken along the basin. The less dense sediments occur to a depth of approximately 2000metres. The scattered solutions which are not well constrained (spurious) were rejected during the interpretation and so interpretation based on the clustered solutions which appear at the Centre side of the profile. Forward modelling: Principles Forward modelling of the data from the selected profile C:\Users\Faith\Desktop\KERIO VALLEY\Capture.PNG Figure 4.6: Euler Deconvolution solutions of the profile cut along the basin.11 Gravity data are commonly interpreted by the method of forward modelling which is performed using Grav2dc software developed in 1964 by Talwani et al. The gravity model is prepared using all available geological information especially density contrast and compared with the field observed information. It majorly involves guessing the density values of various rocks underlying the surface, their orientation and the depths from the earth’s surface usually done according to previous studies or available information of the same. Modifications are made to the model within the set geological constraints until satisfying level of agreement is reached between the observed and the calculated. Kerio Valley basin was modelled according to rock densities whereby sedimentary and volcanic rocks were used due to deposition, subsiding and eroding. Forward modelling was done using Grav2dc software. The results obtained from Euler deconvolution were used to start parameters in modelling. The programme allowed manipulation of parameters like density of the rocks, depth and shape of the anomaly until a best fit calculated values aligned to observed values. The modelling was also based in the theoretical and historical aspects of evolution of sedimentary basins. The model showed that this sedimentary basin has four events from 23 million years ago to present. This profile was cut along the map in north-south direction of the basin. The model shows that the basin has four events the most bottom reaching almost nine kilometers. From the model it’s evident that deposition and sedimentation occurred seriously at the Centre of the basin than the edges during evolution of the basin. These events are; Upper Miocene-volcanics (phonolites2.2g/cm3), Mio- Pliocene sediments (shales/sandstones-2.5g/cm3), Miocene volcanic (lavas/chof phonolites- 2.28g/cm3) and Paleogene to early Miocene sediments (sandstone-2.6g/cm3). Figure 4.7: Grav2dc model of the profile along the basin12 4.3 Seismic data processing and interpretation Seismic data was processed and migrated. The processing involves the following stages Shot raw data Static correction Trace editing Velocity analysis Automatic gain control Normal move out CMP Stack Migration SEG - Y format data Figure 4.8: Flowchart showing stages of seismic data processing13 Seismic data was corrected for elevation and weathering layer effects which make the source and the receiver not to be at the same level and this is static correction. It aims at determining the reflected arrival times which would be made if the measurements were taken at the same level. Trace editing was done on the software to terminate traces that have less anomalous noise. It is done after defining geometry of the dataset. These types of noises can be caused by dead or poorly installed geophone or other movements near the recording cables. Migration is the process of converting seismic sections into seismic images of the explored subsurface. It was done in PetroMod based on time and depth parameters. Time migration is seismic sections which have two wave travel time as vertical dimension. Depth migration involves converting reflection times into reflector depths. It removed distorting effects of dipping reflectors and does away with diffracted arrivals. The parameters important for seismic data interpretation are reflector continuity, reflector configuration, interval velocity, reflector spacing, reflection amplitude and instantaneous phase. 4.3.1 Seismic Interpretation The seismic lines used were three, two cross-lines and one along North-South direction. The figure 4.10 shows 3D seismic lines. The data was initially in tap files and was converted into SEG-Y format for interpretation. The three lines were loaded in Schlumberger PetroMod software for interpretations. Seismic and faults were picked for each line using 2D interpretation window. Apart from faults and other structures were evident from the seismic lines such as folding. The sediment and volcanic packages showed four events. Polygons and surfaces were made from the horizons which were used in modelling. Seismic interpretation is the study of the inferring the geology of the subsurface. It places focus on the interpretation of the 3D seismic data volume. Some structures were mapped and interpreted from the seismic data after which structures were generated. Structural Seismic Interpretation Fault Interpretation A fault is a discontinuity of layers of rocks caused by the movement of the earth. The mapping of faults is most probably a severed problem in seismic exploration. Seismic fault evidence occurs on a seismic section, which is two dimensional. In a highly faulted area, there should be a number of these faulted traces across the lines in the seismic sections. The faults are identified on the seismic section by a break in the horizons. The fault trends are picked on different seismic lines and mapped to know the faults pattern in the study area. Faults mapping is very important to understand the trapping mechanism of hydrocarbon in the structure. Horizon picking A seismic horizon on seismic section represents an interface between two different rock types. The interface is normally identified either by a seismic peak or trough depending on the nature of acoustic contrast on top or bottom of the layer. For structural mapping, a seismic peak or trough is followed throughout the area in a grid manner without crossing in to different cycles. Figure 4.9: Representation3D Horizon surfaces Well-Seismic tie (synthetic seismogram, check-shot) This process (well-seismic tie) was carried out for two main reasons. First, to ensure the horizons to be picked on the seismic sections are accurate and true representative of the horizon picked on the well logs (on the basis of good petrophysical characteristics). Secondly, it is used to correct for shifts in time in the log signatures with respect to the seismic data. Figure 4.10: Representation of the three 3-D seismic lines14 Figure 4.11: A seismic line showing picked faults and horizons15 4.4 Basin modelling 4.4.1 Model dimension The 1D model results are discussed under this section. These include burial history, time curves and depth curves for all events in one simulation. 4.4.2 Model outputs Burial history One of the primary outputs of BasinMod 1D is the burial history graph. The burial history was created based on the stratigraphy and geological events input and are essential for visualizing the geological history of the rocks encountered in the well of interest. As shown on the burial history the maximum burial depth for the study basin is roughly a kilometer (formation top and bottom), which is adequate depth for hydrocarbon generating temperatures and pressures. The multi-stage deposition and exhumation allowed for nearly continuous hydrocarbon generation from the lower Miocene was already deeply buried. Figure 4.12: Kerio valley burial history curve16 Depth curves These shows curves of temperature, TR (all) and Sweeney & Burnham (1990) of all filter zones. The filter zones are Upper Miocene volcanics, Mio-Pliocene sediments, Lower Miocene volcanics and Paleogene-Miocene sediments. Temperature curves for all zones Temperature in Upper Miocene volcanics increased slightly by 0.02°C from 68°C to 68.02°C over a period of 0.8 Ma and then remained constant up to date. During Lower Miocene volcanics period, temperature decrease gradually from 200°C to 70°C over a period of 18Ma ago. Figure 4.13 (a): Temperature curve for upper Miocene volcanics17 Figure 4.13 (b): Temperature curve for lower Miocene volcanics18 Figure 4.13 (c): Curve for Mio-Pliocene sediments19 Figure 4.13 (d): Temperature curve for Paleogene-Miocene sediments20 TR (all) for all events Figure 14(a): Transformation ratio of upper Miocene volcanics21 Figure 14(b): Transformation ratio of lower Miocene volcanics22 Figure 14(c): Transformation ratio of Mio Pliocene sediments23 Figure 14 (d): Transformation ratio of Paleogene-Miocene sediments24 Sweeney and Burnham (1990) curves Figure 4.15: Sweeney and Burnham (1990) curves25 Figure 4.15: Temperature and Sweeney and Burnham (1990) curves26 4.4.3 Thermal history Thermal history is a critical boundary condition for solving basin heat flow problems and is essential for source rock maturation history study. Accurate basin thermal history, especially paleo-thermal history, is challenging to estimate due to sparse evidence in the study area. Estimation of the lower thermal boundary condition, the basal heat flow, was done by trial- and-error process, with iteratively adjusting the heat flow profiles until model calculated data match with the observed calibration data, such as wellbore temperature measurements, maturation data. In this study, the basal heat flow estimation was adopted and conducted trail- and-error calibration process and adjusted the heat flow profiles so that the model calculated vitrinite reflectance match with the Loperot well data. The resulting assumptions for heat flow history are: a constant heat flow value of 65 mW/m2 from 120 Ma to 40 Ma as an average basin-wide basal heat flow. From 40 Ma to 10 Ma, the heat flow value gradually increased to 68-72 mW/m2 in different parts of the basin. The increasing heat flow trend accounts for the impact of magmatic activity, which likely had stronger impact in the southern part of the basin. The other important thermal history input factor is the sediment-surface temperature, which determines the upper thermal boundary condition of the basin model. This temperature is usually estimated from paleo-latitude information combined with 10 paleo-bathymetry information. Surface temperature corrected by the corresponding water depth, gives the sediment-water-interface temperature that is then used as the upper thermal boundary condition. Previous studies (Wygrala, 1989; Beardsmore and Cull, 2001; Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009) provided the detailed methodology for this type of estimation. However, this method is most suitable for marine basins with known paleo bathymetry control data. As Kerio valley basin evolved, the sediment surface temperature is unlikely to have stayed the same as in a marine. Additional paleoclimate studies were used to reconstruct the paleo-mean-annual temperature and applied this temperature proxy as the upper thermal boundary condition for the basin model. 4.4.4 Maturation history Maturation history is based on measured and calculated vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) for each burial-history location. Figures 14(a), 14(b), 14(c) and 14(d) show selected ranges of %Ro superimposed on the burial-history curves. As previously discussed, the range of 0.5 to 0.8 %Ro represents the prescribed start to peak of gas generation from humic coals. The %Ro values of 1.10 and 1.35 were added for information purposes only and represent intermediate maturities between peak (0.8 %Ro) and end (2.0 %Ro) of gas generation. The Mowry Shale, west of the Rock Springs uplift, the Baxter Shale (and equivalents), the Mesaverde Group, the Lewis Shale, and the Lance and Fort Union Formations are considered gas-prone source rocks (mostly composed of Type-III kerogen) and so vitrinite reflectance (%Ro) can be used to estimate extent of gas generation. Table 6 summarizes the time (Ma) that the source rocks attained the %Ro values of 0.5, 0.8 and 2.0, the depths of the source rock at the specific %Ro maturity level and the temperatures at that depth. CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Discussion 5.1.1 Density distribution Folding Folding is minimal in Kerio Valley basin. Folding is evidenced by presence of an anticline on the vertical seismic display of seismic line. Folding in the Kerio valley basin has been described to be as a result of extension. Faults Interpreted seismic lines shows that the basin has major bounding faults identified as Kamasia and Elgeyo faults which are on the far ends of the basin dipping towards the eastern side. On the PetroMod a time slice of Kamasia, Elgeyo faults and other faults appears as shown in seismic line 4.11. 5.1.2 Basin evolution In this basin model, the first major sedimentation event was deposition of the sandstone to the top of the volcanic Formation, which accrued more than one km of sediments over most areas of the basin. The source rock layer, the older sediments had little effect on source rock burial and did not contribute to source rock maturation or gas generation in terms of burial. However, the under-burden rock is important to determine the thermal condition of the source rock, as the lithofacies and thickness of this unit impact the thermal conductivity and the heat received. In the basin model, four facies were created to account for the general changing lithofacies trend. Since recent exploration and study interests focused on gas resources from nearby basins like Lokichar basin. Source rock maturity and timing Source rock maturation history predicted by the basin model was calibrated by comparing the predicted vitrinite reflectance value and measured vitrinite reflectance data at a well in Loperot. The basin model predictions agree well with the vitrinite reflectance measurements at different parts of the basin. Source rock layer maturation maps at selected time steps are reported. The thermal maturation history of the source rock is closely related to the basin burial and thermal history. After the source rock layer was deposited during the Source rock burial and maturation evolution profiles are quite different in different parts of the basin. Model predictions of the source rock burial depth and the vitrinite reflectance profiles were compared for nearby basin. It shows the highest maturity level at present in parts of the basin. Especially for the recent 10 Ma erosion event, when the other well locations were uplifted hundreds to thousands of feet of overburden rock unit leveled, maturation almost ceased, except at this well location. Moving toward the western basin margin, maturation. 5.2 Conclusions The gravity and seismic survey were effectively carried out in the study area. Contour maps and 3D surface maps were used to quantitatively interpret the data. The contour maps revealed areas with anomalies. Seismic lines showed reflection discontinuities. The principles findings of this research can be shared as follows; i. Low gravity anomalies lie at the centre of Kerio basin, eastern and southern sides have high gravity anomalies with sedimentation being constrained by two major faults. ii. The basin is underlained by a deeper basement which are overlained by successive volcanoes and sandstones. The basement rocks and volcanoes have higher densities than the infilled sediments within the basin. iii. Seismic reflectors show marked discontinuities which may be due to lava. The western side of the basin is characterized by absence of reflections and higher frequency. iv. Temperature has been decreasing gradually from the deepest sedimentary layers to the upper most as represented by the thermal history. v. This basin model covers a geological time span from the Paleogene-to-early Miocene to present day. Subsidence, compaction, burial history and their impact on the regional source rock maturation profiles were investigated. vi. Formation and the Tertiary overburden loading rock unit and erosion over the last 10 Ma. From the model prediction, peak gas generation most likely occurred from 35 Ma to 10 Ma, when the source rock reached the maximum burial and prior to the recent regional uplift. vii. The petroleum system components are present and formed in the correct sequence for hydrocarbon generation. 5.3 Recommendations i. 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APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: PROFILE DATABEFORE RESIDUAL AND REGIONAL SEPARATION 0 -3580.542003 8.638521 -1777.975837 16.90014 -1768.493611 25.16176 -1697.166222 33.42337 -1633.504087 41.68499 -1635.287443 49.94661 -1650.905117 58.20823 -1640.692957 66.46985 -1613.699991 74.73146 -1569.848537 82.99308 -1519.955493 91.2547 -1480.482971 99.51632 -1453.19227 107.7779 -1407.101256 116.0396 -1382.501211 124.3012 -1369.224043 132.5628 -1347.083691 140.8244 -1346.025509 149.086 -1351.007103 157.3476 -1380.884801 165.6093 -1404.67919 173.8709 -1411.473459 182.1325 -1418.96909 190.3941 -1385.98799 198.6557 -1355.979744 206.9173 -1285.873867 215.179 -1243.767304 223.4406 -1178.25156 231.7022 -1104.779638 239.9638 -1065.917761 248.2254 -1044.856039 256.4871 -1030.671836 264.7487 -1018.637272 273.0103 -1010.411621 281.2719 -1002.082452 289.5335 -996.8205096 297.7951 -990.3626245 306.0568 -982.5256118 314.3184 -976.5937343 322.58 -970.716908 330.8416 -965.2065519 339.1032 -958.4474663 347.3649 -952.1620038 355.6265 -945.5327817 363.8881 -938.1773348 372.1497 -930.5850128 380.4113 -922.4071122 388.6729 -902.5492221 396.9346 -892.8879042 405.1962 -876.2986498 413.4578 -865.9544145 421.7194 -841.4917694 429.981 -824.7389488 438.2426 -779.1595292 446.5043 -815.5711404 454.7659 -1025.10883 463.0275 -1219.360728 471.2891 -1373.992199 479.5507 -1547.696112 487.8124 -1599.72075 496.074 -1648.844273 504.3356 -1697.378542 512.5972 -1735.351544 520.8588 -1798.091782 529.1204 -1887.135148 537.3821 -1912.782102 545.6437 -1852.67963 553.9053 -1804.213865 562.1669 -1831.460691 570.4285 -1873.634415 578.6902 -1870.137709 586.9518 -1840.86984 595.2134 -1679.472873 603.475 -1605.668796 611.7366 -1544.811021 619.9982 -1558.678314 628.2599 -1541.914254 636.5215 -1627.484518 644.7831 -2067.264176 653.0447 -2020.719859 661.3063 -1885.944791 669.5679 -1616.901807 677.8296 -1748.234519 686.0912 -1762.337205 694.3528 -1752.62434 702.6144 -1743.912188 710.876 -1776.396948 719.1377 -1774.287636 727.3993 -1772.567545 735.6609 -1780.135637 743.9225 -1757.479814 752.1841 -1743.873513 760.4457 -1722.207579 768.7074 -1725.820366 776.969 -1729.122639 785.2306 -1732.249735 793.4922 -1734.878074 801.7538 -1739.236474 810.0155 -1742.247974 818.2771 -1743.521657 819.4506 -3580.542003 APPENDIX 2: PROFILE DATA AFTER REGIONAL AND RESIDUAL SEPARATION 0 1803.898 8.638521 1802.196 16.90014 1811.327 25.16176 1882.303 33.42337 1945.613 41.68499 1943.478 49.94661 1927.509 58.20823 1937.37 66.46985 1964.011 74.73146 2007.511 82.99308 2057.052 91.2547 2096.173 99.51632 2123.112 107.7779 2168.851 116.0396 2193.1 124.3012 2206.025 132.5628 2227.814 140.8244 2228.521 149.086 2223.187 157.3476 2192.958 165.6093 2168.812 173.8709 2161.666 182.1325 2153.819 190.3941 2186.448 198.6557 2216.105 206.9173 2285.859 215.179 2327.614 223.4406 2392.778 231.7022 2465.899 239.9638 2504.409 248.2254 2525.119 256.4871 2538.952 264.7487 2550.634 273.0103 2558.508 281.2719 2566.486 289.5335 2571.396 297.7951 2577.503 306.0568 2584.988 314.3184 2590.568 322.58 2596.093 330.8416 2601.252 339.1032 2607.66 347.3649 2613.593 355.6265 2619.871 363.8881 2626.875 372.1497 2634.115 380.4113 2641.942 388.6729 2661.448 396.9346 2670.758 405.1962 2686.995 413.4578 2696.988 421.7194 2721.099 429.981 2737.5 438.2426 2782.728 446.5043 2745.965 454.7659 2536.075 463.0275 2341.472 471.2891 2186.489 479.5507 2012.433 487.8124 1960.057 496.074 1910.582 504.3356 1861.696 512.5972 1823.371 520.8588 1760.279 529.1204 1670.884 537.3821 1644.886 545.6437 1704.637 553.9053 1752.751 562.1669 1725.152 570.4285 1682.627 578.6902 1685.772 586.9518 1714.688 595.2134 1875.734 603.475 1949.186 611.7366 2009.692 619.9982 1995.473 628.2599 2011.886 636.5215 1925.964 644.7831 1485.832 653.0447 1532.025 661.3063 1666.449 669.5679 1935.14 677.8296 1803.456 686.0912 1789.001 694.3528 1798.362 702.6144 1806.723 710.876 1773.887 719.1377 1775.644 727.3993 1777.013 735.6609 1769.093 743.9225 1791.397 752.1841 1804.652 760.4457 1825.966 768.7074 1822.002 776.969 1818.348 785.2306 1814.869 793.4922 1811.889 801.7538 1807.179 810.0155 1803.816 818.2771 1802.191 819.4506 1704.56 APPENDIX 3: PROFILE REGIONAL CURVE DATA X(m) Trend 0 -3580.54 8.638521 -3580.54 16.90014 -3580.54 25.16176 -3580.54 33.42337 -3580.54 41.68499 -3580.54 49.94661 -3580.54 58.20823 -3580.54 66.46985 -3580.54 74.73146 -3580.54 82.99308 -3580.54 91.2547 -3580.54 99.51632 -3580.54 107.7779 -3580.54 116.0396 -3580.54 124.3012 -3580.54 132.5628 -3580.54 140.8244 -3580.54 149.086 -3580.54 157.3476 -3580.54 165.6093 -3580.54 173.8709 -3580.54 182.1325 -3580.54 190.3941 -3580.54 198.6557 -3580.54 206.9173 -3580.54 215.179 -3580.54 223.4406 -3580.54 231.7022 -3580.54 239.9638 -3580.54 248.2254 -3580.54 256.4871 -3580.54 264.7487 -3580.54 273.0103 -3580.54 281.2719 -3580.54 289.5335 -3580.54 297.7951 -3580.54 306.0568 -3580.54 314.3184 -3580.54 322.58 -3580.54 330.8416 -3580.54 339.1032 -3580.54 347.3649 -3580.54 355.6265 -3580.54 363.8881 -3580.54 372.1497 -3580.54 380.4113 -3580.54 388.6729 -3580.54 396.9346 -3580.54 405.1962 -3580.54 413.4578 -3580.54 421.7194 -3580.54 429.981 -3580.54 438.2426 -3580.54 446.5043 -3580.54 454.7659 -3580.54 463.0275 -3580.54 471.2891 -3580.54 479.5507 -3580.54 487.8124 -3580.54 496.074 -3580.54 504.3356 -3580.54 512.5972 -3580.54 520.8588 -3580.54 529.1204 -3580.54 537.3821 -3580.54 545.6437 -3580.54 553.9053 -3580.54 562.1669 -3580.54 570.4285 -3580.54 578.6902 -3580.54 586.9518 -3580.54 595.2134 -3580.54 603.475 -3580.54 611.7366 -3580.54 619.9982 -3580.54 628.2599 -3580.54 636.5215 -3580.54 644.7831 -3580.54 653.0447 -3580.54 661.3063 -3580.54 669.5679 -3580.54 677.8296 -3580.54 686.0912 -3580.54 694.3528 -3580.54 702.6144 -3580.54 710.876 -3580.54 719.1377 -3580.54 727.3993 -3580.54 735.6609 -3580.54 743.9225 -3580.54 752.1841 -3580.54 760.4457 -3580.54 768.7074 -3580.54 776.969 -3580.54 785.2306 -3580.54 793.4922 -3580.54 801.7538 -3580.54 810.0155 -3580.54 818.2771 -3580.54 819.4506 -3580.54 APPENDIX 4: GRAVITY DATA AND REDUCTIONS STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA KI 721.6 69.5 34.9914 0.6283 1766.3 977505.5 978032.5 545.08 197.648 978049.2 -179.56826 6 -173.57 K2 718.3 67.4 34.9618 0.6093 1647.1 977525.3 948607.45 508.295 184.31 978049.2 -199.91494 9 -190.91 K3 711.6 66.5 34.9016 0.6012 1753.2 977501.1 935996.72 541.038 196.183 978049.2 -203.24503 9 -194.25 K4 705.8 67.3 34.8495 0.6085 1601.7 977538.9 947361.95 494.285 179.23 978049.2 -195.24513 5 -190.25 K5 703.1 64 34.8253 0.5787 1599.9 977540.6 900966.9 493.729 179.028 978049.2 -193.89919 7 -186.9 K6 700.6 64.3 34.8028 0.5814 1466.1 977570.6 905170.48 452.438 164.056 978049.2 -190.21769 6 -184.22 K7 697.4 66.8 34.7741 0.604 1496.6 977564.3 940355.99 461.851 167.469 978049.2 -190.51833 8 -182.52 K8 695.3 70.2 34.7552 0.6347 1558.1 977550.9 988152.23 480.83 174.351 978049.2 -191.82126 10 -181.82 K9 694.5 75.2 34.7481 0.68 1677.6 977528.4 1058678.9 517.707 187.723 978049.2 -190.81558 10 -180.82 K10 695.2 79.6 34.7544 0.7197 1683.1 977537.9 1120487.1 519.405 188.338 978049.2 -180.23373 8 -172.23 K11 699 86.4 34.7885 0.7812 1698.3 977524 1216235.3 524.095 190.039 978049.2 -191.14388 9 -182.14 K12 721.8 87.6 34.9933 0.7919 1758.4 977507.1 1232893.9 542.642 196.764 978049.2 -196.22219 6 -190.22 K13 717.2 86 34.952 0.7775 1689.5 977520.1 1210474.8 521.38 189.055 978049.2 -196.77484 6 -190.77 K14 713.5 84.6 34.9187 0.7649 1704.4 977517.8 1190858.1 525.978 190.722 978049.2 -196.14401 6 -190.14 K15 710.9 83.8 34.8954 0.7576 1748.6 977509.4 1179492.9 539.618 195.668 978049.2 -195.84986 7 -188.85 K16 708.3 87.4 34.8721 0.7902 1723.6 977512.9 1230247.2 531.903 192.87 978049.2 -197.26736 7 -190.27 K17 707.6 92.8 34.8676 0.839 1775.5 977501.1 1306223 547.919 198.678 978049.2 -198.85862 9 -189.86 K18 704.2 88.1 34.8352 0.7966 1741.9 977509.3 1240211.2 537.55 194.918 978049.2 -197.26775 9 -188.27 K19 694.8 87.4 34.7508 0.7903 1697.4 977522.8 1230402.9 523.818 189.939 978049.2 -192.52091 11 -181.52 K20 691.2 87 34.7185 0.7867 1687.1 977528.3 1224798.1 520.639 188.786 978049.2 -189.04692 12 -177.05 K21 685.7 84.3 34.6691 0.7623 1609.6 977547.2 1186810.2 496.723 180.114 978049.2 -185.3912 12 -173.39 K22 680.9 83.5 34.626 0.7551 1600.2 977546.7 1175600.7 493.822 179.062 978049.2 -187.74018 13 -174.74 K23 675.7 81.7 34.5792 0.7388 1624.3 977536.2 1150223.5 501.259 181.759 978049.2 -193.4997 11 -182.5 K24 672.6 76.3 34.5514 0.69 1577.6 977546.1 1074247.7 486.847 176.533 978049.2 -192.78561 11 -181.79 K25 668.6 71.8 34.5154 0.6493 1519.7 977559.8 1010882.7 468.979 170.054 978049.2 -190.47455 7 -183.47 K26 670.3 68.4 34.5307 0.6186 1518.2 977556.1 963086.44 468.517 169.886 978049.2 -194.4696 6 -188.47 K27 672.7 65.9 34.5522 0.5959 1451.2 977568.3 927745.25 447.84 162.389 978049.2 -195.44852 4 -191.45 K28 679 65.6 34.6086 0.5932 1507.5 977557.8 923541.67 465.215 168.689 978049.2 -194.8743 4 -190.87 K29 679.9 66.3 34.6169 0.5995 1530.7 977552.8 933350.02 472.374 171.285 978049.2 -195.31085 5 -190.31 K30 684.1 68.1 34.6546 0.6158 1496 977562.1 958727.18 461.666 167.402 978049.2 -192.83635 4 -188.84 K31 688.3 69.3 34.6924 0.6266 1471.3 977567.7 975541.49 454.043 164.638 978049.2 -192.09485 4 -188.09 K32 693.6 66.9 34.74 0.6049 1496.6 977567.7 941757.18 461.851 167.469 978049.2 -187.11833 4 -183.12 K33 721.3 62.8 34.9887 0.5677 1786.7 977498.6 883841.21 551.376 199.931 978049.2 -199.15557 7 -192.16 K34 721.8 58 34.9932 0.5243 1844.3 977485.5 816272.59 569.151 206.377 978049.2 -200.92564 9 -191.93 K35 676.4 3.1 34.585 0.028 1513.6 977560 43592.662 467.097 169.371 978049.2 -191.47443 3 -188.47 K36 675.9 6.8 34.5805 0.0615 1526.3 977550.7 95748.167 471.016 170.793 978049.2 -198.27633 5 -193.28 K37 674.4 9.6 34.5671 0.0868 1444.8 977566.7 135137.25 445.865 161.673 978049.2 -198.30741 1 -197.31 K38 675.1 12.2 34.5734 0.1103 1457.1 977564.1 171723.95 449.661 163.049 978049.2 -198.48799 1 -197.49 K39 674.3 16.1 34.5662 0.1456 1478.9 977559.5 226681.84 456.389 165.488 978049.2 -198.79993 2 -196.8 K40 673.1 18.4 34.5554 0.1664 1458.3 977564.3 259064.96 450.031 163.183 978049.2 -198.05195 2 -196.05 K41 671.3 22.7 34.5392 0.2053 1351 977589.5 319627.62 416.919 151.176 978049.2 -193.95789 1 -192.96 K42 669.7 25.8 34.5249 0.2334 13391.2 977585.4 363375.97 4132.52 1498.47 978049.2 2170.2531 0 2170.25 K43 667.6 28.9 34.506 0.2614 1337.3 977595.8 406968.63 412.691 149.643 978049.2 -190.35269 0 -190.35 K44 667.1 31.7 34.5015 0.2867 1274.3 977606.3 446357.72 393.249 142.594 978049.2 -192.24481 0 -192.24 K45 667.2 36.3 34.5024 0.3283 1331.4 977596.7 511123.96 410.87 148.983 978049.2 -190.61322 0 -190.61 K46 671.5 36.5 34.541 0.3301 1362.5 977586.5 513926.34 420.468 152.463 978049.2 -194.69584 1 -193.7 K47 674.9 35.6 34.5716 0.322 1384.2 977579.2 501315.61 427.164 154.892 978049.2 -197.72744 1 -196.73 K48 680.5 33.6 34.6219 0.3039 1396.7 977573.4 473136.07 431.022 156.29 978049.2 -201.06869 1 -200.07 K49 682.6 31.8 34.6407 0.2876 1390.1 977573.5 447758.91 428.985 155.552 978049.2 -202.26691 1 -201.27 K50 686.4 31.2 34.6749 0.2822 1415.7 977567.5 439351.75 436.885 158.416 978049.2 -203.23139 1 -202.23 K51 688 30.3 34.6893 0.274 1421 977565.8 426585.33 438.521 159.009 978049.2 -203.88887 1 -202.89 K52 693.2 31.1 34.736 0.2813 1526.1 977551 437950.56 470.954 170.77 978049.2 -198.01567 2 -196.02 K53 695 29.8 34.7521 0.2695 1524.1 977554.6 419579.37 470.337 170.546 978049.2 -194.80907 2 -192.81 K54 695.1 26.1 34.753 0.236 1526.9 977549.9 367423.86 471.201 170.86 978049.2 -198.95831 2 -196.96 K55 696.7 21.9 34.7674 0.1981 1587.3 977539.3 308418.08 489.841 177.618 978049.2 -197.67761 5 -192.68 K56 694 18.3 34.7431 0.1655 1432.8 977562.2 257663.77 442.162 160.33 978049.2 -205.16781 3 -202.17 K57 693.3 14.1 34.7368 0.1275 1570.2 977530.5 198502.3 484.564 175.705 978049.2 -209.84119 3 -206.84 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K59 691.1 8.3 34.7171 0.0751 1562 977531.8 116921.75 482.033 174.787 978049.2 -210.15413 4 -206.15 K60 691.7 5.7 34.7225 0.0516 1611.6 977514 80335.048 497.34 180.338 978049.2 -218.1978 5 -213.2 K61 692 2.2 34.7252 0.0199 1513.1 977533.7 30981.927 466.943 169.315 978049.2 -217.87278 5 -212.87 K62 693.5 0.2 34.7386 0.0018 1525 977528.2 2802.3854 470.615 170.647 978049.2 -221.03204 6 -215.03 K63 671.1 0.7 34.5374 0.0063 1451.4 977574.3 9808.3489 447.902 162.411 978049.2 -189.40918 5 -184.41 K64 673.7 3.9 34.5608 0.0353 1495.9 977563.5 54957.891 461.635 167.391 978049.2 -191.45602 3 -188.46 K65 672.9 7.6 34.5536 0.0687 1400.6 977578.4 106957.71 432.225 156.727 978049.2 -195.30156 2 -193.3 K66 671 10.4 34.5365 0.0941 1397.5 977580.2 146502.48 431.269 156.38 978049.2 -194.11133 1 -193.11 K67 671.1 14.2 34.5374 0.1284 1456.5 977570.6 199903.49 449.476 162.982 978049.2 -192.10601 1 -191.11 K68 671.7 16.4 34.5428 0.1483 1453.5 977569.2 230885.42 448.55 162.646 978049.2 -194.09611 1 -193.1 K69 666.5 23.8 34.4961 0.2153 1381.8 977591.2 335196.43 426.423 154.623 978049.2 -186.19953 0 -186.2 K70 666.2 21.9 34.4934 0.1981 1349.2 977596.6 308418.08 416.363 150.975 978049.2 -187.21196 0 -187.21 K71 664.5 19.6 34.4781 0.1773 1413 977589.4 276034.96 436.052 158.114 978049.2 -181.86248 2 -179.86 K72 668 18.3 34.5096 0.1555 1424.1 977582.7 242094.96 439.477 159.356 978049.2 -186.3791 1 -185.38 K73 667.5 11.5 34.5051 0.104 1449.4 977578.7 161915.6 447.285 162.187 978049.2 -185.40259 2 -183.4 K74 662.8 12.3 34.4629 0.1113 1416.6 977593.5 173280.83 437.163 158.517 978049.2 -177.05436 1 -176.05 K75 665.4 12.4 34.4862 0.1122 1445.5 977584.5 174682.02 446.081 161.751 978049.2 -180.36972 1 -179.37 K76 663.6 15.3 34.47 0.1384 1420.4 977591 215472.3 438.335 158.942 978049.2 -178.80689 3 -175.81 K77 659.5 14.1 34.4332 0.1275 1375.6 977601.9 198502.3 424.51 153.929 978049.2 -176.71907 1 -175.72 K78 656.6 15.7 34.4072 0.142 1323.2 977616.8 221077.07 408.34 148.066 978049.2 -172.12616 0 -172.13 K79 653.7 17.4 34.3811 0.1574 1320.1 977611.7 245053.03 407.383 147.719 978049.2 -177.83593 0 -177.84 K80 650.5 17.7 34.3524 0.1601 1280.3 977616.1 249256.61 395.101 143.265 978049.2 -181.26461 0 -181.26 K81 647.4 17.2 34.3245 0.1556 1243.4 977623.1 242250.65 383.713 139.136 978049.2 -181.52285 0 -181.52 K82 646.1 17.9 34.3128 0.1619 1198.3 977631.8 252059 369.795 134.089 978049.2 -181.69403 0 -181.69 K83 644.1 20.3 34.2949 0.1836 1250.3 977623.5 285843.31 385.843 139.908 978049.2 -179.76561 0 -179.77 K84 647 21.1 34.3209 0.1909 1262.4 977621.3 297208.54 389.577 141.262 978049.2 -179.58554 0 -179.59 K85 650.2 22 34.3497 0.199 1310.7 977609.5 309819.27 404.482 146.667 978049.2 -181.88492 0 -181.88 K86 653.5 22.5 34.3793 0.2035 1309.8 977610.5 316825.24 404.204 146.566 978049.2 -181.06195 0 -181.06 K87 657.4 23.4 34.4144 0.2117 1312.5 977613.2 329591.66 405.038 146.868 978049.2 -177.83086 0 -177.83 K88 660.6 24.6 34.4431 0.2225 1339.7 977609.6 346405.97 413.431 149.912 978049.2 -176.08061 0 -176.08 K89 663.9 25.2 34.4728 0.2279 1361.6 977604 354813.13 420.19 152.363 978049.2 -177.37287 0 -177.37 K90 666.8 26.1 34.4988 0.2361 1384.4 977596.1 367579.55 427.226 154.914 978049.2 -180.7881 1 -179.79 K91 660.9 19.4 34.4458 0.1755 1358.8 977601.9 273232.58 419.326 152.049 978049.2 -180.02363 0 -180.02 K92 657.9 18.9 34.4117 0.171 1310.7 977618.9 266226.61 404.482 146.667 978049.2 -172.48492 0 -172.48 K93 645.7 14.1 34.3092 0.1275 1273.8 977619.2 198502.3 393.095 142.538 978049.2 -179.44316 0 -179.44 K94 642.2 12.1 34.2778 0.1095 1288.2 977621.4 170478.44 397.539 144.149 978049.2 -174.41067 0 -174.41 K95 643.3 9.5 34.2877 0.0859 1291.6 977626.7 133736.06 398.588 144.53 978049.2 -168.44189 0 -168.44 K96 643.3 6.7 34.2877 0.0606 1313.2 977623.2 94346.975 405.254 146.947 978049.2 -167.69317 0 -167.69 K97 645.8 5.8 34.3101 0.0525 1352.2 977617.5 81736.24 417.289 151.311 978049.2 -165.72185 0 -165.72 K98 649.7 4.7 34.3452 0.0425 1359.3 977606.1 66167.433 419.48 152.105 978049.2 -175.72528 1 -174.73 K99 652.1 5.2 34.3667 0.047 1404.4 977594.6 73173.396 433.398 157.152 978049.2 -178.3541 2 -176.35 K100 655.9 6.1 34.4009 0.0552 1392.2 977595.9 85939.819 429.633 155.787 978049.2 -179.45384 1 -178.45 K101 659.3 6.3 34.4314 0.057 1423.7 977588.8 88742.204 439.354 159.312 978049.2 -180.35778 2 -178.36 K102 661.2 4.5 34.4485 0.0407 1405.5 977588.7 63365.047 433.737 157.275 978049.2 -184.03773 4 -180.04 K103 661.9 8.6 34.4548 0.0778 1431 977591.3 121125.32 441.607 160.128 978049.2 -176.42187 2 -174.42 K104 649.7 2.6 34.3452 0.0235 1301.3 977613.4 36586.698 401.581 145.615 978049.2 -179.8339 0 -179.83 K105 660.3 1.4 34.4404 0.0127 1227.6 977625.2 19772.386 378.837 137.368 978049.2 -182.53071 3 -179.53 K106 659.1 3.6 34.4296 0.0326 1314.8 977608 50754.313 405.747 147.126 978049.2 -182.57845 1 -181.58 K107 640.7 19.7 34.2643 0.1782 1233.8 977627.9 277436.15 380.751 138.062 978049.2 -178.61117 0 -178.61 K108 638 18.9 34.2401 0.171 1226.9 977632.1 266226.61 378.621 137.29 978049.2 -175.7684 0 -175.77 K109 634.9 19.8 34.2122 0.1791 1223.8 977634.5 278837.35 377.665 136.943 978049.2 -173.97817 0 -173.98 K110 635.2 23.2 34.2149 0.2099 1259.4 977628.4 326789.27 388.651 140.926 978049.2 -173.07564 0 -173.08 K111 636.4 24.6 34.2257 0.2225 1249.5 977630.2 346405.97 385.596 139.819 978049.2 -173.22298 0 -173.22 K112 636.5 28.4 34.2266 0.2569 1268.5 977632.3 399962.67 391.459 141.945 978049.2 -167.38567 0 -167.39 K113 635.7 31.5 34.2194 0.285 1270.3 977641.1 443711.02 392.015 142.146 978049.2 -158.23161 0 -158.23 K114 633.7 33.9 34.2014 0.3067 1289.5 977641.1 477495.33 397.94 144.295 978049.2 -154.45496 0 -154.45 K115 632.8 36.5 34.1934 0.3302 1227.5 977653.4 514082.03 378.807 137.357 978049.2 -154.35038 1 -153.35 K116 630.9 39.4 34.1763 0.3564 1231.4 977647.5 554872.31 380.01 137.793 978049.2 -159.48325 0 -159.48 K117 628.8 41.6 34.1574 0.3763 1183.9 977652.5 585854.23 365.352 132.478 978049.2 -163.82651 0 -163.83 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K119 627.5 47.1 34.1466 0.4261 1222.2 977646.8 663386.9 377.171 136.764 978049.2 -161.99289 0 -161.99 K120 626.6 49.9 34.1377 0.4514 1203.1 977652.8 702775.98 371.277 134.627 978049.2 -159.74987 0 -159.75 K121 650.2 64.4 34.3497 0.5825 1282 977610.3 906883.05 395.625 143.455 978049.2 -186.73022 2 -184.73 K122 646.9 63.2 34.3201 0.5717 1248.5 977620.3 890068.74 385.287 139.707 978049.2 -183.31968 1 -182.32 K123 643.9 62.5 34.2931 0.5654 1255.3 977619.5 880260.39 387.386 140.468 978049.2 -182.78211 1 -181.78 K124 641.4 64.8 34.2707 0.5862 1196.1 977633.3 912643.51 369.116 133.843 978049.2 -180.62677 3 -177.63 K125 637.6 67.3 34.2365 0.6088 1159.3 977642.6 947829.01 357.76 129.725 978049.2 -178.56534 1 -177.57 K126 641.5 70.5 34.2716 0.6377 1153 977642.6 992822.87 355.816 129.02 978049.2 -179.80455 2 -177.8 K127 645.2 69.8 34.3048 0.6314 1160.9 977635.9 983014.52 358.254 129.904 978049.2 -184.95062 2 -182.95 K128 649.1 69.1 34.3399 0.6251 1183.5 977629.3 973206.17 365.228 132.433 978049.2 -187.1052 3 -184.11 K129 653.2 67.8 34.3767 0.6133 1256.8 977612.5 954834.98 387.848 140.636 978049.2 -189.48706 2 -187.49 K130 656.5 67.1 34.4063 0.6069 1302.5 977603.8 944870.94 401.952 145.749 978049.2 -189.19786 2 -187.2 K131 660.4 66.3 34.4414 0.5997 1305.3 977602.8 933661.4 402.816 146.063 978049.2 -189.6471 3 -186.65 K132 664.5 66.1 34.4791 0.5979 1337.8 977593.7 930859.01 412.845 149.699 978049.2 -192.35434 3 -189.35 K133 668.7 65.7 34.5159 0.5943 1410.2 977578.1 925254.24 435.188 157.801 978049.2 -193.71324 4 -189.71 K134 673.8 63.1 34.5618 0.5707 1429.7 977573.2 888511.86 441.205 159.983 978049.2 -194.77758 3 -191.78 K135 672.8 60.1 34.5528 0.5436 1426.9 977573.5 846320.39 440.341 159.67 978049.2 -195.02834 2 -193.03 K136 676.5 59.4 34.586 0.5373 1426.5 977573.6 836512.04 440.218 159.625 978049.2 -195.00702 2 -193.01 K137 677.5 56.8 34.595 0.5137 1413.2 977573.3 799769.65 436.114 158.137 978049.2 -197.92314 2 -195.92 K138 679.2 54.4 34.6102 0.492 1396.3 977573 765985.34 430.898 156.246 978049.2 -201.54737 2 -199.55 K139 679.1 51.5 34.6093 0.4658 1359.7 977578 725195.06 419.603 152.15 978049.2 -203.7466 1 -202.75 K140 682.3 48.7 34.6381 0.4405 1411.6 977561.8 685805.98 435.62 157.958 978049.2 -209.73786 3 -206.74 K141 684.5 45.8 34.6578 0.4142 1488.5 977545.3 644860.02 459.351 166.563 978049.2 -211.1116 4 -207.11 K142 685.1 43.1 34.6632 0.3898 1458.9 977555.9 606872.12 450.217 163.25 978049.2 -206.33393 2 -204.33 K143 688 40.3 34.6893 0.3645 1428 977568.4 567483.04 440.681 159.793 978049.2 -199.91197 1 -198.91 K144 691.1 39.4 34.7171 0.3563 1503.4 977553.7 554716.62 463.949 168.23 978049.2 -199.78077 2 -197.78 K145 692.9 35.7 34.7333 0.3229 1506.4 977552 502716.8 464.875 168.566 978049.2 -200.89067 2 -198.89 K146 696.6 33.3 34.7665 0.3012 1548.1 977542.6 468932.49 477.744 173.232 978049.2 -202.08827 3 -199.09 K147 699.1 36.5 34.789 0.3301 1591.9 977532.2 513926.34 491.26 178.133 978049.2 -203.87279 4 -199.87 K148 703.7 38.4 34.8303 0.3473 1612.2 977528.5 540704.69 497.525 180.405 978049.2 -203.57978 4 -199.58 K149 706.2 41.9 34.8527 0.3789 1636.7 977523.1 589902.12 505.086 183.146 978049.2 -204.16062 5 -199.16 K150 706.6 46.2 34.8564 0.4176 1636.3 977525.3 650153.41 504.962 183.101 978049.2 -202.0393 5 -197.04 K151 706.1 49.6 34.8519 0.4486 1626.8 977535.9 698416.71 502.03 182.038 978049.2 -193.30795 5 -188.31 K152 705.4 53.3 34.8456 0.482 1572.9 977542.8 750416.53 485.397 176.007 978049.2 -197.0101 5 -192.01 K153 703.2 56.3 34.8258 0.5092 1511.4 977557.7 792763.69 466.418 169.125 978049.2 -194.20717 4 -190.21 K154 701.1 60.4 34.807 0.5462 1478.8 977572.9 850368.28 456.358 165.477 978049.2 -185.4196 4 -181.42 K155 700.8 64.2 34.8043 1.5806 1475.5 977568.4 2460805.7 455.339 165.108 978049.2 -190.56871 5 -185.57 K156 969.2 67.1 34.763 1.6068 1506.5 977564.3 2501596 464.906 168.577 978049.2 -188.571 5 -183.57 K157 693.4 63.4 34.7378 1.5734 1499.3 977564.7 2449596.2 462.684 167.771 978049.2 -189.58724 3 -186.59 K158 691.2 58.8 34.7181 1.5318 1460.8 977564.6 2384830 450.803 163.463 978049.2 -197.2602 2 -195.26 K159 688.5 56.6 34.6938 1.5119 1420.9 977570.3 2353848 438.49 158.998 978049.2 -199.40854 2 -197.41 K160 685.8 52.7 34.6695 1.4766 1409.1 977564.6 2298890.1 434.848 157.678 978049.2 -207.42961 2 -205.43 K161 685 57.1 34.6624 1.5164 1458.9 977559.6 2360854 450.217 163.25 978049.2 -202.63393 2 -200.63 K162 683.9 61.1 34.6525 1.5526 1498.9 977555.1 2417213.1 462.561 167.726 978049.2 -199.26592 3 -196.27 K163 683.9 63.4 34.6525 1.5734 1482 977559.5 2449596.2 457.345 165.835 978049.2 -198.19016 3 -195.19 K164 683.8 66.7 34.6516 1.6033 1489 977561.3 2496146.9 459.505 166.619 978049.2 -195.01325 4 -191.01 K165 702.8 51.2 34.8222 1.463 1564.4 977544.2 2277716.6 482.774 175.056 978049.2 -197.28205 4 -193.28 K166 699.8 51.5 34.7953 1.4657 1607.3 977533.8 2281920.1 496.013 179.856 978049.2 -199.24361 5 -194.24 K167 696.3 51.7 34.7638 1.4676 1551.6 977543.2 2284878.2 478.824 173.624 978049.2 -200.79981 4 -196.8 K168 692.9 50.3 34.7333 1.4549 1506.9 977547.6 2265105.8 465.029 168.622 978049.2 -205.19232 3 -202.19 K169 690.6 48.2 34.7126 1.4359 1473.2 977550.7 2235169.3 454.63 164.851 978049.2 -208.72112 2 -206.72 K170 687.6 46.3 34.6857 1.4187 1500.5 977543.5 2208395.2 463.054 167.905 978049.2 -210.5512 3 -207.55 K171 682.9 40.4 34.6435 1.3654 1428.7 977567.3 2125426.7 440.897 159.871 978049.2 -200.87428 1 -199.87 K172 679.8 39.8 34.6156 1.36 1402.3 977574.5 2117020.9 432.75 156.917 978049.2 -198.86717 1 -197.87 K173 677.2 37.3 34.5922 1.3374 1389.1 977577.6 2081840.9 428.676 155.44 978049.2 -198.36361 1 -197.36 K174 692.7 22.2 34.7315 1.2008 1547.4 977551.8 1869204.9 477.528 173.154 978049.2 -193.02596 4 -189.03 K175 688.6 22.1 34.6946 1.1999 1510.5 977559.8 1867803.9 466.14 169.024 978049.2 -192.2842 2 -190.28 K176 685.4 22.8 34.6659 1.2062 1511.5 977557.2 1877610.7 466.449 169.136 978049.2 -194.6875 2 -192.69 K177 681.9 24.3 34.6344 1.2198 1496.7 977558.7 1898780.9 461.882 167.48 978049.2 -196.09866 2 -194.1 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K179 675.6 25.9 34.5779 1.2343 1429.2 977569.9 1921352.1 441.051 159.927 978049.2 -198.17593 1 -197.18 K180 672.9 26.5 34.5536 1.2397 1416.3 977574.4 1929757.9 437.07 158.484 978049.2 -196.21337 1 -195.21 K181 661.5 46.3 34.4212 1.4188 1355 977593.7 2208550.9 418.153 151.624 978049.2 -188.97109 1 -187.97 K182 664.2 48.1 34.4755 1.4351 1347.6 977596.2 2233924 415.869 150.796 978049.2 -187.92668 1 -186.93 K183 668.9 50.4 34.5177 1.4559 1370.7 977587.8 2266302 422.998 153.381 978049.2 -191.7829 1 -190.78 K184 670.3 54.3 34.5303 1.4911 1401.2 977577.4 2321095.4 432.41 156.794 978049.2 -196.18354 2 -194.18 K185 672.4 57.5 34.5492 1.5201 1411.3 977577.4 2366237.8 435.527 157.924 978049.2 -194.19687 2 -192.2 K186 667.6 47.5 34.506 1.4296 1352.2 977590.4 2225362.5 417.289 151.311 978049.2 -192.82185 1 -191.82 K187 665.9 45.3 34.4907 1.4097 1299.1 977602.7 2194385.5 400.902 145.369 978049.2 -190.96664 0 -190.97 K188 665.4 41.1 34.4862 1.3718 1278.6 977608.7 2135389.1 394.576 143.075 978049.2 -188.999 0 -189 K189 664.4 43.3 34.4773 1.3917 1333 977597.9 2166366.1 411.364 149.162 978049.2 -189.0985 1 -188.1 K190 658.6 46.8 34.4252 1.4233 1307.7 977608.4 2215555.7 403.556 146.331 978049.2 -183.57502 0 -183.58 K191 654.9 47.9 34.3919 1.4333 1273.7 977613.2 2231122 393.064 142.527 978049.2 -185.46283 0 -185.46 K192 652.2 48.9 34.3677 1.4423 1246.6 977620.3 2245131.7 384.701 139.494 978049.2 -183.69341 0 -183.69 K193 649.4 50.9 34.3425 1.4604 1217.3 977626.9 2273306.8 375.659 136.216 978049.2 -182.85672 0 -182.86 K194 646.2 52.4 34.3138 1.474 1227.4 977625.4 2294477 378.776 137.346 978049.2 -182.37005 0 -182.37 K195 650.8 53.4 34.3551 1.483 1239.5 977624.7 2308486.7 382.51 138.7 978049.2 -180.68998 0 -180.69 K196 654.1 53.6 34.3847 1.4848 1259.8 977616.2 2311288.6 388.774 140.971 978049.2 -185.19696 0 -185.2 K197 658 54.4 34.4198 1.4921 1274.7 977607.9 2322652.1 393.372 142.639 978049.2 -190.56613 1 -189.57 K198 661.4 54.8 34.4503 1.4957 1309.1 977600.3 2328255.9 403.988 146.488 978049.2 -191.39964 1 -190.4 K199 663 57 34.4647 1.5156 1352 977592.1 2359232.9 417.227 151.288 978049.2 -191.16119 2 -189.16 K200 665.5 59.1 34.4872 1.5346 1378.1 977877.7 2388809 425.282 154.209 978049.2 99.572683 2 101.573 K201 669.3 58.9 34.5213 1.5327 1389.3 977582.2 2385851.4 428.738 155.462 978049.2 -193.72427 2 -191.72 K202 662.2 61.1 34.4575 1.5527 1324.2 977599.1 2416984 408.648 148.178 978049.2 -189.62946 2 -187.63 K203 658.4 62 34.4234 1.5608 1288.8 977608.1 2429592.8 397.724 144.216 978049.2 -187.59265 2 -185.59 K204 654.6 62.6 34.3893 1.5662 1252.8 977615 2437998.6 386.614 140.188 978049.2 -187.77386 1 -186.77 K205 652.4 60 34.3695 1.5427 1254.8 977616.8 2401417.7 387.231 140.412 978049.2 -185.58046 1 -184.58 K206 649.3 57.3 34.3434 1.5183 1239.5 977627.9 2363435.9 382.51 138.7 978049.2 -177.48998 0 -177.49 K207 646.2 55.4 34.3138 1.5011 1220.1 977629.1 2336661.8 376.523 136.529 978049.2 -180.10596 0 -180.11 K208 643.1 50.6 34.2859 1.4577 1240.2 977624.5 2269103.9 382.726 138.778 978049.2 -180.75229 0 -180.75 K209 639.2 49.9 34.2509 1.4514 1192 977638.8 2259297.1 367.851 133.384 978049.2 -175.93324 0 -175.93 K210 639.3 53.2 34.2518 1.4812 1219.4 977630 2305684.8 376.307 136.45 978049.2 -179.34365 0 -179.34 K211 639 56.9 34.2491 1.5147 1237.1 977627.2 2357832 381.769 138.431 978049.2 -178.66206 0 -178.66 K212 640.1 59.8 34.259 1.5409 1257.7 977619.1 2398615.8 388.126 140.736 978049.2 -182.71003 1 -181.71 K213 635.2 65.5 34.215 1.5925 1146.7 977646.8 2478938 353.872 128.315 978049.2 -176.84377 3 -173.84 K214 632.6 63.2 34.1916 1.5717 1167.1 977642.4 2446560.1 360.167 130.598 978049.2 -177.23108 1 -176.23 K215 630 59.7 34.1682 1.5401 1126.9 977650.8 2397370.4 347.761 126.1 978049.2 -176.73843 0 -176.74 K216 627.2 56.6 34.1431 1.512 1160.5 977651.3 2353629.1 358.13 129.86 978049.2 -169.6293 0 -169.63 K217 626.4 53.4 34.1359 1.4831 1186.3 977655 2308642.4 366.092 132.747 978049.2 -160.85443 0 -160.85 K218 630.5 51.5 34.1727 1.4659 1207.9 977639.3 2281868.3 372.758 135.164 978049.2 -172.30571 0 -172.31 K219 633.1 52.7 34.1961 1.4767 1216.7 977633.4 2298679.9 375.474 136.148 978049.2 -176.47475 0 -176.47 K220 635.6 53.7 34.2185 1.4858 1226.9 977629.9 2312845.3 378.621 137.29 978049.2 -177.9684 0 -177.97 K221 637 51.9 34.2311 1.4695 1231.2 977629.1 2287472.2 379.948 137.771 978049.2 -177.92259 0 -177.92 K222 635 46.9 34.2131 1.4243 1199.8 977639.8 2217112.4 370.258 134.257 978049.2 -173.39898 0 -173.4 K223 634.6 56.9 34.2096 1.5147 1177 977636.6 2357832 363.222 131.706 978049.2 -181.08375 1 -180.08 K224 633.2 59.9 34.197 1.5419 1192 977633.3 2400172.4 367.851 133.384 978049.2 -181.43324 4 -177.43 K225 659.3 42.8 34.4314 1.3871 1314.6 977604.3 2159205.6 405.686 147.103 978049.2 -186.31779 0 -186.32 K226 656.6 40.4 34.3072 1.3654 1311.3 977609.4 2125426.7 404.667 146.734 978049.2 -181.8669 0 -181.87 K227 653.4 43.4 34.3784 1.3926 1274 977615.2 2167767.1 393.156 142.56 978049.2 -183.40382 0 -183.4 K228 652.9 38.1 34.3739 1.3446 1307 977614.4 2093048.7 403.34 146.253 978049.2 -177.71271 0 -177.71 K229 648.8 38.1 34.3371 1.3446 1303.3 977617.7 2093048.7 402.198 145.839 978049.2 -175.1405 0 -175.14 K230 646.1 40.1 34.3129 1.3627 1254.8 977629.3 2121223.8 387.231 140.412 978049.2 -173.08046 0 -173.08 K231 645 43.9 34.303 1.3971 1269.9 977625.8 2174771.9 391.891 142.101 978049.2 -173.61029 0 -173.61 K232 641.8 46.5 34.2742 1.4206 1204.4 977649.8 2211352.8 371.678 134.772 978049.2 -162.49416 0 -162.49 K233 632.1 44.7 34.1871 1.4044 1177.2 977647.5 2186135.4 363.284 131.728 978049.2 -170.14441 0 -170.14 K234 645.3 36.4 34.3057 1.3293 1283.9 977919.4 2069232.2 396.212 143.668 978049.2 122.74352 0 122.744 K235 643.3 34.1 34.2877 1.3085 1313.8 977612.5 2036854.3 405.439 147.014 978049.2 -178.27515 0 -178.28 K236 641.4 37.1 34.2706 1.3356 1281.2 977624.8 2079039 395.378 143.366 978049.2 -172.38758 0 -172.39 K237 638.2 36.1 34.2419 1.3265 1288.1 977634 2064873.6 397.508 144.138 978049.2 -161.83034 0 -161.83 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K239 640.5 31.9 34.2625 1.2886 1293.2 977616.9 2005877.3 399.082 144.709 978049.2 -177.92717 0 -177.93 K240 641 27.9 34.267 1.2534 1283 977616.5 1951083.8 395.934 143.567 978049.2 -180.33352 0 -180.33 K241 639.6 25.6 34.2544 1.2316 1259.7 977623.1 1917149.2 388.743 140.96 978049.2 -178.31663 0 -178.32 K242 721.3 0.2 34.9883 1.0018 1629.8 977499.6 1559434.9 502.956 182.374 978049.2 -229.01785 34 -195.02 K243 719.1 2.9 34.9686 1.0262 1872.2 977450.2 1597416.8 577.761 209.499 978049.2 -230.7377 21 -209.74 K244 716.8 0.8 34.9479 1.0072 1875.4 977452.6 1567840.7 578.748 209.857 978049.2 -227.70826 29 -198.71 K245 713.9 1 34.9219 1.009 1826 977461.8 1570642.7 563.504 204.329 978049.2 -228.22525 23 -205.23 K246 719.9 6.9 34.9758 1.0624 2002.1 977419.2 1653766.9 617.848 224.034 978049.2 -236.18633 23 -213.19 K247 720.5 19.8 34.9812 1.179 1842.1 977452.8 1835270.3 568.472 206.13 978049.2 -234.05838 10 -224.06 K248 716.3 20.6 34.9434 1.1863 1713.3 977490.3 1846633.7 528.724 191.718 978049.2 -221.89338 8 -213.89 K249 716.3 17.4 34.9434 1.1573 1767.9 977474.4 1801491.3 545.574 197.827 978049.2 -227.05354 8 -219.05 K250 719 16.1 34.9677 1.1456 1854.2 977451.7 1783278.7 572.206 207.484 978049.2 -232.7783 11 -221.78 K251 718 12.3 34.9659 1.1112 1948.3 977429.7 1729730.6 601.245 218.014 978049.2 -236.26881 17 -219.27 K252 713.4 18 34.9174 1.1628 1731.7 977486.8 1810052.8 534.403 193.777 978049.2 -221.77409 9 -212.77 K253 710.8 16.7 34.894 1.151 1630.5 977506.8 1791684.6 503.172 182.452 978049.2 -221.68016 8 -213.68 K254 708 14.6 34.8689 1.132 1718.4 977485.8 1762108.5 530.298 192.288 978049.2 -225.3902 7 -218.39 K255 703.9 12.6 34.8321 1.1139 1691.6 977492.1 1733933.5 522.028 189.29 978049.2 -224.36177 6 -218.36 K256 705.9 9.9 34.95 1.0595 1759.1 977476.1 1649252.6 542.858 196.843 978049.2 -227.0845 11 -216.08 K257 709.5 8.9 34.8832 1.0805 1787 977470 1681941.9 551.468 199.965 978049.2 -227.69656 10 -217.7 K258 712.6 7.3 34.9102 1.066 1899.1 977446.1 1659370.8 586.062 212.509 978049.2 -229.54646 19 -210.55 K259 713.2 4.7 34.9156 1.0425 1763.5 977472.3 1622789.9 544.216 197.335 978049.2 -230.01902 12 -218.02 K260 716 7.2 34.9407 1.0651 1910.4 977442.3 1657969.8 589.549 213.773 978049.2 -231.12375 19 -212.12 K261 704.5 6.5 34.8374 1.0588 1737.8 977480.9 1648163 536.285 194.459 978049.2 -226.47422 15 -211.47 K262 702.9 5.4 34.8231 1.0488 1590.5 977509.7 1632596.7 490.828 177.976 978049.2 -226.64817 8 -218.65 K263 701.5 1.8 34.8105 1.0163 1578.2 977516 1582006.1 487.033 176.6 978049.2 -222.76759 15 -207.77 K264 698.3 1.8 34.7818 0.0163 1403.3 977552 25373.118 433.058 157.029 978049.2 -221.17047 7 -214.17 K265 695.9 2.3 34.7602 0.0208 1462.5 977540.9 32377.966 451.328 163.653 978049.2 -220.62581 5 -215.63 K266 699.1 4.7 34.7889 0.0425 1610.7 977507 66156.902 497.062 180.237 978049.2 -225.37483 12 -213.37 K267 699.9 7.9 34.7961 0.0714 1724.7 977465.4 111143.59 532.242 192.993 978049.2 -244.55099 12 -232.55 K268 702.5 9.1 34.8195 0.0823 1718.6 977485.4 128110.89 530.36 192.311 978049.2 -225.75086 8 -217.75 K269 700.7 14.2 34.6033 0.1284 1645 977505.7 199871.67 507.647 184.075 978049.2 -219.92801 6 -213.93 K270 697.4 13.8 34.7737 0.1248 1614.2 977517.3 194267.8 498.142 180.628 978049.2 -214.38638 4 -210.39 K271 699.6 23.3 34.7934 0.2107 1576.6 977542.1 327982.57 486.539 176.421 978049.2 -196.98231 3 -193.98 K272 702 25.3 34.315 0.2288 1595.9 977536.1 356157.63 492.495 178.581 978049.2 -199.18599 4 -195.19 K273 705.7 26.7 34.8482 0.2415 1584.2 977537.9 375926.86 488.884 177.272 978049.2 -199.68738 3 -196.69 K274 709.2 25.4 34.8797 0.2297 1600.7 977533 357558.6 493.976 179.118 978049.2 -201.34183 5 -196.34 K275 712.8 24.9 34.912 0.2252 1614 977529.2 350553.75 498.08 180.606 978049.2 -202.52572 6 -196.53 K276 716 23.3 34.9407 0.2107 1632.6 977515.5 327982.57 503.82 182.687 978049.2 -212.56709 7 -205.57 K277 707.1 16.8 34.8608 0.1519 1651.5 977503.1 236452.55 509.653 184.802 978049.2 -221.24945 7 -214.25 K278 704.4 16.4 34.8365 0.1664 1586.5 977521.5 259023.73 489.594 177.529 978049.2 -215.63497 5 -210.63 K279 702.4 21 34.3186 0.1899 1451 977558.3 295604.6 447.779 162.366 978049.2 -205.48786 4 -201.49 K280 712.3 27.1 34.9075 0.2451 1620.6 977526.5 381530.74 500.117 181.345 978049.2 -203.92749 5 -198.93 K281 714 30 34.9228 0.2713 1576.7 977529.7 422314.53 486.57 176.432 978049.2 -209.36264 7 -202.36 K282 716.3 33.1 34.9435 0.2993 1605.9 977520.7 465900.25 495.581 179.7 978049.2 -212.61899 15 -197.62 K283 714.8 36.1 34.93 0.3265 1597 977526.3 508240.67 492.834 178.704 978049.2 -208.76962 14 -194.77 K284 713.3 39.3 34.9165 0.3554 1556.5 977541.7 553227.36 480.336 174.172 978049.2 -201.33598 11 -190.34 K285 711.6 42.2 34.9013 0.3816 1581.7 977537.9 594011.14 488.113 176.992 978049.2 -200.17914 7 -193.18 K286 709.2 41.3 34.8797 0.3735 1574 977538.1 581402.42 485.736 176.13 978049.2 -201.49373 4 -197.49 K287 715.1 42.9 34.9327 0.3879 1655.8 977516.7 603817.93 510.98 185.284 978049.2 -206.80364 11 -195.8 K288 714.9 46.3 34.9309 0.4187 1639.8 977520.6 651762.23 506.042 183.493 978049.2 -206.05085 16 -190.05 K289 712.3 46.2 34.9076 0.4359 1638 977530.5 678536.32 505.487 183.292 978049.2 -196.50491 8 -188.5 K290 709.2 49.5 34.8797 0.4476 1623.7 977533.3 696748.92 501.074 181.692 978049.2 -196.51772 6 -190.52 K291 682.8 20.7 34.6425 0.1872 1477.2 977556.8 291401.69 455.864 165.298 978049.2 -201.83432 1 -200.83 K292 679.5 19.9 34.6133 0.18 1436.4 977564.7 280193.94 443.273 160.733 978049.2 -201.95969 1 -200.96 K293 676.1 19.4 34.582 0.1755 1445.8 977564.3 273189.09 446.174 161.785 978049.2 -200.51071 1 -199.51 K294 678.5 16.5 34.6039 0.1492 1402.3 977571.2 232249.64 432.75 156.917 978049.2 -202.16717 1 -201.17 K295 678.2 13.4 34.6012 0.1212 1476.9 977555.6 188663.92 455.771 165.265 978049.2 -203.09333 1 -202.09 K296 631.5 13 34.6317 0.1176 1493.2 977549.9 183060.04 460.802 167.089 978049.2 -205.58711 2 -203.59 K297 684.7 13.2 34.6596 0.1194 1510.1 977546.2 185861.98 466.017 168.98 978049.2 -205.96288 2 -203.96 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K299 682.4 9.2 34.6389 0.0832 1551 977538 129511.86 478.639 173.556 978049.2 -206.11783 4 -202.12 K300 631.1 6.7 34.6273 0.006 1458.5 977561 9339.7979 450.093 163.206 978049.2 -201.31261 2 -199.31 K301 680.5 3.1 34.6228 0.028 1581.5 977532.5 43585.723 488.051 176.969 978049.2 -205.61848 6 -199.62 K302 685.3 8.5 34.665 0.0769 1568 977530.5 119705.08 483.885 175.459 978049.2 -210.27393 5 -205.27 K303 630.3 3.5 34.656 0.0317 1562.4 977532.9 49345.265 482.157 174.832 978049.2 -208.97545 4 -204.98 K304 688.2 4.4 34.691 0.0398 1628.4 977513.8 61953.993 502.524 182.217 978049.2 -215.09323 8 -207.09 K305 639.5 5.4 34.2544 0.0488 1269.9 977634.7 75963.689 391.891 142.101 978049.2 -164.71029 0 -164.71 K306 635.4 4.5 34.2167 0.0407 1197.6 977655 63354.962 369.579 134.011 978049.2 -158.63172 0 -158.63 K307 630.7 3.1 34.1745 0.028 1153.7 977666.4 43585.723 356.032 129.099 978049.2 -155.86686 0 -155.87 K308 639.2 9.6 34.2509 0.0868 1235.3 977639.8 135115.74 381.214 138.23 978049.2 -166.41612 0 -166.42 K309 635.5 11.2 34.2176 0.1013 1220.1 977636.9 157686.92 376.523 136.529 978049.2 -172.30596 0 -172.31 K310 631.3 12.3 34.1799 0.1113 1241.4 977631.2 173253.25 383.096 138.912 978049.2 -173.81625 0 -173.82 K311 627.5 12.5 34.1457 0.1131 1206.6 977640.3 176055.19 372.357 135.018 978049.2 -171.56142 0 -171.56 K312 623.7 12.7 34.1116 0.1149 1147.2 977658.8 178857.13 354.026 128.371 978049.2 -164.74542 0 -164.75 K313 619.4 12.4 34.0729 0.1122 1144.5 977663.6 174654.22 353.193 128.069 978049.2 -160.47651 0 -160.48 K314 611.3 9.3 34.0002 0.0841 1142.3 977668.1 130912.83 352.514 127.823 978049.2 -156.40925 1 -155.41 K315 621.4 13.8 34.0909 0.1243 1145.4 977669.6 193489.48 353.47 128.17 978049.2 -154.29948 0 -154.3 K316 619.5 16.6 34.0747 0.1502 1170.1 977668 233806.27 361.093 130.934 978049.2 -151.04098 0 -151.04 K317 616.6 17.5 34.0478 0.1583 1199.2 977661.8 246415 370.073 134.19 978049.2 -151.517 0 -151.52 K318 612.8 15.9 34.0136 0.1438 1154.3 977671.2 223843.82 356.217 129.166 978049.2 -150.94884 0 -150.95 K319 611.3 13 34.0002 0.1176 1167.5 977666.5 183060.04 360.291 130.643 978049.2 -153.0524 0 -153.05 K320 614.1 19.4 34.0253 0.1755 1212.2 977655.9 273189.09 374.085 135.645 978049.2 -154.8599 2 -152.86 K321 615.5 22.9 34.0379 0.2072 1204.9 977656.2 322534.35 371.832 134.828 978049.2 -155.99581 3 -153 K322 612.9 25 34.0145 0.2262 1135.2 977671.4 352110.38 350.323 127.029 978049.2 -154.50582 0 -154.51 K323 616.1 26.9 34.0433 0.2434 1150.8 977668.2 378884.47 355.137 128.774 978049.2 -154.63729 2 -152.64 K324 618.8 28.8 34.0676 0.2605 1195.7 977657.3 405502.89 368.993 133.798 978049.2 -156.70545 1 -155.71 K325 618.6 33.4 34.0653 0.3022 1180 977658.3 470414.49 364.148 132.042 978049.2 -158.79365 0 -158.79 K326 622.2 34.4 34.0981 0.3112 1198.4 977654.1 484424.18 369.826 134.101 978049.2 -159.37436 0 -159.37 K327 625 36.6 34.1233 0.3311 1177.5 977657.6 515401.18 363.377 131.762 978049.2 -159.9854 0 -159.99 K328 627.3 38.4 34.1439 0.3474 1196.6 977652.6 540774.3 369.271 133.899 978049.2 -161.22842 0 -161.23 K329 630.5 32.5 34.1727 0.294 1308.4 977638.1 457650.1 403.772 146.41 978049.2 -153.73733 3 -150.74 K330 626.2 31.2 34.134 0.2822 1250.1 977647.3 439281.83 385.781 139.886 978049.2 -156.00496 2 -154 K331 622.1 31 34.0972 0.2304 1224.5 977650.4 358648.24 377.881 137.021 978049.2 -157.94048 0 -157.94 K332 621 26.3 34.0873 0.2379 1253.4 977646.8 370322.99 386.799 140.255 978049.2 -155.85584 0 -155.86 K333 620.7 23 34.0846 0.2081 1211.9 977657.6 323935.32 373.992 135.611 978049.2 -153.21891 0 -153.22 K334 619.9 19.9 34.0774 0.18 1199.2 977660.5 280193.94 370.073 134.19 978049.2 -152.817 0 -152.82 K335 623.8 16.6 34.1125 0.1502 1150.5 977669.4 233806.27 355.044 128.741 978049.2 -153.4963 0 -153.5 K336 627.2 17.9 34.143 0.1619 1176.6 977660.4 252018.88 363.099 131.661 978049.2 -157.36243 0 -157.36 K337 629.9 19.8 34.1673 0.1791 1179.2 977652.7 278792.97 363.901 131.952 978049.2 -164.55101 0 -164.55 K338 632.3 21.8 34.1888 0.1972 1244.8 977635.2 306968.02 384.145 139.293 978049.2 -169.14747 0 -169.15 K339 630.1 24.3 34.1691 0.2198 1213.2 977653.2 342147.93 374.394 135.757 978049.2 -157.3632 0 -157.36 K340 629.2 26.6 34.161 0.2587 1238.6 977656.1 402700.95 382.232 138.599 978049.2 -149.46701 0 -149.47 K341 626.3 31.4 34.1529 0.2341 1298.3 977639.5 364407.78 400.655 145.279 978049.2 -154.324 1 -153.32 K342 624.2 22.5 34.1161 0.2035 1190 977665.5 316774.81 367.234 133.161 978049.2 -149.62664 0 -149.63 K343 627.7 22.1 34.1475 0.1999 1210 977657.7 311170.93 373.406 135.399 978049.2 -153.49264 0 -153.49 K344 778.7 73.2 35.5044 0.662 2386.6 977399.9 1030491 736.505 267.06 978049.2 -179.85506 77 -102.86 K345 783.6 60.4 35.5493 0.5464 1290.2 977604.7 850544.26 398.156 144.373 978049.2 -190.71727 92 -98.717 K346 784.7 59.7 35.5574 0.5392 1246.3 977605.3 839336.5 384.608 139.461 978049.2 -198.75242 86 -112.75 K347 778.4 94.7 35.5015 0.8562 2392.7 977410.1 1332789.2 738.387 267.742 978049.2 -168.45519 47 -121.46 K348 766.2 71.4 35.3914 0.6456 2397.9 977400.4 1004962.3 739.992 268.324 978049.2 -177.13235 ## -68.132 K349 772.9 80.2 35.4523 0.7252 2343.9 977416.6 1128870.2 723.328 262.282 978049.2 -171.55417 43 -128.55 K350 775.3 94.6 35.4737 0.8552 2602.1 977357.6 1331232.5 803.008 291.174 978049.2 -179.76615 ## -54.766 K351 779.3 98.8 35.5096 0.8932 2415.5 977407.6 1390384.6 745.423 270.294 978049.2 -166.47043 47 -119.47 K352 760.7 106 35.5221 0.96 2518.9 977384 1494367.7 777.333 281.864 978049.2 -169.73161 67 -102.73 K353 782 107 35.5337 0.9691 2464.3 977394.9 1508533 760.483 275.754 978049.2 -169.57145 67 -102.57 K354 782.8 108 35.5409 0.9763 2331.7 977410.7 1519740.8 719.563 260.917 978049.2 -179.85391 64 -115.85 K355 783.7 109 35.549 0.9835 2318.3 977424.5 1530948.5 715.427 259.417 978049.2 -168.68969 66 -102.69 K356 784.9 111 35.5597 0.9998 2147 977460.3 1556321.7 662.564 240.249 978049.2 -166.58446 81 -85.584 K357 781.2 1.1 35.5266 0.0099 2827.9 977247.5 15410.666 872.69 316.441 978049.2 -245.45122 49 -196.45 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K359 731.6 9.5 35.5302 0.0859 2758.4 977262.4 133714.77 851.242 308.664 978049.2 -244.22189 38 -206.22 K360 777 11.3 35.4883 0.1022 2648.4 977310.5 159087.89 817.296 296.355 978049.2 -217.75893 29 -188.76 K361 774 15.3 35.4655 0.1384 2505.8 977349.5 215438 773.29 280.398 978049.2 -206.80839 23 -183.81 K362 774 18.8 35.4619 0.17 2493 977354.9 264627.61 769.34 278.966 978049.2 -203.92615 21 -182.93 K363 771.9 22.6 35.443 0.2044 2463.1 977365.1 318175.78 760.113 275.62 978049.2 -199.60749 21 -178.61 K364 768.5 27.1 35.4134 0.2451 2395.7 977379 381530.74 739.313 268.078 978049.2 -198.96509 22 -176.97 K365 766 50.3 35.3898 0.2719 2297.9 977403.5 423248.51 709.132 257.134 978049.2 -193.70238 17 -176.7 K366 764.3 35.2 35.3745 0.3182 2203.4 977429.2 495320.61 679.969 246.56 978049.2 -186.59056 12 -174.59 K367 762.1 39.7 35.3548 0.3589 2191.8 977436.4 558675.58 676.389 245.262 978049.2 -181.67228 12 -169.67 K368 759.2 43.9 35.3287 0.3969 2167.7 977441.8 617827.63 668.952 242.565 978049.2 -181.01276 11 -170.01 K369 755.6 51.8 35.2964 0.4683 2151.9 977448.9 728971.22 664.076 240.797 978049.2 -177.02062 11 -166.02 K370 755.8 56.2 35.2983 0.5082 2097.9 977460.6 791080.88 647.412 234.754 978049.2 -175.94244 11 -164.94 K371 752.8 58.1 35.2714 0.5253 2094.6 977461.8 817699.3 646.394 234.385 978049.2 -175.39155 10 -165.39 K372 760.2 36.7 35.3377 0.3318 2179 977433.4 516490.82 672.439 243.829 978049.2 -187.19005 11 -176.19 K373 758.9 31.5 35.326 0.2848 2191.8 977428.5 443329.07 676.389 245.262 978049.2 -189.57228 11 -178.57 K374 759.3 27 35.3298 0.2441 2150.7 977428.9 379974.11 663.706 240.663 978049.2 -197.25666 14 -183.26 K375 756.2 24 35.302 0.217 2179.9 977425.1 337789.36 672.717 243.93 978049.2 -195.31302 14 -181.31 K376 760.1 21.9 35.337 0.198 2314.3 977393.7 308213.33 714.193 258.969 978049.2 -200.2765 21 -179.28 K377 763.2 20.8 35.3649 0.1881 2400.6 977367.6 292802.66 740.825 268.626 978049.2 -209.40126 25 -184.4 K378 767.1 18.5 35.3999 0.1673 2464.3 977355 260424.7 760.483 275.754 978049.2 -209.47145 22 -187.47 K379 770.1 17.6 35.4269 0.1592 2421.3 977365.7 247815.97 747.213 270.943 978049.2 -207.22956 20 -187.23 K380 752.8 20.7 35.2715 0.1872 2070.8 977441.2 291401.69 639.049 231.722 978049.2 -200.67302 11 -189.67 K381 749.5 19.3 35.2425 0.1745 1953.8 977459 271632.45 602.943 218.63 978049.2 -205.88695 12 -193.89 K382 748.2 14.9 35.2399 0.1347 1958.9 977454.9 209678.46 604.517 219.2 978049.2 -208.98378 12 -196.98 K383 750.1 12.3 35.247 0.1112 2098.2 977423.8 173097.59 647.505 234.788 978049.2 -212.68343 15 -197.68 K384 745.5 12.4 35.2057 0.1121 2038.2 977432.6 174498.56 628.989 228.074 978049.2 -215.68545 13 -202.69 K385 741.4 11.8 35.1688 0.1067 2135.4 977409.5 166092.74 658.984 238.951 978049.2 -219.66618 30 -189.67 K386 738 8.4 35.1383 0.076 2117.8 977410 118304.11 653.553 236.981 978049.2 -222.6281 33 -189.63 K387 739.8 7.2 35.1545 0.0651 1980 977437.6 101336.81 611.028 221.561 978049.2 -222.13341 24 -198.13 K388 743.2 6.8 35.185 0.0615 1785.2 977476.8 95732.928 550.913 199.763 978049.2 -221.25062 19 -202.25 K389 744.2 4.4 35.194 0.0398 1566.4 977515.2 61953.993 483.391 175.28 978049.2 -225.88865 27 -198.89 K390 744.8 3 35.1994 0.0271 1432.6 977538.6 42184.754 442.1 160.308 978049.2 -228.80715 31 -197.81 K391 745.9 1 35.2093 0.009 1471 977533.9 14009.697 453.951 164.604 978049.2 -225.95386 19 -206.95 K392 778.6 3.9 35.5032 0.0353 2683.8 977288.8 54949.144 828.221 300.316 978049.2 -232.49573 33 -199.5 K393 776.6 2.6 35.4852 0.0235 2720 977278.1 36580.875 839.392 304.367 978049.2 -236.07518 39 -197.08 K394 773.5 2.3 35.4574 0.0208 2686.8 977285.6 32377.966 829.146 300.652 978049.2 -235.10563 61 -174.11 K395 760.6 0.1 35.3415 0.0009 1965.4 977436.5 1400.9697 606.522 219.928 978049.2 -226.10523 46 -180.11 K396 757.6 0.8 35.3146 0.0072 1694.4 977490.3 11207.757 522.892 189.603 978049.2 -225.61101 29 -196.61 K397 758 1.2 35.3182 0.0109 1615.1 977504.9 16967.299 498.42 180.729 978049.2 -226.60935 44 -182.61 K398 760.8 2.1 35.3433 0.019 1678.2 977494.9 29576.027 517.893 187.79 978049.2 -224.19756 51 -173.2 K399 763.3 1.5 35.3658 0.0136 1781.3 977475.4 21170.209 549.709 199.327 978049.2 -223.41776 39 -184.42 K400 766 2.1 35.39 0.019 1938.5 977451 29576.027 598.221 216.918 978049.2 -216.89647 37 -179.9 K401 766.1 2.6 35.3909 0.0235 1975.7 977444.3 36580.875 609.701 221.08 978049.2 -216.27922 39 -177.28 K402 729.8 84.4 35.0649 0.7632 1725.2 977518.5 1188022.3 532.397 193.049 978049.2 -191.35264 9 -182.35 K403 742.3 75.4 35.1771 0.6817 1946.5 977485.3 1061156.7 600.69 217.813 978049.2 -181.02287 8 -173.02 K404 748.4 75 35.2319 0.6781 1994 977475 1055552.8 615.348 223.128 978049.2 -181.9796 9 -172.98 K405 751.9 74 35.2633 0.6691 2034.5 977469.8 1041543.1 627.847 227.66 978049.2 -179.21324 9 -170.21 K406 751.5 70 35.2597 0.6329 2026.3 977470 985193.01 625.316 226.742 978049.2 -180.62618 9 -171.63 K407 751.7 65.2 35.2615 0.5895 2089.4 977462.5 917635.14 644.789 233.803 978049.2 -175.71439 11 -164.71 K408 752.7 62.2 35.2705 0.5624 2139.7 977453.5 875450.39 660.311 239.432 978049.2 -174.82037 12 -162.82 K409 756.6 68.3 35.3055 0.6176 2117.8 977454.4 961376.53 653.553 236.981 978049.2 -178.2281 11 -167.23 K410 756.3 74.2 35.3028 0.6709 2052.2 977463.3 1044345.1 633.309 229.641 978049.2 -182.23164 11 -171.23 K411 756 80.1 35.3001 0.7243 2068.7 977461.1 1127469.3 638.401 231.487 978049.2 -181.18609 11 -170.19 K412 755.5 84.5 35.2964 0.7641 2053.4 977464.5 1189423.3 633.679 229.775 978049.2 -180.7956 11 -169.8 K413 751.7 82.1 35.2614 0.7424 2023 977469.2 1155644.3 624.298 226.373 978049.2 -182.07529 10 -172.08 K414 748.4 78 35.2319 0.7052 1997.7 977471.8 1097737.6 616.49 223.542 978049.2 -184.45181 9 -175.45 K415 737.9 76.5 35.1376 0.6917 1947.1 977485.8 1076723 600.875 217.88 978049.2 -180.40485 8 -172.4 K416 733.9 79.2 35.1017 0.7161 1893.4 977493.8 1114704.9 584.303 211.871 978049.2 -182.96765 7 -175.97 K417 729 81 35.0577 0.7324 1868.7 977490.2 1140078 576.681 209.107 978049.2 -191.42615 9 -182.43 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K419 727.3 70.8 35.0423 0.6402 1805 977505.8 996556.43 557.023 201.979 978049.2 -188.35596 7 -181.36 K420 726.5 87.4 35.0352 0.7903 1816 977500.5 1230207 560.418 203.21 978049.2 -191.49226 7 -184.49 K421 731.3 91.3 35.0784 0.8255 1870.6 977493.9 1285000.5 577.267 209.32 978049.2 -187.35242 8 -179.35 K422 728.7 96.1 35.055 0.869 1857.8 977489.9 1352714.1 573.317 207.887 978049.2 -193.87018 8 -185.87 K423 726.1 101 35.0317 0.9115 1820.3 977492.1 1418871 561.745 203.691 978049.2 -199.04644 7 -192.05 K424 729.2 106 35.0596 0.9576 1871.2 977485.9 1490631.7 577.452 209.387 978049.2 -195.2344 8 -187.23 K425 732.1 102 35.0856 0.9241 1869 977487.3 1438484.5 576.773 209.141 978049.2 -194.26714 8 -186.27 K426 735.8 97.6 35.1188 0.8825 1803.2 977502.9 1373728.6 556.468 201.778 978049.2 -191.61002 7 -184.61 K427 736.5 95.2 35.1251 0.8608 1865.1 977492.2 1339949.7 575.57 208.704 978049.2 -190.13427 8 -182.13 K428 742.2 96.4 35.1763 0.8716 1956.5 977475.9 1356761.3 603.776 218.932 978049.2 -188.45586 10 -178.46 K429 747.7 96.7 35.2257 0.8743 1967.8 977475.4 1360964.2 607.263 220.196 978049.2 -186.73315 11 -175.73 K430 750.8 94.5 35.2533 0.8545 2010.5 977467.9 1330142.9 620.44 224.974 978049.2 -185.83405 11 -174.83 K431 756 91.8 35.3 0.8301 2033.9 977467.3 1292161 627.662 227.593 978049.2 -181.83126 12 -169.83 K432 759.2 89.4 35.3288 0.8084 2056.8 977464.1 1258382.1 634.728 230.155 978049.2 -180.52682 12 -168.53 K433 762.6 88.8 35.3593 0.803 2097.3 977460.3 1249976.3 647.227 234.687 978049.2 -176.36046 14 -162.36 K434 764.8 88.6 35.3791 0.8012 2129 977453.1 1247174.3 657.009 238.234 978049.2 -177.32506 16 -161.33 K435 765.2 84.9 35.3827 0.7677 2138.2 977451.9 1195027.1 659.849 239.264 978049.2 -176.71542 15 -161.72 K436 765.6 79 35.3863 0.7144 2163.2 977449.5 1112058.6 667.564 242.061 978049.2 -174.19791 16 -158.2 K437 765.7 72.3 35.3872 0.6538 2195.5 977448.3 1017726.6 677.531 245.676 978049.2 -169.04449 17 -152.04 K438 765.8 63.1 35.3881 0.5706 2206.4 977446 888214.78 680.895 246.895 978049.2 -169.20046 16 -153.2 K439 765.1 57.9 35.3819 0.5236 2231.7 977441.3 815053.03 688.703 249.727 978049.2 -168.92394 16 -152.92 K440 759.8 57.5 35.3343 0.5199 2193.6 977444.7 809293.49 676.945 245.463 978049.2 -173.01822 13 -160.02 K441 753.1 58.2 35.2741 0.5263 2094.9 977461 819255.94 646.486 234.419 978049.2 -176.13254 10 -166.13 K442 749.8 61.1 35.2444 0.5524 2037.6 977472.7 859884.06 628.803 228.007 978049.2 -175.70347 10 -165.7 K443 746.8 64.8 35.2174 0.5859 1996.4 977479 912031.26 616.089 223.397 978049.2 -177.50752 9 -168.51 K444 744 67.3 35.1923 0.6085 1994.3 977478.3 947211.17 615.441 223.162 978049.2 -178.62059 8 -170.62 K445 737.8 66.9 35.1366 0.6049 1958.9 977481.5 941607.29 604.517 219.2 978049.2 -182.38378 8 -174.38 K446 732.2 68.6 35.0863 0.6203 1878.8 977490.4 965579.44 579.798 210.237 978049.2 -189.23948 7 -182.24 K447 728.3 70.2 35.0513 0.6348 1806.2 977506.8 988150.61 557.393 202.113 978049.2 -187.11992 7 -180.12 K448 725.4 55.1 35.0253 0.4981 1823.3 977491.5 775358.89 562.67 204.027 978049.2 -199.05634 8 -191.06 K449 726.7 49.9 35.037 0.4511 1890.7 977475.4 702197.14 583.47 211.569 978049.2 -201.89874 9 -192.9 K450 724.1 46.9 35.0137 0.424 2076.6 977432.6 660012.38 640.839 232.371 978049.2 -208.13216 16 -192.13 K451 726.2 42.2 35.0326 0.3815 2061.4 977433.1 593855.48 636.148 230.67 978049.2 -210.622 12 -198.62 K452 727.7 37.5 35.0461 0.339 1984.9 977445.3 527698.58 612.54 222.11 978049.2 -213.46957 9 -204.47 K453 730.2 33.4 35.0685 0.302 1942.2 977454.8 470103.16 599.363 217.332 978049.2 -212.36868 7 -205.37 K454 731.6 28.4 35.0811 0.2568 1966.9 977445.6 399743.35 606.985 220.096 978049.2 -216.71018 8 -208.71 K455 736.6 25 35.1249 0.226 2037.6 977435.1 351799.05 628.803 228.007 978049.2 -213.30347 15 -198.3 K456 735.7 22.6 35.1177 0.2043 2004.1 977439.5 318020.12 618.465 224.258 978049.2 -215.49293 11 -204.49 K457 736 19.9 35.1204 0.1799 2048.9 977428.9 280038.27 632.291 229.271 978049.2 -217.28076 13 -204.28 K458 736 19.7 35.1204 0.1781 2069.3 977424 277236.33 638.586 231.554 978049.2 -218.16807 17 -201.17 K459 738.2 17.4 35.1401 0.1573 2042.2 977429.9 244858.37 630.223 228.522 978049.2 -217.59865 12 -205.6 K460 736.1 13.9 35.1213 0.1257 1973.6 977441.2 195668.77 609.053 220.845 978049.2 -219.79229 10 -209.79 K461 739.3 13.2 35.15 0.1194 2038.2 977427.4 185861.98 628.989 228.074 978049.2 -220.88545 17 -203.89 K462 738.9 28 35.1466 0.2532 1939.7 977460.6 394139.47 598.591 217.052 978049.2 -207.06043 9 -198.06 K463 739.8 33.6 35.1547 0.3038 2077.5 977433.5 472905.1 641.117 232.472 978049.2 -207.05513 10 -197.06 K464 741.6 35.8 35.1709 0.3237 2094.9 977434.6 503882.09 646.486 234.419 978049.2 -202.53254 10 -192.53 K465 744 40.4 35.1924 0.3653 2049.5 977453.6 568638.03 632.476 229.338 978049.2 -192.46274 9 -183.46 K466 744.7 43.9 35.1987 0.3969 2007.1 977467.8 617827.63 619.391 224.594 978049.2 -186.60283 10 -176.6 K467 748 46.9 35.2283 0.4241 2088.2 977458.9 660168.05 644.419 233.669 978049.2 -179.55043 10 -169.55 K468 751.2 51.8 35.2569 0.4683 2125.7 977455.9 728971.22 655.991 237.865 978049.2 -175.17417 11 -164.17 K469 752.6 55.6 35.2696 0.5027 2106.5 977458.6 782519.4 650.066 235.717 978049.2 -176.25082 10 -166.25 K470 755.8 54.2 35.2982 0.49 2135.7 977453.1 762750.16 659.077 238.984 978049.2 -176.00717 11 -165.01 K471 759.4 52.1 35.3306 0.471 2170.8 977448.2 733174.13 669.909 242.912 978049.2 -174.00299 12 -162 K472 762.9 48.8 35.362 0.4412 2215 977443.6 686786.47 683.549 247.858 978049.2 -169.90884 13 -156.91 K473 765.8 50.3 35.388 0.4547 2225 977442.3 707801.02 686.635 248.977 978049.2 -169.24183 15 -154.24 K474 769.8 49.1 35.4149 0.4439 2281.1 977429 690989.38 703.947 255.254 978049.2 -171.50695 17 -154.51 K475 770.2 49.1 35.4275 0.4439 2310.1 977424.2 690989.38 712.897 258.499 978049.2 -170.60264 19 -151.6 K476 772.1 48.8 35.4446 0.4411 2331.7 977419.4 686630.81 719.563 260.917 978049.2 -171.15391 21 -150.15 K477 773.7 49.1 35.4589 0.4439 2356.7 977412.9 690989.38 727.278 263.714 978049.2 -172.7364 25 -147.74 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K479 775.5 48.2 35.4751 0.4357 2434.4 977398.2 678224.99 751.256 272.409 978049.2 -172.15279 29 -143.15 K480 776.7 48 35.4859 0.4339 2426.8 977399.5 675423.05 748.91 271.558 978049.2 -172.34771 30 -142.35 K481 781.8 50.7 35.5319 0.4585 2595.7 977362.8 713716.22 801.033 290.458 978049.2 -175.82503 76 -99.825 K482 782.7 51.7 35.54 0.4576 2611.2 977353.9 712315.25 805.816 292.192 978049.2 -181.67618 ## -77.676 K483 784.6 51.5 35.7 0.4658 2654.2 977335.2 725079.64 819.086 297.004 978049.2 -191.91806 ## 12.0819 K484 785.5 50.4 35.5651 0.4558 2677.4 977328.6 709513.31 826.246 299.6 978049.2 -193.95462 ## 40.0454 K485 784.3 49.8 35.5543 0.4504 2648.4 977346.1 701107.49 817.296 296.355 978049.2 -182.15893 ## -62.159 K486 782.6 50.4 35.5391 0.4558 2607.6 977358.9 709513.31 804.705 291.79 978049.2 -177.3843 85 -92.384 K487 780.4 49.8 35.5193 0.4504 2510.9 977381.4 701107.49 774.864 280.969 978049.2 -173.90522 52 -121.91 K488 778.8 49.1 35.5031 0.444 2487.2 977385.1 691145.04 767.55 278.317 978049.2 -174.86701 40 -134.87 K489 777.4 48.7 35.4922 0.4402 2441.4 977394.5 685229.84 753.416 273.192 978049.2 -174.47589 34 -140.48 K490 822.9 18.7 35.9005 0.159 1590.1 977539.1 247504.64 490.705 177.932 978049.2 -197.32685 5 -192.33 K491 822.9 21.7 35.9005 0.1961 1562.7 977545.4 305255.73 482.249 174.866 978049.2 -196.41644 6 -190.42 K492 822.5 24.6 35.897 0.2223 1538.6 977550 346039.51 474.812 172.169 978049.2 -196.55692 6 -190.56 K493 822.3 27.4 35.8952 0.2476 1495.3 977557.1 385422.33 461.45 167.324 978049.2 -197.97404 6 -191.97 K494 824.4 31.7 35.914 0.2865 1457.9 977565.1 445975.35 449.908 163.139 978049.2 -197.33063 8 -189.33 K495 825.3 33.5 35.9221 0.3027 1376.2 977582.4 471192.8 424.695 153.996 978049.2 -196.10105 8 -188.1 K496 826.4 36.8 35.932 0.3325 1359.7 977588.2 517580.47 419.603 152.15 978049.2 -193.5466 7 -186.55 K497 826.7 39.4 35.9347 0.356 1316.7 977598.8 554161.34 406.334 147.338 978049.2 -191.40472 7 -184.4 K498 827.1 42.1 35.9383 0.3804 1284.7 977605.5 592143.18 396.458 143.758 978049.2 -190.99912 7 -184 K499 829.4 45.8 35.9589 0.4138 1178.7 977626.2 644134.73 363.747 131.896 978049.2 -191.14936 6 -185.15 K500 830.2 50.2 35.9661 0.4536 1097.39 977639.9 706088.72 338.655 122.798 978049.2 -193.44306 7 -186.44 K501 631.9 109 35.9817 0.9831 873.3 977715.4 1530325.9 269.5 97.722 978049.2 -162.02163 5 -157.02 K502 783.2 61.9 35.5443 0.5595 1256.1 977613.4 870936.15 387.632 140.557 978049.2 -188.72475 ## -84.725 K503 784.8 65.2 35.5587 0.5893 1179.3 977615.2 917323.81 363.932 131.963 978049.2 -202.03134 64 -138.03 K504 784.3 68.4 35.5542 0.6183 1189.9 977624 962466.17 367.203 133.149 978049.2 -191.14631 80 -111.15 K505 784.6 70.7 35.5569 0.6391 1156.7 977630.8 994844.14 356.958 129.434 978049.2 -190.87676 83 -107.88 K506 784.7 73.5 35.5578 0.6644 1182.9 977625.6 1034227 365.043 132.366 978049.2 -190.92322 91 -99.923 K507 785.4 75.5 35.5641 0.6824 1191.5 977621.5 1062246.3 367.697 133.328 978049.2 -193.33159 76 -117.33 K508 785.6 78.7 35.5659 0.7114 1195.4 977622.2 1107388.7 368.9 133.765 978049.2 -191.86446 ## -89.864 K509 785.9 79.9 35.5686 0.7222 1209.8 977621.4 1124200.3 373.344 135.376 978049.2 -189.83198 95 -94.832 K510 786.8 82.8 35.5767 0.7484 1176.8 977628 1164984.1 363.16 131.684 978049.2 -189.72309 79 -110.72 K511 788.2 86.6 35.5893 0.7828 1155.5 977629.4 1218532.3 356.587 129.3 978049.2 -192.5128 67 -125.51 K512 789.4 91.5 35.6001 0.827 1129 977639.1 1287335.5 348.409 126.335 978049.2 -188.02536 74 -114.03 K513 789.4 93.7 35.6001 0.8469 1128.7 977642.8 1318312.5 348.317 126.301 978049.2 -184.38437 90 -94.384 K514 790.2 96.2 35.6073 0.8695 1095.1 977651.5 1353492.4 337.948 122.541 978049.2 -182.2935 91 -91.294 K515 791 99.4 35.6145 0.8984 1065.6 977659.8 1398479.1 328.844 119.24 978049.2 -179.79616 92 -87.796 K516 791.1 101 35.6154 0.9165 1037.8 977666.4 1426654.1 320.265 116.13 978049.2 -178.66443 92 -86.664 K517 791.9 104 35.6226 0.9355 1021.1 977665.6 1456230.2 315.111 114.261 978049.2 -182.74932 76 -106.75 K518 791.5 106 35.6217 0.9545 1013.8 977669.1 1485806.2 312.859 113.444 978049.2 -180.68524 84 -96.685 K519 790.8 109 35.6126 0.987 1087.2 977655 1536396.7 335.51 121.657 978049.2 -180.34743 ## -27.347 K520 723.6 109 35.0093 0.9893 1901.6 977476.4 1539977 586.834 212.788 978049.2 -198.75471 10 -188.75 K521 727.4 109 35.0434 0.9838 1900.7 977478.4 1531415.5 586.556 212.688 978049.2 -196.93174 10 -186.93 K522 794.7 50.4 35.6478 0.4558 1136.6 977597 709513.31 350.755 127.185 978049.2 -228.63044 41 -187.63 K523 791.7 51 35.6203 0.4513 1170.1 977601.5 702508.46 361.093 130.934 978049.2 -217.54098 65 -152.54 K524 789 53 35.5966 0.4793 1243.3 977605.5 746094.19 383.682 139.125 978049.2 -199.14252 95 -104.14 K525 787.5 55.9 35.5838 0.5053 1212.5 977595.6 786566.64 374.178 135.678 978049.2 -215.10089 78 -137.1 K526 786.1 57.7 35.5703 0.5215 1226.8 977603.4 811784.1 378.59 137.279 978049.2 -204.48807 84 -120.49 K527 782.2 60.8 35.5353 0.5496 1425.5 977582.7 855525.48 439.909 159.513 978049.2 -186.10372 ## -71.104 K528 781.4 61.9 35.5281 0.5595 1573.4 977554.3 870936.15 485.551 176.063 978049.2 -185.41175 ## -59.412 K529 781.1 62.7 35.5254 0.5668 1780.6 977515.6 882299.57 549.493 199.249 978049.2 -183.35545 ## -73.355 K530 790.7 64.8 35.5218 0.5857 1948.3 977481.7 911719.94 601.245 218.014 978049.2 -184.26881 ## -81.269 K531 780.6 66.3 35.521 0.5993 1955.9 977482.2 932890.14 603.591 218.865 978049.2 -182.27388 95 -87.274 K532 780.5 68 35.5201 0.6147 2036.7 977465.5 956862.29 628.526 227.906 978049.2 -183.0805 98 -85.08 K533 780.4 70.7 35.5192 0.6391 2030.3 977468.6 994844.14 626.551 227.19 978049.2 -181.23938 88 -93.239 K534 779.9 73 35.5147 0.6599 2151.3 977446.4 1027222.1 663.891 240.73 978049.2 -179.63864 79 -100.64 K535 779.1 74.4 35.5075 0.6725 2352.1 977409.4 1046835.7 725.858 263.199 978049.2 -177.14122 75 -102.14 K536 778.7 73.2 35.5039 0.6617 2386.6 977399.6 1030024 736.505 267.06 978049.2 -180.15506 76 -104.16 K537 777.3 72.8 35.4914 0.6584 2375.3 977403.4 1024887.2 733.018 265.795 978049.2 -178.57778 53 -125.58 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K539 773.4 70.6 35.4564 0.6385 2291.2 977425.1 993910.16 707.064 256.385 978049.2 -173.42027 28 -145.42 K540 771.4 69.6 35.4384 0.6294 2223.2 977440.6 979744.8 686.08 248.775 978049.2 -171.29589 23 -148.3 K541 769.1 68.3 35.4178 0.6176 2244.2 977436.9 961376.53 692.56 251.125 978049.2 -170.86519 20 -150.87 K542 766.4 67.9 35.3935 0.614 2229.3 977444 955772.65 687.962 249.458 978049.2 -166.69602 17 -149.7 K543 764.5 67.6 35.3764 0.6113 2181.5 977449.7 951569.74 673.211 244.109 978049.2 -170.3983 15 -155.4 K544 763 66.1 35.363 0.5977 2170.2 977452.3 930399.53 669.724 242.845 978049.2 -170.02101 14 -156.02 K545 759.8 63.4 35.3342 0.5733 2167.4 977448.7 892417.69 668.86 242.531 978049.2 -174.17177 13 -161.17 K546 830.4 8.2 35.9678 0.0741 1513.6 977552.8 115346.5 467.097 169.371 978049.2 -198.67443 6 -192.67 K547 829.9 9.9 35.9633 0.0895 1501.4 977556.1 139318.65 463.332 168.006 978049.2 -197.77417 6 -191.77 K548 826.8 11.2 35.9625 0.1012 1497.8 977557.3 157531.26 462.221 167.603 978049.2 -197.28229 7 -190.28 K549 829.8 12.8 35.9625 0.1157 1473.4 977564.2 180102.44 454.691 164.873 978049.2 -195.18178 7 -188.18 K550 829.7 14.7 35.9616 0.1328 1455.7 977568.6 206720.86 449.229 162.892 978049.2 -194.26337 6 -188.26 K551 829.2 15.1 35.9571 0.1364 1451.2 977569.3 212324.74 447.84 162.389 978049.2 -194.44852 7 -187.45 K552 828.7 16.2 35.9526 0.1464 1461.5 977567.8 227891.07 451.019 163.541 978049.2 -193.92251 8 -185.92 K553 828.9 14.9 35.9544 0.1346 1451.2 977569.2 209522.8 447.84 162.389 978049.2 -194.54852 9 -185.55 K554 828.3 14.1 35.949 0.1274 1474.9 977563.7 198315.04 455.154 165.041 978049.2 -195.38673 10 -185.39 K555 827.9 13.7 35.9454 0.1238 1519.1 977554.6 192711.16 468.794 169.987 978049.2 -195.79257 8 -187.79 K556 826.9 13.2 35.9364 0.1193 1570.6 977544.1 185706.31 484.687 175.75 978049.2 -196.16251 5 -191.16 K557 826.2 12.1 35.9301 0.1093 1576.1 977541.5 170139.98 486.384 176.365 978049.2 -197.68066 5 -192.68 K558 824.3 13.2 35.9131 0.1193 1574 977538.5 185706.31 485.736 176.13 978049.2 -201.09373 5 -196.09 K559 806.7 4.5 35.7551 0.0407 2031.8 977414.9 63354.962 627.013 227.358 978049.2 -234.64433 14 -220.64 K560 806.1 5.3 35.7497 0.0479 2040 977414.7 74562.72 629.544 228.275 978049.2 -233.23139 14 -219.23 K561 805.3 6.4 35.7421 0.0579 1998.3 977424 90129.049 616.675 223.609 978049.2 -232.13379 19 -213.13 K562 804.2 6.6 35.7323 0.0597 2089.1 977401.2 92930.989 644.696 233.77 978049.2 -237.0734 15 -222.07 K563 803.4 5.7 35.7251 0.0516 2141.2 977386.7 80322.262 660.774 239.6 978049.2 -241.32532 16 -225.33 K564 803.2 4.3 35.7233 0.0389 2204.3 977370.6 60553.023 680.247 246.661 978049.2 -245.01353 20 -225.01 K565 803.2 2.6 35.7233 0.0235 2215.3 977364.4 36580.875 683.642 247.891 978049.2 -249.04983 19 -230.05 K566 802 1.4 35.7125 0.0127 2268.6 977349.8 19769.239 700.09 253.856 978049.2 -253.1657 19 -234.17 K567 800.3 3 35.6972 0.0027 2299.7 977340.9 4202.909 709.687 257.336 978049.2 -255.94832 19 -236.95 K568 812.3 12.6 35.8054 0.1139 1720.9 977497.5 177300.5 531.07 192.568 978049.2 -213.19845 15 -198.2 K569 813 14.6 35.8117 0.1319 1767.8 977490.2 205319.89 545.543 197.816 978049.2 -211.27321 15 -196.27 K570 814.3 16.5 35.8233 0.1491 1670.3 977517.2 232093.98 515.455 186.906 978049.2 -203.45149 14 -189.45 K571 814.2 18.4 35.8224 0.1663 1555.1 977542.7 258868.06 479.904 174.015 978049.2 -200.61136 23 -177.61 K572 813.3 19.6 35.8144 0.1771 1593.5 977534.9 275679.7 491.754 178.312 978049.2 -200.85807 25 -175.86 K573 813.9 21.3 35.8198 0.1925 1560.9 977542 299651.85 481.694 174.664 978049.2 -200.1705 23 -177.17 K574 814.6 22.9 35.826 0.2069 1591.1 977537.5 322067.36 491.013 178.044 978049.2 -198.73015 19 -179.73 K575 815.5 24.5 35.8341 0.2214 1550.5 977544.1 344638.54 478.484 173.5 978049.2 -200.11618 17 -183.12 K576 815.2 26.3 35.8314 0.2377 1592.3 977537 370011.66 491.384 178.178 978049.2 -198.99411 24 -174.99 K577 814.7 28.1 35.827 0.2539 1602.3 977535.9 395229.11 494.47 179.297 978049.2 -198.12711 26 -172.13 K578 814.4 29.2 35.8243 0.2539 1613.3 977533.8 395229.11 497.864 180.528 978049.2 -198.06341 26 -172.06 K579 814 30.4 35.8207 0.2747 1774.5 977499.7 427607.08 547.611 198.566 978049.2 -200.45532 30 -170.46 K580 812.8 30.5 35.8099 0.2756 1980.3 977457.1 429008.05 611.121 221.595 978049.2 -202.5744 46 -156.57 K581 812.2 31.8 35.8045 0.2874 1995.5 977454.7 447376.32 615.811 223.296 978049.2 -201.98455 40 -161.98 K582 812.3 33.5 35.8054 0.3027 1988.2 977454.8 471192.8 613.559 222.479 978049.2 -203.32046 37 -166.32 K583 811.9 35.2 35.8018 0.3181 1926.3 977467 495164.95 594.456 215.552 978049.2 -203.29621 33 -170.3 K584 811.8 36.5 35.8009 0.3299 1998.6 977447.3 513533.22 616.768 223.643 978049.2 -208.77478 63 -145.77 K585 811.3 37.7 35.7965 0.3407 2083.6 977428.2 530344.86 642.999 233.154 978049.2 -211.15525 80 -131.16 K586 811.1 39.3 35.7947 0.3552 2171.7 977404.7 552916.03 670.187 243.013 978049.2 -217.32596 ## -101.33 K587 810.7 40.5 35.7911 0.366 2212.6 977395.7 569727.67 682.808 247.589 978049.2 -218.28092 ## -107.28 K588 810.6 41.9 35.7902 0.3787 2199.1 977399.9 589496.91 678.642 246.079 978049.2 -216.73637 ## -113.74 K589 810.9 43 35.7929 0.3886 2325 977367.8 604907.58 717.495 260.167 978049.2 -224.0718 ## -67.072 K590 811 43.3 35.7938 0.3913 2392.7 977350.6 609110.48 738.387 267.742 978049.2 -227.95519 ## -31.955 K591 811.1 44.7 35.7947 0.404 2284.2 977380.5 628879.72 704.904 255.601 978049.2 -219.39717 ## -97.397 K592 811.8 46.1 35.801 0.4166 2217.1 977399.4 648493.3 684.197 248.093 978049.2 -213.69576 95 -118.7 K593 811.3 47.5 35.7965 0.4293 2137.9 977417.6 668262.54 659.756 239.23 978049.2 -211.07443 70 -141.07 K594 810.8 47.7 35.792 0.4311 2092.5 977426.8 671064.48 645.746 234.15 978049.2 -210.80462 56 -154.8 K595 809.8 48.8 35.783 0.441 2142.1 977415.8 686475.14 661.052 239.7 978049.2 -212.04829 58 -154.05 K596 809.5 50.9 35.7803 0.45 2103.1 977422.6 700484.84 649.017 235.336 978049.2 -212.9196 52 -160.92 K597 808.3 52.1 35.7696 0.4709 2035.5 977435.6 733018.47 628.155 227.772 978049.2 -213.21654 40 -173.22 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K599 827.4 53.1 35.941 0.4798 1142.6 977633.3 746872.5 352.606 127.857 978049.2 -191.15024 7 -184.15 K600 825.9 52.7 35.9275 0.4762 1196.9 977626 741268.62 369.363 133.933 978049.2 -187.76941 7 -180.77 K601 824.5 55 35.915 0.497 1164.1 977634.1 773646.59 359.241 130.262 978049.2 -186.12118 11 -175.12 K602 821.2 54.3 35.8854 0.4907 1262.8 977618.1 763839.8 389.7 141.307 978049.2 -182.70686 11 -171.71 K603 817.4 53.4 35.8513 0.4826 1366.5 977590.4 751231.08 421.702 152.911 978049.2 -190.00904 20 -170.01 K604 815.2 55.4 35.8315 0.5007 1596.6 977538.6 779406.13 492.711 178.659 978049.2 -196.5483 34 -162.55 K605 812.8 54.7 35.81 0.4943 1881.3 977470.6 769443.68 580.569 210.517 978049.2 -208.54773 50 -158.55 K606 809.6 54 35.7812 0.488 1885.9 977468 759636.89 581.989 211.032 978049.2 -210.2429 28 -182.24 K607 807.1 53.5 35.7588 0.4835 1946.8 977451.1 752632.04 600.782 217.846 978049.2 -215.16386 33 -182.16 K608 805.5 55 35.7444 0.4971 2054.2 977422.4 773802.25 633.926 229.864 978049.2 -222.73824 47 -175.74 K609 803.6 55.1 35.7274 0.498 1895.8 977450.5 775203.22 585.044 212.139 978049.2 -225.79557 55 -170.8 K610 801.3 54.3 35.7067 0.4908 1661.7 977486.3 763995.47 512.801 185.944 978049.2 -236.04311 68 -168.04 K611 800.1 52.3 35.696 0.4727 1555.6 977514.1 735820.41 480.058 174.071 978049.2 -229.11301 31 -198.11 K612 798.2 51.1 35.6789 0.4519 1379.3 977546.2 703442.44 425.652 154.343 978049.2 -231.69128 28 -203.69 K613 795.6 50.8 35.6556 0.4591 1193.5 977583.7 714650.2 368.314 133.552 978049.2 -230.73819 33 -197.74 K614 797.7 54 35.6744 0.4881 1170.7 977584.6 759792.56 361.278 131.001 978049.2 -234.32296 39 -195.32 K615 793.8 58.3 35.6394 0.5269 1106.4 977588 820189.92 341.435 123.806 978049.2 -243.57079 31 -212.57 K616 796.6 63 35.6646 0.5594 1125 977582.5 870780.49 347.175 125.887 978049.2 -245.41216 33 -212.41 K617 797.1 66.7 35.6691 0.6029 1110.5 977584.5 938494.02 342.7 124.265 978049.2 -246.26432 29 -217.26 K618 797.5 70.7 35.6727 0.639 1097.8 977581.9 994688.47 338.781 122.843 978049.2 -251.36241 24 -227.36 K619 798.8 74.8 35.6844 0.6761 1099.2 977584 1052439.6 339.213 123 978049.2 -248.98703 26 -222.99 K620 800.9 78.2 35.7033 0.7068 1143 977581 1100228.2 352.73 127.901 978049.2 -243.37156 20 -223.37 K621 800.2 79.8 35.697 0.7212 1136.7 977582.2 1122643.7 350.786 127.196 978049.2 -243.41077 20 -223.41 K622 800.8 82.2 35.7024 0.7429 1118.5 977586.4 1156422.6 345.169 125.16 978049.2 -242.79071 24 -218.79 K623 800.9 83.9 35.7933 0.7583 1117.1 977585.3 1180394.8 344.737 125.003 978049.2 -244.16609 22 -222.17 K624 801.4 86.5 35.7076 0.7818 1129 977585.8 1216975.7 348.409 126.335 978049.2 -241.32536 22 -219.33 K625 801 88.2 35.7042 0.7972 1124.1 977588.9 1240947.8 346.897 125.786 978049.2 -239.18919 25 -214.19 K626 800 89.3 35.6952 0.8071 1106.5 977592.3 1256358.5 341.466 123.817 978049.2 -239.25112 22 -217.25 K627 799.1 93 35.6872 0.8405 1060.6 977602.5 1308350 327.301 118.681 978049.2 -238.07966 22 -216.08 K628 799.9 96 35.6944 0.8677 1061.5 977605.8 1350690.4 327.579 118.782 978049.2 -234.60263 26 -208.6 K629 799.5 99.8 35.6908 0.902 1071 977612.5 1404082.9 330.511 119.845 978049.2 -226.03398 22 -204.03 K630 799.4 103 35.6899 0.9291 1078 977616.3 1446267.7 332.671 120.628 978049.2 -220.85708 22 -198.86 K631 798.7 108 35.6837 0.9779 1113.2 977613.7 1522231.4 343.534 124.567 978049.2 -216.53323 23 -193.53 K632 802.6 103 35.7187 0.9282 1191 977606.5 1444866.7 367.543 133.273 978049.2 -208.42994 15 -193.43 K633 805.3 102 35.7429 0.9191 1356.3 977584.5 1430701.4 418.554 151.77 978049.2 -197.91538 15 -182.92 K634 807.5 99.9 35.7626 0.9029 1375.9 977588.1 1405483.9 424.603 153.963 978049.2 -190.46006 13 -177.46 K635 810.8 98.1 35.7923 0.8866 1455.1 977583.6 1380110.8 449.044 162.825 978049.2 -179.38139 19 -160.38 K636 813.1 95.7 35.8129 0.8649 1600.2 977544.5 1346331.9 493.822 179.062 978049.2 -189.94018 25 -164.94 K637 812.7 92.9 35.8093 0.8396 1609.2 977538.8 1306949 496.599 180.069 978049.2 -193.86988 29 -164.87 K638 814.6 97.4 35.8264 0.8802 1456.1 977578.7 1370148.3 449.352 162.937 978049.2 -184.08469 18 -166.08 K639 816.2 97.3 35.8407 0.8793 1536 977558.6 1368747.4 474.01 171.878 978049.2 -188.46834 32 -156.47 K640 817.2 97.9 35.8497 0.8547 1396 977590.9 1330454.2 430.806 156.212 978049.2 -183.70638 20 -163.71 K641 820.1 99.1 35.8757 0.8955 1154.5 977637.2 1393964.8 356.279 129.188 978049.2 -184.9095 12 -172.91 K642 823 97.7 35.9018 0.8829 1075.5 977653.6 1374351.3 331.899 120.348 978049.2 -184.04883 10 -174.05 K643 623.6 95.4 35.9071 0.8621 1059.4 977659.9 1341973.3 326.931 118.547 978049.2 -180.9157 10 -170.92 K644 823.9 92.7 35.9098 0.8377 1056.4 977664.2 1303991.4 326.005 118.211 978049.2 -177.2058 10 -167.21 K645 825.1 90.2 35.9206 0.8151 1016.4 977679.4 1268811.5 313.661 113.735 978049.2 -169.87382 9 -160.87 K646 824.9 87.7 35.9187 0.7925 985.6 977686.3 1233631.6 304.156 110.288 978049.2 -169.03218 13 -156.03 K647 828.7 86.4 35.9528 0.7807 931 977701.1 1215263.4 287.307 104.179 978049.2 -164.97202 8 -156.97 K648 830.6 86.7 35.9699 0.7634 1016.3 977688.5 1188333.6 313.63 113.724 978049.2 -160.79349 6 -154.79 K649 833.7 87.6 35.9977 0.7915 960.7 977696.8 1232075 296.472 107.502 978049.2 -163.43002 3 -160.43 K650 833.1 63.4 35.9922 0.5729 1008.9 977664.5 891795.03 311.347 112.896 978049.2 -186.24907 9 -177.25 K651 832.5 59.1 35.9868 0.534 1024.4 977655 831242.01 316.13 114.63 978049.2 -192.70021 6 -186.7 K652 832 56.3 35.9823 0.5087 1038.8 977650.4 791859.2 320.574 116.241 978049.2 -194.46773 8 -186.47 K653 823.2 51.9 35.9033 0.469 1333.4 977604.7 730060.87 411.487 149.207 978049.2 -182.21982 9 -173.22 K654 819.9 50.7 35.8737 0.4582 1312.5 977616.8 713249.23 405.038 146.868 978049.2 -174.23086 12 -162.23 K655 807 58.1 35.7579 0.5251 2196.8 977391.8 817387.98 677.932 245.821 978049.2 -225.28878 78 -147.29 K656 807.4 60.4 35.7615 0.5459 2225.2 977384.6 849765.94 686.697 248.999 978049.2 -226.90249 85 -141.9 K657 808.3 63.3 35.7696 0.5721 2263.1 977381.5 890549.73 698.393 253.24 978049.2 -222.54755 76 -146.55 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K659 811.3 70.9 35.7966 0.6407 2268.4 977392.1 997334.75 700.028 253.833 978049.2 -210.90504 85 -125.91 K660 809.7 72 35.7822 0.6507 2080.5 977426.9 1012901.1 642.042 232.807 978049.2 -213.06503 75 -138.07 K661 808.9 74.2 35.7751 0.6706 1737.1 977499.2 1043878.1 536.069 194.381 978049.2 -208.31191 51 -157.31 K662 808.2 75.2 35.7688 0.6796 1587.7 977525.7 1057887.8 489.964 177.663 978049.2 -211.19893 40 -171.2 K663 806.5 76.5 35.7544 0.6914 1374.1 977562 1076256 424.047 153.761 978049.2 -216.91412 31 -185.91 K664 804.8 77.6 35.7383 0.7013 1242.5 977583.4 1091666.7 383.436 139.035 978049.2 -221.39988 30 -191.4 K665 803 78.1 35.7221 0.7059 1195.3 977583.2 1098827.2 368.87 133.754 978049.2 -230.88413 22 -208.88 K666 738.7 65 35.6834 0.5875 1309.9 977549.6 914521.87 404.235 146.577 978049.2 -241.94228 29 -212.94 K667 799.1 64.3 35.687 0.5812 1405.5 977530.9 904715.09 433.737 157.275 978049.2 -241.83773 30 -211.84 K668 800.4 62.2 35.6987 0.5622 1586.9 977501.7 875139.06 489.717 177.574 978049.2 -235.35629 34 -201.36 K669 802.2 60.8 35.7148 0.5495 1744.9 977475.5 855369.82 538.476 195.254 978049.2 -230.47765 36 -194.48 K670 803.5 58.8 35.7265 0.5314 1881.7 977452.7 827194.76 580.693 210.562 978049.2 -226.36905 42 -184.37 K671 804.4 59.3 35.7346 0.5359 1955.4 977439.7 834199.61 603.436 218.809 978049.2 -224.87223 44 -180.87 K672 813.7 72.6 35.8181 0.6561 2030.3 977455.6 1021306.9 626.551 227.19 978049.2 -194.23938 56 -138.24 K673 813.6 76 35.8173 0.6868 1992.9 977466.3 1069095.5 615.009 223.005 978049.2 -190.89597 57 -133.9 K674 815.2 79.6 35.8316 0.7193 2231.3 977420.3 1119686.1 688.579 249.682 978049.2 -190.00262 ## -49.003 K675 815 82.3 35.8299 0.7437 2053.6 977461.4 1157667.9 633.741 229.797 978049.2 -183.85626 ## -74.856 K676 814.1 83.7 35.8218 0.7564 1943.5 977483.2 1177437.2 599.764 217.477 978049.2 -183.71297 72 -111.71 K677 813.9 85.5 35.82 0.7727 1821.3 977509.9 1202810.3 562.053 203.803 978049.2 -181.04974 44 -137.05 K678 813.6 88.4 35.8173 0.7989 1894.5 977487.3 1243594.1 584.643 211.994 978049.2 -189.25128 57 -132.25 K679 813.1 89.8 35.8128 0.8115 1780.5 977508.8 1263207.7 549.462 199.237 978049.2 -190.17512 34 -156.18 K680 814.6 69.9 35.8262 0.6317 2174.9 977424.4 983325.05 671.174 243.371 978049.2 -196.99652 84 -113 K681 812.8 66.7 35.81 0.6028 2237.1 977401.5 938338.36 690.369 250.331 978049.2 -207.66176 76 -131.66 K682 812.1 64.5 35.8037 0.5829 2270.2 977389.7 907361.36 700.584 254.035 978049.2 -212.95098 88 -124.95 K683 810.4 63.8 35.7885 0.5766 2089.8 977424.9 897554.58 644.912 233.848 978049.2 -213.23571 63 -150.24 K684 833.2 104 35.9934 0.9352 862.2 977723.8 1455763.2 266.075 96.4799 978049.2 -155.805 4 -151.81 K685 830.2 105 35.9664 0.9515 893.4 977708.7 1481136.3 275.703 99.9712 978049.2 -164.76795 7 -157.77 K686 829.5 103 35.9601 0.9316 918.9 977698 1450159.3 283.573 102.825 978049.2 -170.45209 7 -163.45 K687 827.9 101 35.9458 0.9108 957.4 977686.4 1417781.3 295.454 107.133 978049.2 -174.47913 11 -163.48 K688 826.3 98.1 35.9314 0.8865 1060.9 977663.6 1379955.1 327.394 118.714 978049.2 -176.92065 7 -169.92 K689 825.8 85.2 35.9268 0.7699 1044.6 977674.7 1198451.7 322.364 116.89 978049.2 -169.02687 9 -160.03 K690 825.5 82.4 35.925 0.7446 996 977681 1159068.9 307.366 111.452 978049.2 -172.2865 13 -159.29 K691 828.2 80.5 35.9483 0.7274 1007.4 977683.2 1132294.8 310.884 112.728 978049.2 -167.84412 6 -161.84 K692 830.9 78.5 35.9725 0.7093 971.5 977692.3 1104119.8 299.805 108.711 978049.2 -165.80566 9 -156.81 K693 733.7 0.5 35.0997 0.0045 1313.8 977562.8 7004.8484 405.439 147.014 978049.2 -227.97515 42 -185.98 K694 733.9 2.3 35.1015 0.0208 1361.8 977552.2 32377.966 420.251 152.385 978049.2 -229.13353 74 -155.13 K695 722.8 5 35.0018 0.0452 1936 977436.1 70359.811 597.45 216.638 978049.2 -232.28822 19 -213.29 K696 725.6 3 35.0269 0.0271 1916.9 977443.7 42184.754 591.555 214.501 978049.2 -228.44519 22 -206.45 K697 723.9 1.2 35.0117 0.0109 1927.4 977440.4 16967.299 594.796 215.675 978049.2 -229.67984 38 -191.68 K698 727.6 4.7 35.0449 0.0425 1881.9 977451.7 66156.902 580.754 210.584 978049.2 -227.32971 16 -211.33 K699 730.2 6.3 35.0683 0.057 1859.6 977468.5 88728.08 573.873 208.089 978049.2 -214.91612 13 -201.92 K700 730.6 9 35.0719 0.0814 1963.7 977442.5 126709.92 605.998 219.737 978049.2 -220.43962 15 -205.44 K701 726.3 7.7 35.0332 0.0696 1979.4 977428.7 108341.66 610.843 221.494 978049.2 -231.15143 18 -213.15 K702 722.9 8.6 35.0027 0.0778 2056.7 977405 121106.05 634.698 230.144 978049.2 -239.64649 25 -214.65 K703 733 7.3 35.0934 0.066 1886.8 977458.1 102737.78 582.266 211.132 978049.2 -219.96587 13 -206.97 K704 732.9 11.9 35.0925 0.1076 1987.2 977440.2 167493.71 613.25 222.367 978049.2 -218.11716 13 -205.12 K705 734.7 4.9 35.1087 0.0443 1885.8 977455.1 68958.841 581.958 211.02 978049.2 -223.16257 31 -192.16 K706 736.4 19.4 35.1239 0.1754 2068 977424.2 273033.42 638.185 231.409 978049.2 -218.22378 15 -203.22 K707 731.9 22.5 35.0835 0.2034 1971.3 977444.5 316619.15 608.343 220.588 978049.2 -216.9447 10 -206.94 K708 728.1 21.8 35.0494 0.1971 1874.8 977455.1 306812.36 578.563 209.79 978049.2 -225.32628 8 -217.33 K709 725.3 22.2 35.0243 0.2007 1841.9 977461 312416.24 568.41 206.108 978049.2 -225.89772 11 -214.9 K710 723 21.5 35.0036 0.1944 1838.9 977457 302609.45 567.485 205.772 978049.2 -230.48782 10 -220.49 K711 831.7 52.2 35.9796 0.4717 1029.1 977653.2 734263.78 317.58 115.156 978049.2 -193.57572 8 -185.58 K712 833.8 58.5 35.9985 0.5286 1010.3 977658.6 822836.19 311.779 113.052 978049.2 -191.87369 6 -185.87 K713 833.4 57.9 35.9949 0.5232 1017.8 977655.9 814430.37 314.093 113.892 978049.2 -193.09843 6 -187.1 K714 832.8 57.5 35.9895 0.5196 1027.7 977653.7 808826.5 317.148 114.999 978049.2 -193.3511 7 -186.35 K715 832.3 56.9 35.985 0.5141 1033.5 977652.5 800265.01 318.938 115.648 978049.2 -193.41024 7 -186.41 K716 831.2 56.8 35.9751 0.5132 1040.2 977649 798864.04 321.006 116.398 978049.2 -195.59235 9 -186.59 K717 830.5 56.9 35.9688 0.5141 1049.8 977647 800265.01 323.968 117.472 978049.2 -195.70403 9 -186.7 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K719 825.3 55.4 35.9222 0.5006 1150.7 977635.7 779250.47 355.106 128.763 978049.2 -187.15696 10 -177.16 K720 824.7 55 35.9168 0.497 1162.9 977634.3 773646.59 358.871 130.128 978049.2 -186.15722 11 -175.16 K721 824 55.1 35.9105 0.4979 1196.9 977627.6 775047.56 369.363 133.933 978049.2 -186.16941 8 -178.17 K722 823.2 54.9 35.9033 0.4961 1225.9 977624.3 772245.62 378.313 137.178 978049.2 -183.7651 8 -175.77 K723 821.9 54.5 35.8917 0.4925 1243.4 977617.9 766641.74 383.713 139.136 978049.2 -186.72285 10 -176.72 K724 821.2 54.3 35.8854 0.4907 1262.8 977618.1 763839.8 389.7 141.307 978049.2 -182.70686 11 -171.71 K725 820.4 54.1 35.8782 0.4889 1278.5 977615.3 761037.86 394.545 143.064 978049.2 -182.41867 12 -170.42 K726 819.6 54 35.871 0.488 1301.9 977610.7 759636.89 401.766 145.682 978049.2 -182.41588 13 -169.42 K727 818.9 53.8 35.8647 0.4862 1319.1 977605.3 756834.95 407.074 147.607 978049.2 -184.43263 16 -168.43 K728 818.3 53.4 35.8593 0.4826 1343.5 977597.3 751231.08 414.604 150.337 978049.2 -187.63315 18 -169.63 K729 817.3 53.3 35.8504 0.4817 1372.8 977589.3 749830.11 423.646 153.616 978049.2 -189.86983 21 -168.87 K730 816.6 53.4 35.8441 0.4826 1398.5 977582.6 751231.08 431.577 156.492 978049.2 -191.51463 21 -170.51 K731 815.9 53.5 35.8378 0.4835 1426.2 977576.6 752632.04 440.125 159.591 978049.2 -192.06603 25 -167.07 K732 815.1 53.4 35.8306 0.4826 1454.3 977568.7 751231.08 448.797 162.736 978049.2 -194.43875 33 -161.44 K733 814.4 53.6 35.8243 0.4844 1531 977549.9 754033.01 472.467 171.318 978049.2 -198.15184 35 -163.15 K734 812.5 53.2 35.8073 0.4808 1839.3 977479.6 748429.14 567.608 205.817 978049.2 -207.80914 42 -165.81 K735 811.8 53.1 35.801 0.4799 1965.1 977449.2 747028.17 606.43 219.894 978049.2 -213.46424 76 -137.46 K736 811.1 53.2 35.7947 0.4808 1972.3 977451.7 748429.14 608.652 220.7 978049.2 -209.548 40 -169.55 K737 810 53.5 35.7848 0.4835 1926.9 977459.7 752632.04 594.641 215.62 978049.2 -210.47819 31 -179.48 K738 809.3 53.5 35.7786 0.4835 1859.2 977472.8 752632.04 573.749 208.044 978049.2 -210.6948 31 -179.69 K739 808.8 55 35.7741 0.4971 1907.4 977461 773802.25 588.624 213.437 978049.2 -213.01385 28 -185.01 K740 808.2 54.8 35.7687 0.4953 1953.9 977450.9 771000.31 602.974 218.641 978049.2 -213.96728 31 -182.97 K741 807.5 54.9 35.7624 0.4962 1899.1 977461.7 772401.28 586.062 212.509 978049.2 -213.94646 30 -183.95 K742 806.8 54.9 35.7561 0.4962 2041.1 977428.3 772401.28 629.883 228.398 978049.2 -219.41502 42 -177.42 K743 806.2 55.2 35.7507 0.4989 2038.7 977427.4 776604.19 629.143 228.13 978049.2 -220.7871 41 -179.79 K744 805 55 35.74 0.4971 2000.7 977432.2 773802.25 617.416 223.878 978049.2 -223.46171 45 -178.46 K745 804.4 55.1 35.7346 0.498 1946 977443.2 775203.22 600.536 217.757 978049.2 -223.22122 47 -176.22 K746 803.7 55.1 35.7283 0.498 1912.7 977447.2 775203.22 590.259 214.031 978049.2 -225.77134 56 -169.77 K747 802.5 54.2 35.7175 0.4899 1802.4 977465 762594.5 556.221 201.688 978049.2 -229.66738 68 -161.67 K748 801.8 54.1 35.7112 0.489 1694.5 977485.9 761193.53 522.923 189.614 978049.2 -229.99134 49 -180.99 K749 801.1 53.9 35.7049 0.4871 1668.6 977490.8 758235.92 514.93 186.716 978049.2 -230.18588 51 -179.19 K750 800.2 52.4 35.6969 0.4736 1569 977510.5 737221.38 484.193 175.571 978049.2 -230.07723 32 -198.08 K751 799.7 51.9 35.6924 0.4691 1522.5 977519.4 730216.53 469.844 170.367 978049.2 -230.32379 30 -200.32 K752 799.1 51.3 35.687 0.4637 1452.2 977532.4 721810.71 448.149 162.501 978049.2 -231.15182 28 -203.15 K753 798.4 51.2 35.6807 0.4628 1389.8 977544.4 720409.74 428.892 155.518 978049.2 -231.42592 28 -203.43 K754 797.7 51.2 35.6744 0.4628 1342.3 977553.1 720409.74 414.234 150.203 978049.2 -232.06919 29 -203.07 K755 796.1 50.9 35.6601 0.4601 1216.3 977578.8 716206.83 375.35 136.104 978049.2 -231.15343 32 -199.15 K756 795.4 50.7 35.6538 0.4582 1182.1 977586.5 713249.23 364.796 132.277 978049.2 -230.18058 35 -195.18 K757 796 69 35.6592 0.6236 1076.8 977587.2 970716.33 332.3 120.494 978049.2 -250.19312 24 -226.19 K758 794.5 69.4 35.6458 0.6273 1062.7 977855.2 976475.87 327.949 118.916 978049.2 15.033409 24 39.0334 K759 792.5 70.2 35.6278 0.6345 1055.7 977581.2 987683.62 325.789 118.133 978049.2 -260.34349 25 -235.34 K760 792.6 50.4 35.6286 0.4555 1163.2 977598.8 709046.32 358.964 130.162 978049.2 -221.59821 55 -166.6 K761 792.1 48.8 35.6241 0.4411 1211.5 977602 686630.81 373.869 135.566 978049.2 -208.89759 68 -140.9 K762 791.6 46.7 35.6196 0.4221 1277.5 977604.7 657054.78 394.237 142.952 978049.2 -193.21537 99 -94.215 K763 791.7 44.3 35.6285 0.4004 1338.3 977599 623275.84 412.999 149.755 978049.2 -186.95599 86 -100.96 K764 792.3 41.2 35.6259 0.3724 1390.7 977593.3 579690.12 429.17 155.619 978049.2 -182.34889 78 -104.35 K765 793.1 39.7 35.6331 0.3588 1385.9 977595.1 558519.91 427.689 155.082 978049.2 -181.49305 62 -119.49 K766 793 36 35.6322 0.3254 1373.8 977598.9 506528.37 423.955 153.728 978049.2 -180.07313 78 -102.07 K767 792 34.6 35.6232 0.3127 1399.8 977594.1 486759.13 431.978 156.637 978049.2 -179.75892 ## -79.759 K768 786.9 36.3 35.5774 0.3281 2752.5 977314 510731.28 849.422 308.004 978049.2 -193.78242 ## -37.782 K769 786.9 36 35.5774 0.3254 2693 977329 506528.37 831.06 301.346 978049.2 -190.48609 ## -52.486 K770 787 35.1 35.5783 0.3173 2555.2 977360.9 493919.64 788.535 285.926 978049.2 -185.69139 ## -22.691 K771 787.9 33.4 35.5864 0.3019 2030.2 977468.9 469947.5 626.52 227.179 978049.2 -180.95905 ## -75.959 K772 790.5 33.6 35.6097 0.3037 1565 977561.7 472749.44 482.959 175.123 978049.2 -179.66403 ## -70.664 K773 796 34.8 35.6591 0.3145 1298 977600 489561.07 400.563 145.246 978049.2 -193.88301 44 -149.88 K774 794 34.8 35.6412 0.3145 1346.6 977600.1 489561.07 415.561 150.684 978049.2 -184.22338 58 -126.22 K775 796.7 48.5 35.6654 0.4384 1195.8 977587.7 682427.9 369.024 133.81 978049.2 -226.28578 33 -193.29 K776 799.5 47.3 35.6906 0.4275 1252.8 977577.6 665460.6 386.614 140.188 978049.2 -225.17386 29 -196.17 K777 801.1 44.6 35.7049 0.4031 1259.2 977581.7 627478.75 388.589 140.904 978049.2 -219.81498 29 -190.81 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K779 803.9 40.5 35.73 0.366 1392.3 977566.5 569727.67 429.664 155.798 978049.2 -208.83417 27 -181.83 K780 801.9 39.6 35.7121 0.3579 1265.4 977589.9 557118.94 390.502 141.598 978049.2 -210.39544 27 -183.4 K781 801.4 37 35.7076 0.3344 1335.4 977579 520538.07 412.104 149.431 978049.2 -207.52642 23 -184.53 K782 801.3 34.3 35.7067 0.31 1385.7 977576.8 482556.22 427.627 155.059 978049.2 -199.83239 23 -176.83 K783 803.3 33.7 35.7246 0.3046 1439.4 977567.2 474150.41 444.199 161.068 978049.2 -198.86959 31 -167.87 K784 805.3 33 35.7426 0.2982 1456.4 977562.1 464187.95 449.445 162.971 978049.2 -200.62568 28 -172.63 K785 807.1 33 35.7587 0.2982 1518.2 977547.1 464187.95 468.517 169.886 978049.2 -203.4696 28 -175.47 K786 809.8 33.3 35.783 0.3009 1668.5 977520.3 468390.86 514.899 186.705 978049.2 -200.70555 32 -168.71 K787 819 57.3 35.8656 0.5178 1252 977615.9 806024.56 386.367 140.098 978049.2 -187.03122 26 -161.03 K788 820 59.7 35.8746 0.5395 1269.5 977616.1 839803.49 391.768 142.057 978049.2 -183.38897 16 -167.39 K789 819.7 52.7 35.8719 0.5666 1326.8 977606.6 881988.25 409.45 148.469 978049.2 -181.61804 18 -163.62 K790 819.2 54.9 35.8675 0.5865 1354.1 977604.2 912965.24 417.875 151.523 978049.2 -178.64812 23 -155.65 K791 817.9 66.4 35.8558 0.6 1426 977591 933979.79 440.064 159.569 978049.2 -177.70537 35 -142.71 K792 817.2 0.4 35.8494 0.0036 1752 977489.8 5603.8787 540.667 196.048 978049.2 -214.78107 14 -200.78 K793 816.7 1.7 35.8449 0.0154 1746.2 977492.3 23972.148 538.877 195.399 978049.2 -213.42194 12 -201.42 K794 815 2.3 35.8296 0.0208 1732.5 977490.9 32377.966 534.65 193.866 978049.2 -217.51673 14 -203.52 K795 813.8 3.3 35.8188 0.0298 1790.7 977476.8 46387.663 552.61 200.379 978049.2 -220.16877 15 -205.17 K796 812 2.7 35.8026 0.0244 1871.5 977455.8 37981.845 577.545 209.42 978049.2 -225.27539 13 -212.28 K797 809.8 2.8 35.783 0.0253 1909.1 977442.7 39382.814 589.148 213.628 978049.2 -230.97946 14 -216.98 K798 807.7 3.4 35.7641 0.0307 2003.8 977421.3 47788.632 618.373 224.225 978049.2 -233.75194 14 -219.75 K799 807 1.8 35.7578 0.0163 2063.5 977404.5 25373.118 636.796 230.905 978049.2 -238.80893 16 -222.81 K800 806.5 0.5 35.7533 0.0045 2046.4 977405.2 7004.8484 631.519 228.992 978049.2 -241.47251 18 -223.47 K801 832.8 7.9 35.9893 0.0714 1549.9 977545.2 111143.59 478.299 173.433 978049.2 -199.13421 5 -194.13 K802 831.4 7.5 35.9768 0.0678 1528.9 977549.5 105539.72 471.819 171.083 978049.2 -198.96491 6 -192.96 K803 831.7 6.2 35.9795 0.056 1526.1 977548.5 87171.447 470.954 170.77 978049.2 -200.51567 6 -194.52 K804 830.6 5.3 35.9697 0.0479 1529.5 977547.1 74562.72 472.004 171.151 978049.2 -201.24689 6 -195.25 K805 831.3 4 35.976 0.0362 1535.3 977544.5 56350.114 473.794 171.8 978049.2 -202.70603 5 -197.71 K806 831.6 2.3 35.9786 0.0208 1540.2 977541.6 32377.966 475.306 172.348 978049.2 -204.6422 6 -198.64 K807 831.4 0.7 35.9768 0.0063 1546.6 977540.1 9806.7878 477.281 173.064 978049.2 -204.88332 6 -198.88 K808 829.5 0.6 35.9598 0.0054 1567 977538.2 8405.8181 483.576 175.347 978049.2 -202.77063 6 -196.77 K809 828.3 1.5 35.949 0.0136 1566.7 977538.3 21170.209 483.484 175.313 978049.2 -202.72964 6 -196.73 K810 827.2 2.4 35.9391 0.0217 1589.8 977532.6 33778.936 490.612 177.898 978049.2 -203.88586 6 -197.89 K811 826.7 3.9 35.9346 0.0353 1580.4 977534.1 54949.144 487.711 176.846 978049.2 -204.23485 7 -197.23 K812 826.4 5.6 35.9319 0.0506 1571.9 977536.7 78765.629 485.088 175.895 978049.2 -203.3068 6 -197.31 K813 825.8 7 35.9265 0.0633 1573.7 977537.4 98534.868 485.644 176.097 978049.2 -202.25274 5 -197.25 K814 825.2 8.5 35.9211 0.0768 1581.3 977537.3 119549.41 487.989 176.947 978049.2 -200.85782 5 -195.86 K815 824.7 10.2 35.9166 0.0922 1580.7 977536.7 143521.56 487.804 176.88 978049.2 -201.57584 5 -196.58 K816 824.1 11.7 35.9113 0.1058 1578.9 977537.5 164691.77 487.249 176.678 978049.2 -201.1299 5 -196.13 K817 823.4 13.7 35.905 0.1238 1579.2 977537.8 192711.16 487.341 176.712 978049.2 -200.77089 5 -195.77 K818 822.9 15.9 35.9006 0.1437 1588 977537.1 223688.16 490.057 177.697 978049.2 -199.73992 5 -194.74 K819 820.4 15 35.8761 0.1356 1577.9 977537.2 211079.43 486.94 176.567 978049.2 -201.6266 7 -194.63 K820 818.7 14.8 35.8628 0.1338 1621.5 977526.6 208277.49 500.395 181.445 978049.2 -203.65046 7 -196.65 K821 817.3 14.3 35.8503 0.1293 1613.9 977526.6 201272.64 498.05 180.595 978049.2 -205.14539 8 -197.15 K822 816.1 13.4 35.8395 0.1211 1641.7 977515.4 188508.25 506.629 183.706 978049.2 -210.87712 9 -201.88 K823 814.7 12.4 35.8269 0.1121 1673.4 977505.1 174498.56 516.411 187.253 978049.2 -214.94172 11 -203.94 K824 812.9 11.9 35.8107 0.1076 1751.7 977489.5 167493.71 540.575 196.015 978049.2 -215.14008 12 -203.14 K825 811.3 11 35.7975 0.0994 1805.6 977474.6 154729.32 557.208 202.046 978049.2 -219.43794 13 -206.44 K826 810.3 9.7 35.7875 0.0877 1863.5 977459.5 136516.71 575.076 208.525 978049.2 -223.14899 13 -210.15 K827 809.9 8.3 35.7839 0.075 1906.5 977449.6 116747.47 588.346 213.337 978049.2 -224.59088 15 -209.59 K828 809.7 6.7 35.7821 0.0606 1909.9 977447.4 94331.958 589.395 213.717 978049.2 -226.1221 14 -212.12 K829 808.9 5.3 35.7749 0.0479 1930 977442.6 74562.72 595.598 215.966 978049.2 -226.96842 15 -211.97 K830 807.3 5.2 35.7605 0.047 2009.3 977421.2 73161.75 620.07 224.84 978049.2 -232.77009 14 -218.77 K831 227.3 79.8 36.5499 0.7214 1911.1 977508.9 1122955 589.765 213.852 978049.2 -164.38606 10 -154.39 K832 241.7 48.2 36.6793 0.4358 1766 977536.6 678380.65 544.988 197.615 978049.2 -165.22727 5 -160.23 K833 277.3 8.8 36.9992 0.0796 1624.2 977524.9 123907.99 501.228 181.747 978049.2 -204.81937 10 -194.82 K834 275.7 9.2 36.9848 0.0832 1815.7 977525.9 129511.86 560.325 203.176 978049.2 -166.15127 9 -157.15 K835 274 9 36.9696 0.0814 1804.1 977528.4 126709.92 556.745 201.878 978049.2 -165.93299 8 -157.93 K836 272.4 8.9 36.9552 0.0805 1795.9 977530.9 125308.95 554.215 200.961 978049.2 -165.04593 8 -157.05 K837 270.9 9.1 36.9417 0.0823 1787.7 977534.1 128110.89 551.684 200.043 978049.2 -163.45887 8 -155.46 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K839 256.2 10.3 36.8995 0.0932 1749.2 977538.8 145078.19 539.803 195.735 978049.2 -166.33184 7 -159.33 K840 264.8 10.8 36.8869 0.0977 1787.5 977533.7 152083.04 551.623 200.021 978049.2 -163.89821 7 -156.9 K841 263.4 11.6 36.8743 0.105 1766.5 977534 163446.46 545.142 197.671 978049.2 -167.72892 6 -161.73 K842 261.8 12.4 36.8599 0.1122 1771.2 977531.5 174654.22 546.592 198.197 978049.2 -169.30443 6 -163.3 K843 260.3 12.6 36.8464 0.114 1783.7 977528.3 177456.16 550.45 199.595 978049.2 -170.04567 6 -164.05 K844 258.5 12.6 36.8303 0.114 1824.2 977518.1 177456.16 562.948 204.127 978049.2 -172.27931 6 -166.28 K845 257.1 12 36.8177 0.1086 1834.9 977512.9 169050.34 566.25 205.325 978049.2 -175.37462 6 -169.37 K846 195.3 2.3 36.263 0.0208 2289 977368 32377.966 706.385 256.138 978049.2 -230.95301 69 -161.95 K847 195.5 1.2 36.2648 0.0108 2349.1 977354.5 16811.636 724.932 262.864 978049.2 -232.63133 47 -185.63 K848 196.1 1.9 36.2702 0.0172 2392.1 977349 26774.087 738.202 267.675 978049.2 -229.67321 36 -193.67 K849 196.8 3.2 36.2765 0.0289 2337.2 977361.3 44986.693 721.26 261.532 978049.2 -228.17206 31 -197.17 K850 197.7 4.1 36.2846 0.037 2402.1 977349.4 57595.42 741.288 268.794 978049.2 -227.30621 28 -199.31 K851 199.2 4.7 36.298 0.0425 2430.2 977344.6 66156.902 749.96 271.939 978049.2 -226.57893 25 -201.58 K852 200.4 5 36.3088 0.0452 2408.8 977352.1 70359.811 743.356 269.544 978049.2 -223.28832 22 -201.29 K853 201.8 4.7 36.3214 0.0425 2418.9 977349.6 66156.902 746.473 270.674 978049.2 -223.80164 21 -202.8 K854 203.8 5 36.3393 0.0452 2374.1 977361.7 70359.811 732.647 265.661 978049.2 -220.51382 18 -202.51 K855 205.2 4.8 36.3519 0.0434 2350.6 977368.2 67557.871 725.395 263.031 978049.2 -218.63627 16 -202.64 K856 206.6 4.6 36.3644 0.0415 2364.9 977366.9 64600.269 729.808 264.632 978049.2 -217.12346 16 -201.12 K857 207.5 5 36.3725 0.0452 2327.1 977376.4 70359.811 718.143 260.402 978049.2 -215.05873 15 -200.06 K858 208.3 4.7 36.3797 0.0425 2331.7 977375 66156.902 719.563 260.917 978049.2 -215.55391 15 -200.55 K859 209.5 4.5 36.3904 0.0406 2345.1 977372.8 63199.299 723.698 262.416 978049.2 -215.11813 16 -199.12 K860 210.5 3.4 36.3994 0.0307 2346.4 977371.7 47788.632 724.099 262.561 978049.2 -215.96242 15 -200.96 K861 212 3 36.4129 0.0271 2350.9 977371.7 42184.754 725.488 263.065 978049.2 -215.07726 15 -200.08 K862 213.3 3 36.4245 0.0271 2329.6 977378.4 42184.754 718.915 260.682 978049.2 -212.56698 14 -198.57 K863 215 2.4 36.4398 0.0217 2303.1 977382.8 33778.936 710.737 257.716 978049.2 -213.37954 14 -199.38 K864 216.7 2.6 36.455 0.0235 2290 977388.1 36580.875 706.694 256.25 978049.2 -210.65631 13 -197.66 K865 218.2 2.3 36.4685 0.0208 2248.5 977397 32377.966 693.887 251.606 978049.2 -209.91938 13 -196.92 K866 219.8 2 36.4828 0.0181 2265.3 977394.3 28175.057 699.072 253.486 978049.2 -209.31481 13 -196.31 K867 221.3 2.5 36.4963 0.0226 2239.1 977400.2 35179.905 690.986 250.555 978049.2 -208.56836 13 -195.57 K868 222.3 3.4 36.505 0.0308 2203.1 977407.2 47944.296 679.877 246.526 978049.2 -208.64957 12 -196.65 K869 223.6 4 36.5166 0.0362 2157.4 977414.2 56350.114 665.774 241.412 978049.2 -210.63877 11 -199.64 K870 225.2 3.9 36.531 0.0353 2137 977421.7 54949.144 659.478 239.13 978049.2 -207.15146 11 -196.15 K871 226.5 5 36.5427 0.0452 2100.4 977430.4 70359.811 648.183 235.034 978049.2 -205.65069 11 -194.65 K872 227.8 5.9 36.5544 0.0534 2075.1 977436.1 83124.201 640.376 232.203 978049.2 -204.92721 10 -194.93 K873 228.8 7.2 36.5634 0.0551 2036.1 977445 85770.477 628.34 227.839 978049.2 -203.69852 11 -192.7 K874 229.8 8.5 36.5724 0.0769 1977.5 977456.8 119705.08 610.257 221.282 978049.2 -203.42516 9 -194.43 K875 231.2 8.9 36.5849 0.0805 1931.2 977466.9 125308.95 595.968 216.101 978049.2 -202.43238 9 -193.43 K876 232.1 7.5 36.593 0.0679 2008.3 977452.1 105695.38 619.761 224.728 978049.2 -202.06679 9 -193.07 K877 232.5 7.2 36.5966 0.0651 2005.9 977452.9 101336.81 619.021 224.46 978049.2 -201.73887 9 -192.74 K878 234 7.1 36.6101 0.0642 2031.2 977448.9 99935.837 626.828 227.291 978049.2 -200.76235 9 -191.76 K879 235.7 7.2 36.6254 0.0651 2010.2 977455.1 101336.81 620.348 224.941 978049.2 -198.69306 9 -189.69 K880 237.3 7.2 36.6397 0.0651 2000.4 977460.9 101336.81 617.323 223.844 978049.2 -194.82072 8 -186.82 K881 238.5 8.8 36.6505 0.0796 1991.6 977465.3 123907.99 614.608 222.859 978049.2 -192.15168 8 -184.15 K882 239 9.9 36.655 0.0896 1980.6 977468.7 139474.31 611.213 221.629 978049.2 -190.91539 8 -182.92 K883 240 9.1 36.664 0.0823 1943.7 977477 128110.89 599.826 217.499 978049.2 -189.87363 7 -182.87 K884 241 7.6 36.673 0.0688 1905 977482.1 107096.35 587.883 213.169 978049.2 -192.38593 9 -183.39 K885 243.7 8.2 36.6973 0.0742 1957.7 977476 115502.17 604.146 219.066 978049.2 -188.11982 8 -180.12 K886 245.2 8.8 36.7107 0.0796 1925.7 977483.2 123907.99 594.271 215.485 978049.2 -187.21423 7 -180.21 K887 246.4 9.3 36.7215 0.0841 1899.8 977490.1 130912.83 586.278 212.587 978049.2 -185.40877 7 -178.41 K888 248 9.3 36.7359 0.0841 1884 977494.7 130912.83 581.402 210.819 978049.2 -183.91663 7 -176.92 K889 249.5 9.3 36.7503 0.0841 1890.7 977494.5 130912.83 583.47 211.569 978049.2 -182.79874 7 -175.8 K890 251.1 9.8 36.7638 0.0887 1882.4 977496.6 138073.35 580.909 210.64 978049.2 -182.33136 7 -175.33 K891 252.4 10.3 36.7754 0.0932 1860.2 977503.3 145078.19 574.058 208.156 978049.2 -179.9981 6 -174 K892 254.1 11 36.7907 0.0995 1857.1 977505.8 154884.98 573.101 207.809 978049.2 -178.10787 6 -172.11 K893 255.5 11.5 36.8033 0.1041 1855 977507.8 162045.49 572.453 207.574 978049.2 -176.52094 7 -169.52 K894 195.2 2.8 36.2619 0.0253 2249.4 977377.9 39382.814 694.165 251.707 978049.2 -228.84235 63 -165.84 K895 194.8 3.5 36.2583 0.0316 2202.5 977369.4 49189.602 679.692 246.459 978049.2 -246.56759 47 -199.57 K896 194.7 2.8 36.2574 0.0253 2168.3 977396.4 39382.814 669.137 242.632 978049.2 -226.29474 40 -186.29 K897 194.5 2 36.2557 0.0181 2113.8 977406.3 28175.057 652.319 236.534 978049.2 -227.11491 39 -188.11 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K899 192.4 0.8 36.2368 0.0072 2005 977425.7 11207.757 618.743 224.359 978049.2 -229.1159 25 -204.12 K900 191 0.3 36.2242 0.0027 2097.4 977420.4 4202.909 647.258 234.698 978049.2 -216.24079 32 -184.24 K901 244.7 2.5 36.7063 0.0226 1970.5 977468.3 35179.905 608.096 220.498 978049.2 -193.30206 8 -185.3 K902 232.2 2.1 36.5939 0.019 2090 977426.5 29576.027 644.974 233.87 978049.2 -211.59637 11 -200.6 K903 231.9 5.1 36.5912 0.0461 2044 977436.9 71760.78 630.778 228.723 978049.2 -210.24459 9 -201.24 K904 237.3 13.5 36.6399 0.122 1898 977483.6 189909.22 585.723 212.386 978049.2 -192.26283 6 -186.26 K905 236.4 15.6 36.6318 0.141 1891 977483.5 219485.25 583.563 211.602 978049.2 -193.73973 6 -187.74 K906 234.3 21.1 36.6129 0.1907 1875.7 977489.5 296849.91 578.841 209.89 978049.2 -190.74925 6 -184.75 K907 231 24.5 36.5833 0.2215 1852.9 977494.8 344794.2 571.805 207.339 978049.2 -189.93401 5 -184.93 K908 229 26.5 36.5654 0.2396 1821.2 977497.6 372969.26 562.022 203.792 978049.2 -193.36941 5 -188.37 K909 226.8 27.3 36.5456 0.2468 1864.2 977487.3 384177.02 575.292 208.603 978049.2 -195.2113 6 -189.21 K910 225.7 29 36.5357 0.2622 1839.2 977492 408149.17 567.577 205.806 978049.2 -195.42881 5 -190.43 K911 181.4 58.2 36.138 0.5259 1081.4 977661.3 818633.28 333.72 121.008 978049.2 -175.1883 10 -165.19 K912 182.6 59.7 36.1487 0.5395 1105.5 977659.9 839803.49 341.157 123.705 978049.2 -171.84782 11 -160.85 K913 183.7 61.5 36.1586 0.5558 1179.9 977645.4 865176.61 364.117 132.03 978049.2 -171.71332 10 -161.71 K914 185 61.9 36.1702 0.5594 1150.3 977651.4 870780.49 354.983 128.718 978049.2 -171.53564 11 -160.54 K915 186.3 63.2 36.1819 0.5711 1168.9 977646.8 888993.09 360.723 130.8 978049.2 -172.47702 10 -162.48 K916 186.8 66 36.1864 0.5965 1178.1 977641.3 928531.57 363.562 131.829 978049.2 -176.16738 9 -167.17 K917 189.6 68.3 36.2115 0.6173 1166.2 977637.9 960909.54 359.889 130.497 978049.2 -181.90811 11 -170.91 K918 190.9 70.2 36.2232 0.6344 1160.7 977531.6 987527.96 358.192 129.882 978049.2 -289.28996 10 -279.29 K919 190.4 72.8 36.2187 0.6579 1143.6 977635.5 1024108.8 352.915 127.968 978049.2 -188.75354 11 -177.75 K920 190.2 75.2 36.2169 0.6796 1125.6 977641.5 1057887.8 347.36 125.954 978049.2 -186.29414 9 -177.29 K921 192.4 77.1 36.2366 0.6968 1124.7 977645.9 1084661.9 347.082 125.854 978049.2 -182.07117 13 -169.07 K922 194.1 79 36.2519 0.714 1147 977643.3 1111435.9 353.964 128.349 978049.2 -180.28476 14 -166.28 K923 195.2 81.1 36.2617 0.733 1192.4 977643.6 1141012 367.975 133.429 978049.2 -171.05456 9 -162.05 K924 196.3 83 36.2716 0.7501 1198.2 977641.1 1167630.4 369.765 134.078 978049.2 -172.4137 10 -162.41 K925 196.5 85.6 36.2734 0.7736 1196.6 977642.1 1204211.3 369.271 133.899 978049.2 -171.72842 10 -161.73 K926 196.6 87.6 36.2742 0.7917 1194.8 977643.5 1232386.3 368.715 133.698 978049.2 -170.68248 10 -160.68 K927 198 88.8 36.2868 0.8026 1223.2 977636.8 1249353.6 377.48 136.876 978049.2 -171.79619 12 -159.8 K928 198.9 89.1 36.2949 0.8053 1299.1 977619.9 1253556.5 400.902 145.369 978049.2 -173.76664 12 -161.77 K929 200.4 87.9 36.3084 0.7944 1359.1 977609.3 1236589.2 419.418 152.083 978049.2 -172.56462 15 -157.56 K930 201.2 88.8 36.3155 0.8026 1445.1 977588.7 1249353.6 445.958 161.706 978049.2 -176.2484 13 -163.25 K931 202.2 88.3 36.3245 0.7981 1414 977593.4 1242348.8 436.36 158.226 978049.2 -177.66578 15 -162.67 K932 203.3 87.2 36.3398 0.7881 1510 977573.1 1226782.5 465.986 168.969 978049.2 -179.08255 13 -166.08 K933 204.8 86.8 36.3479 0.7845 1607.8 977553.7 1221178.6 496.167 179.912 978049.2 -179.24526 15 -164.25 K934 206.4 87 36.3622 0.7863 1663.9 977541 1223980.5 513.48 186.19 978049.2 -180.91037 13 -167.91 K935 208 86.2 36.3766 0.7791 1662.7 977543.4 1212772.8 513.109 186.056 978049.2 -178.74641 12 -166.75 K936 209.5 85.6 36.3901 0.7737 1702.3 977537.9 1204366.9 525.33 190.487 978049.2 -176.45708 13 -163.46 K937 211.2 85.7 36.4053 0.7746 1733.1 977535 1205767.9 534.835 193.933 978049.2 -173.29871 15 -158.3 K938 212.9 85.9 36.4206 0.7764 1791.3 977525.6 1208569.8 552.795 200.446 978049.2 -171.25075 15 -156.25 K939 214.1 84.9 36.4314 0.7874 1866 977510.5 1225692.8 575.848 208.805 978049.2 -171.65724 14 -157.66 K940 216.9 84.7 36.4565 0.7656 1852 977514 1191758.2 571.527 207.238 978049.2 -170.91104 12 -158.91 K941 219.3 84.1 36.4781 0.7602 1845.6 977516.7 1183352.4 569.552 206.522 978049.2 -169.46993 12 -157.47 K942 220.3 83.9 36.487 0.7584 1857.5 977515.7 1180550.5 573.225 207.854 978049.2 -168.12919 12 -156.13 K943 222.5 83.3 36.5095 0.753 1947.7 977496.4 1172144.6 601.06 217.947 978049.2 -169.68683 12 -157.69 K944 226.2 83.1 36.54 0.7512 1948.3 977497.8 1169342.7 601.245 218.014 978049.2 -168.16881 12 -156.17 K945 226.7 81.4 36.5445 0.7358 1941.9 977500.6 1145370.5 599.27 217.298 978049.2 -166.62769 11 -155.63 K946 226.9 79.7 36.5463 0.7205 1902.6 977508.8 1121554.1 587.142 212.9 978049.2 -166.15801 10 -156.16 K947 229.8 79.2 36.5724 0.716 1864.2 977517.6 1114549.2 575.292 208.603 978049.2 -164.9113 9 -155.91 K948 232.1 78.8 36.593 0.7124 1834.3 977522.5 1108945.3 566.065 205.258 978049.2 -165.89264 8 -157.89 K949 233.4 75.4 36.6047 0.6816 1812.3 977527.6 1061001 559.276 202.796 978049.2 -165.12005 7 -158.12 K950 234.8 70.5 36.6173 0.6373 1819 977527.7 992042.2 561.343 203.546 978049.2 -163.70215 7 -156.7 K951 235.8 66.5 36.6263 0.6012 1860.8 977519.5 935847.75 574.243 208.223 978049.2 -163.68008 7 -156.68 K952 235.3 61.5 36.6218 0.556 1867 977522.4 865487.94 576.156 208.917 978049.2 -159.56054 7 -152.56 K953 236.4 58.1 36.6317 0.5252 1909.9 977513.3 817543.64 589.395 213.717 978049.2 -160.2221 6 -154.22 K954 236.4 55.1 36.6316 0.4985 1903.5 977512.1 775981.54 587.42 213.001 978049.2 -162.68098 7 -155.68 K955 239.2 51.5 36.6568 0.466 1805 977528.7 725390.97 557.023 201.979 978049.2 -165.45596 6 -159.46 K956 241.7 48.2 36.6793 0.4361 1766.6 977536.4 678847.64 545.173 197.682 978049.2 -165.30925 5 -160.31 K957 239.4 46 36.6586 0.4162 1789.8 977528.2 647870.65 552.332 200.278 978049.2 -168.9458 5 -163.95 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K959 236.2 39.9 36.6298 0.361 1800.1 977521.3 561944.51 555.511 201.431 978049.2 -173.81979 5 -168.82 K960 232.9 37.1 36.6002 0.3357 1806.5 977514.4 522561.69 557.486 202.147 978049.2 -179.46091 5 -174.46 K961 229.5 35.9 36.5696 0.3248 1807.2 977507.5 505594.39 557.702 202.225 978049.2 -186.22322 5 -181.22 K962 226.7 33 36.5445 0.2986 1867.5 977490.4 464810.61 576.311 208.973 978049.2 -191.46219 6 -185.46 K963 195.4 90.3 36.2635 0.8161 1185.7 977649.5 1270368.2 365.907 132.679 978049.2 -166.47245 7 -159.47 K964 192.8 90.6 36.2401 0.8188 1162.2 977660.6 1274571.1 358.655 130.05 978049.2 -159.99491 6 -153.99 K965 190.9 91.3 36.2231 0.8251 1162.8 977665.7 1284377.9 358.84 130.117 978049.2 -154.77689 7 -147.78 K966 189.7 93.7 36.2123 0.8468 1160.7 977689.6 1318156.8 358.192 129.882 978049.2 -131.28996 7 -124.29 K967 188.9 95.8 36.2051 0.8658 1110.7 977681.7 1347732.8 342.762 124.287 978049.2 -149.02498 8 -141.02 K968 188.3 96.2 36.1997 0.8694 1077.8 977689.3 1353336.7 332.609 120.605 978049.2 -147.89642 12 -135.9 K969 187.9 96.3 36.1961 0.8703 1133.2 977677.5 1354737.7 349.706 126.805 978049.2 -148.79922 8 -140.8 K970 186 97.5 36.179 0.8811 1162.5 977675.1 1371549.3 358.748 130.083 978049.2 -145.4359 12 -133.44 K971 184.7 96.2 36.1674 0.8594 1096.1 977687.3 1337770.4 338.256 122.653 978049.2 -146.2968 12 -134.3 K972 183.3 96.7 36.1548 0.8739 966.8 977717.2 1360341.6 298.354 108.185 978049.2 -141.83015 9 -132.83 K973 206.5 6.5 36.3634 0.0588 2389.3 977364.4 91530.019 737.338 267.362 978049.2 -214.82397 20 -194.82 K974 209.8 9.8 36.393 0.0886 2278.7 977393.8 137917.68 703.207 254.986 978049.2 -207.17903 17 -190.18 K975 210.3 12.2 36.3975 0.1103 2168.7 977417.1 171696.62 669.261 242.677 978049.2 -205.51606 15 -190.52 K976 210.6 14.8 36.4002 0.1338 2170.5 977419.8 208277.49 669.816 242.878 978049.2 -202.462 13 -189.46 K977 212.1 19 36.4136 0.1717 2115.3 977433.1 267273.88 652.782 236.701 978049.2 -200.01986 12 -188.02 K978 215.8 21.2 36.4468 0.1916 1996.7 977457.4 298250.88 616.182 223.43 978049.2 -199.04851 9 -190.05 K979 217.7 24.5 36.4639 0.2215 1925.7 977472 344794.2 594.271 215.485 978049.2 -198.41423 9 -189.41 K980 220.5 27 36.489 0.2441 1928.2 977471 379974.11 595.043 215.765 978049.2 -198.92248 7 -191.92 K981 224.1 28.2 36.5211 0.2551 1853.8 977487.1 397097.07 572.083 207.44 978049.2 -197.45698 6 -191.46 K982 215.1 26.5 36.4406 0.2395 1991.3 977461.6 372813.6 614.515 222.826 978049.2 -195.91069 8 -187.91 K983 210.3 26.9 36.3975 0.2431 2053.7 977451.7 378417.48 633.772 229.808 978049.2 -193.53659 13 -180.54 K984 207.8 28.6 36.375 0.2585 2063.2 977451.7 402389.62 636.704 230.871 978049.2 -191.66794 15 -176.67 K985 206.2 30 36.3607 0.2712 2080 977449.7 422158.86 641.888 232.751 978049.2 -190.36338 12 -178.36 K986 204.3 30.3 36.3436 0.2739 2107.4 977443.9 426361.77 650.344 235.817 978049.2 -190.77379 15 -175.77 K987 202.7 31.1 36.3292 0.2811 2122.9 977440.1 437569.53 655.127 237.552 978049.2 -191.52493 17 -174.52 K988 201.2 31.1 36.3158 0.2811 2009.2 977461.5 437569.53 620.039 224.829 978049.2 -192.48976 15 -177.49 K989 199.7 31.7 36.3023 0.2865 1969.9 977464.5 445975.35 607.911 220.431 978049.2 -197.22008 14 -183.22 K990 196.7 32.9 36.2754 0.2973 1977.2 977465.2 462786.98 610.164 221.248 978049.2 -195.08417 14 -181.08 K991 195.2 32.9 36.2619 0.2973 1999.5 977462.1 462786.98 617.046 223.743 978049.2 -193.79775 16 -177.8 K992 186.7 13 36.1856 0.1175 1613.9 977519.7 182904.37 498.05 180.595 978049.2 -212.04539 15 -197.05 K993 188.1 15.8 36.1982 0.1428 1700.2 977503.9 222287.19 524.682 190.252 978049.2 -210.87015 13 -197.87 K994 186.9 17.1 36.1874 0.1545 1687.4 977511.9 240499.8 520.732 188.82 978049.2 -205.38791 12 -193.39 K995 186.2 17.8 36.1811 0.1609 1644.4 977523.2 250462.25 507.462 184.008 978049.2 -202.54603 13 -189.55 K996 185.5 19.9 36.1749 0.1798 1642.6 977528 279882.61 506.906 183.806 978049.2 -198.10009 13 -185.1 K997 185.2 19.1 36.1722 0.1726 1631.9 977528.5 268674.85 503.604 182.609 978049.2 -199.70478 12 -187.7 K998 185.2 18.3 36.1722 0.1654 1615.7 977530.9 257467.09 498.605 180.796 978049.2 -200.49133 12 -188.49 K999 184 18.4 36.1614 0.1663 1622.8 977530.8 258868.06 500.796 181.591 978049.2 -199.19475 12 -187.19 K1000 183.5 19.2 36.1569 0.1735 1624 977532.1 270075.82 501.166 181.725 978049.2 -197.65871 15 -182.66 K1001 182.6 17 36.1488 0.1536 1594.1 977537 239098.83 491.939 178.379 978049.2 -198.64005 11 -187.64 K1002 181.5 16.8 36.139 0.1518 1559.4 977544.8 236296.89 481.231 174.496 978049.2 -197.66555 11 -186.67 K1003 180.4 18.8 36.1291 0.1699 1535.6 977553.1 264471.94 473.886 171.833 978049.2 -194.04702 24 -170.05 K1004 179.4 17.1 36.1201 0.1545 1517.3 977554.6 240499.8 468.239 169.785 978049.2 -196.14663 15 -181.15 K1005 178.6 15.1 36.1129 0.1365 1503.9 977553.7 212480.4 464.104 168.286 978049.2 -199.68242 11 -188.68 K1006 177.7 12.2 36.1049 0.1102 1515.8 977547.6 171540.95 467.776 169.618 978049.2 -203.44169 10 -193.44 K1007 177.3 8 36.1013 0.0723 1534.7 977539.1 112544.56 473.608 171.732 978049.2 -208.22405 10 -198.22 K1008 177 6.6 36.0986 0.0596 1541.7 977535.8 92775.325 475.769 172.516 978049.2 -210.14715 14 -196.15 K1009 176.9 3.4 36.0977 0.0307 1568.5 977524.6 47788.632 484.039 175.515 978049.2 -216.07558 12 -204.08 K1010 192 14.4 36.2332 0.1301 1736.1 977493.3 202517.95 535.76 194.269 978049.2 -214.40861 16 -198.41 K1011 193.6 16.3 36.2476 0.1473 1719.7 977499.1 229292.04 530.699 192.434 978049.2 -211.83449 23 -188.83 K1012 192.7 18.2 36.2395 0.1545 1698.7 977506.5 240499.8 524.219 190.084 978049.2 -208.5652 22 -186.57 K1013 193.1 19.2 36.2431 0.1735 1721.5 977503.6 270075.82 531.255 192.635 978049.2 -206.98043 26 -180.98 K1014 192.1 21 36.2341 0.1898 1738.6 977504.9 295448.94 536.532 194.549 978049.2 -202.31686 24 -178.32 K1015 190.5 21.3 36.2197 0.1925 1699.3 977515 299651.85 524.404 190.151 978049.2 -199.94718 19 -180.95 K1016 189.5 22 36.2108 0.1988 1699.9 977518.3 309458.64 524.589 190.218 978049.2 -196.52916 21 -175.53 K1017 191.2 18.1 36.226 0.1636 1700.8 977507.6 254665.16 524.867 190.319 978049.2 -207.05213 19 -188.05 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1019 168.9 11.1 36.0259 0.1003 1505.7 977554.1 156130.29 464.659 168.487 978049.2 -198.92836 6 -192.93 K1020 170 11.5 36.0358 0.1039 1480.4 977559 161734.17 456.851 165.656 978049.2 -199.00488 7 -192 K1021 170.3 13.3 36.0384 0.1202 1435.6 977570.6 187107.28 443.026 160.643 978049.2 -196.21705 7 -189.22 K1022 171 15.5 36.0447 0.1401 1404.2 977577.4 218084.28 433.336 157.13 978049.2 -195.59344 8 -187.59 K1023 170.7 16.7 36.042 0.1509 1388.4 977581.2 234895.92 428.46 155.362 978049.2 -194.9013 8 -186.9 K1024 170.5 19 36.0402 0.1717 1373.7 977585.6 267273.88 423.924 153.717 978049.2 -193.3928 8 -185.39 K1025 170.2 20.9 36.0375 0.1889 1342.9 977592.2 294047.97 414.419 150.27 978049.2 -192.85117 9 -183.85 K1026 170.3 22.4 36.0384 0.2024 1292 977603.8 315062.51 398.711 144.574 978049.2 -191.26321 9 -182.26 K1027 170.2 24.6 36.0375 0.2223 1307.9 977600.7 346039.51 403.618 146.354 978049.2 -191.23568 10 -181.24 K1028 170.4 27.1 36.0393 0.2449 1213.7 977620 381219.42 374.548 135.813 978049.2 -190.46485 11 -179.46 K1029 171.2 29.4 36.0465 0.2657 1160.1 977630.2 413597.38 358.007 129.815 978049.2 -190.80798 14 -176.81 K1030 174.1 66.1 36.0724 0.5973 975.4 977677.3 929776.88 301.008 109.147 978049.2 -180.03853 4 -176.04 K1031 175.3 69.1 36.0832 0.6244 975.4 977681.7 971961.63 301.008 109.147 978049.2 -175.63853 4 -171.64 K1032 168.9 71.4 36.0257 0.6452 975.8 977690.3 1004339.6 301.132 109.192 978049.2 -166.95985 5 -161.96 K1033 234.6 83.7 36.6154 0.7567 1820.6 977522 1177904.2 561.837 203.725 978049.2 -169.08743 8 -161.09 K1034 237.2 88.3 36.6388 0.7983 1838.2 977517.7 1242660.1 567.269 205.694 978049.2 -169.92551 9 -160.93 K1035 242.7 91.6 36.6881 0.8281 1785.5 977531 1289047.8 551.005 199.797 978049.2 -166.99161 8 -158.99 K1036 247.4 93.6 36.7303 0.8462 1792.5 977535.5 1317222.8 553.166 200.58 978049.2 -161.11471 9 -152.11 K1037 249 99 36.7447 0.8951 1800.1 977539.2 1393342.2 555.511 201.431 978049.2 -155.91979 10 -145.92 K1038 250.6 103 36.759 0.9349 1764.6 977548.1 1455296.2 544.556 197.458 978049.2 -154.00265 10 -144 K1039 250 108 36.7536 0.9764 1820.3 977547.2 1519896.4 561.745 203.691 978049.2 -143.94644 12 -131.95 K1040 253.5 99.8 36.7851 0.9023 1761.4 977552.2 1404549.9 543.568 197.1 978049.2 -150.53209 10 -140.53 K1041 256 95.6 36.8076 0.8644 1723.6 977560.7 1345553.5 531.903 192.87 978049.2 -149.46736 9 -140.47 K1042 260.2 92.8 36.8453 0.8391 1745.9 977560.3 1306170.7 538.785 195.366 978049.2 -145.48095 9 -136.48 K1043 263.7 88.9 36.8768 0.8038 1710.5 977567.1 1251221.6 527.86 191.404 978049.2 -145.64414 9 -136.64 K1044 268.4 86.1 36.919 0.7785 1661.2 977581.6 1211838.8 512.646 185.888 978049.2 -140.84146 9 -131.84 K1045 271.7 84.3 36.9486 0.7623 1470.1 977624.1 1186621.3 453.673 164.504 978049.2 -135.93089 5 -130.93 K1046 274.8 87.6 36.9765 0.7921 1540.2 977615.8 1233009 475.306 172.348 978049.2 -130.4422 7 -123.44 K1047 275.2 90.6 36.98 0.8192 1429.5 977638.9 1275193.7 441.144 159.961 978049.2 -129.11692 5 -124.12 K1048 232.8 108 36.5991 0.9754 2014.1 977487.3 1518339.8 621.551 225.377 978049.2 -165.72593 19 -146.73 K1049 232.6 102 36.5974 0.9203 1991.6 977489.4 1432569.3 614.608 222.859 978049.2 -168.05168 17 -151.05 K1050 234.5 97.1 36.6145 0.8778 1946.8 977497.3 1366412.4 600.782 217.846 978049.2 -168.96386 14 -154.96 K1051 238.9 94.8 36.654 0.857 1948.9 977496.4 1334034.5 601.431 218.081 978049.2 -169.45079 13 -156.45 K1052 178 99.5 36.1072 0.8991 893.7 977728.6 1399568.7 275.796 100.005 978049.2 -144.80894 4 -140.81 K1053 179.2 102 36.118 0.9217 919.6 977724.1 1434748.6 283.789 102.903 978049.2 -144.2144 4 -140.21 K1054 180.8 106 36.1323 0.9534 900.1 977736.6 1484093.9 277.771 100.721 978049.2 -135.55006 6 -129.55 K1055 182.4 108 36.1466 0.9796 869.6 977746.2 1524877.7 268.359 97.308 978049.2 -131.94942 5 -126.95 K1056 184.8 109 36.1682 0.9877 890.3 977742.4 1537486.4 274.747 99.6243 978049.2 -131.67772 5 -126.68 K1057 197.8 108 36.2849 0.9761 1263.1 977639.2 1519429.5 389.793 141.341 978049.2 -161.54785 15 -146.55 K1058 196.5 103 36.2732 0.9327 1255.8 977641.2 1451871.6 387.54 140.524 978049.2 -160.98376 7 -153.98 K1059 196.7 98.5 36.2751 0.8902 1217.7 977648.6 1385714.7 375.782 136.26 978049.2 -161.07804 8 -153.08 K1060 197.4 94.7 36.2814 0.8559 1203.4 977644.1 1332322.2 371.369 134.66 978049.2 -168.39086 8 -160.39 K1061 175.4 27.9 36.0842 0.2521 995 977659.3 392427.17 307.057 111.34 978049.2 -194.1832 28 -166.18 K1062 173.7 28.6 36.0689 0.2584 1090 977641.5 402233.96 336.374 121.971 978049.2 -193.29667 18 -175.3 K1063 171.6 29.8 36.0501 0.2593 1147.8 977631.1 403634.93 354.211 128.438 978049.2 -192.3274 13 -179.33 K1064 171.7 31.5 36.051 0.2846 1133.5 977635.1 443017.75 349.798 126.838 978049.2 -191.14021 13 -178.14 K1065 170.7 33.4 36.042 0.3018 1150.1 977633.4 469791.83 354.921 128.696 978049.2 -189.57499 12 -177.57 K1066 170.8 37.6 36.0429 0.3398 1141.7 977636.9 528943.89 352.329 127.756 978049.2 -187.72727 10 -177.73 K1067 171.6 39.9 36.0501 0.3605 1006.1 977662.9 561166.19 310.482 112.582 978049.2 -188.39983 15 -173.4 K1068 174.1 36.6 36.0725 0.3307 989.2 977666.6 514778.53 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -188.02406 23 -165.02 K1069 170.2 42.2 36.0375 0.3813 994.1 977666.1 593544.15 306.779 111.239 978049.2 -187.56023 12 -175.56 K1070 168.4 44.8 36.0213 0.4048 996.8 977664.3 630125.03 307.612 111.542 978049.2 -188.82914 10 -178.83 K1071 166.5 48.8 36.0043 0.4409 1000.4 977660.5 686319.48 308.723 111.944 978049.2 -191.92102 8 -183.92 K1072 169.7 83 36.0328 0.75 990.1 977693.7 1167474.7 305.545 110.792 978049.2 -160.74703 3 -157.75 K1073 169.4 78.9 36.0301 0.7129 978.4 977695.5 1109723.7 301.934 109.483 978049.2 -161.24843 3 -158.25 K1074 171.9 81.5 36.0526 0.7364 1069.6 977679.7 1146304.5 330.079 119.688 978049.2 -159.10936 6 -153.11 K1075 174.2 82.1 36.0732 0.7419 1134.6 977670.3 1154866 350.138 126.961 978049.2 -155.72384 7 -148.72 K1076 175.3 80.4 36.0831 0.7265 1029.9 977689.4 1130893.9 317.827 115.246 978049.2 -157.21836 8 -149.22 K1077 177.1 78.2 36.0993 0.7067 1073.5 977678 1100072.5 331.282 120.124 978049.2 -160.04223 4 -156.04 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1079 182.7 80.8 36.1495 0.7302 1053.5 977687.6 1136653.4 325.11 117.886 978049.2 -154.37623 6 -148.38 K1080 185.3 83.1 36.1728 0.751 1052.7 977685.8 1169031.4 324.863 117.797 978049.2 -156.33359 4 -152.33 K1081 187.9 85.4 36.1962 0.7718 1060.4 977682.8 1201409.3 327.239 118.658 978049.2 -157.819 8 -149.82 K1082 189.4 87.6 36.2096 0.7917 1124.8 977669.7 1232386.3 347.113 125.865 978049.2 -158.2515 6 -152.25 K1083 191.6 90.2 36.2293 0.8152 1151.7 977665 1268967.2 355.415 128.875 978049.2 -157.66026 8 -149.66 K1084 166.1 75.4 36.0185 0.6813 995.1 977687.9 1060534 307.088 111.351 978049.2 -165.56353 4 -161.56 K1085 167.5 71.8 36.0131 0.6488 1064.9 977672.1 1009943.5 328.628 119.162 978049.2 -167.63385 7 -160.63 K1086 166.5 67.2 36.0042 0.6072 1006.6 977671.7 945187.54 310.637 112.638 978049.2 -179.50148 7 -172.5 K1087 169.4 104 36.03 0.9424 856.2 977734.1 1466970.9 264.223 95.8085 978049.2 -146.6852 2 -144.69 K1088 171.3 107 36.047 0.9578 864.1 977737.9 1490943.1 266.661 96.6925 978049.2 -141.33127 2 -139.33 K1089 172.7 110 36.0595 0.9949 834.7 977748.7 1548694.2 257.588 93.4027 978049.2 -136.31426 3 -133.31 K1090 167.7 81 36.0149 0.7319 1009.5 977683.7 1139299.7 311.532 112.963 978049.2 -166.93105 3 -163.93 K1091 168 90.2 36.0175 0.815 926.7 977706.2 1268655.9 285.98 103.697 978049.2 -160.71783 3 -157.72 K1092 168.4 93 36.0211 0.8403 914.1 977710.7 1308038.7 282.091 102.288 978049.2 -158.69626 3 -155.7 K1093 169.2 95.7 36.0282 0.8647 896.8 977716.1 1346020.5 276.752 100.352 978049.2 -156.69917 2 -154.7 K1094 169.7 98.7 36.0327 0.8918 883.4 977721.1 1388205.3 272.617 98.8522 978049.2 -154.33496 4 -150.33 K1095 170 101 36.0354 0.9144 869.7 977726.3 1423385.2 268.389 97.3192 978049.2 -151.82975 2 -149.83 K1096 172.2 102 36.0551 0.9208 874.5 977728.5 1433347.6 269.871 97.8563 978049.2 -148.68559 2 -146.69 K1097 174.5 99.9 36.0758 0.9027 889.8 977727.6 1405172.6 274.592 99.5684 978049.2 -146.57607 2 -144.58 K1098 177.1 99.3 36.0991 0.8973 889.4 977729.1 1396766.8 274.469 99.5236 978049.2 -145.15475 3 -142.15 K1099 180 99.3 36.1252 0.8973 921.5 977722.1 1396766.8 284.375 103.116 978049.2 -145.84067 5 -140.84 K1100 181.9 98.7 36.1422 0.8919 953 977719.3 1388361 294.096 106.64 978049.2 -142.44461 9 -133.44 K1101 166.6 107 36.0048 0.9541 844.8 977733.6 1485183.5 260.705 94.5329 978049.2 -149.42759 4 -145.43 K1102 167.7 110 36.0147 0.9975 823.9 977740.8 1552741.4 254.256 92.1942 978049.2 -146.33862 6 -140.34 K1103 174.1 36 36.0725 0.3253 988 977666 506372.71 304.897 110.557 978049.2 -188.8601 23 -165.86 K1104 174.2 36.7 36.0734 0.3316 990.2 977666.3 516179.5 305.576 110.803 978049.2 -188.12736 22 -166.13 K1105 174.2 37.6 36.0734 0.3398 993.9 977666.6 528943.89 306.718 111.217 978049.2 -187.09957 22 -165.1 K1106 173.8 38.8 36.0698 0.3506 994.4 977665.2 545755.52 306.872 111.273 978049.2 -188.40122 19 -169.4 K1107 173.6 39.6 36.068 0.3578 997.1 977664.6 556963.28 307.705 111.575 978049.2 -188.47013 17 -171.47 K1108 173.4 40.2 36.0662 0.3633 999.7 977662.8 565524.76 308.507 111.866 978049.2 -189.75871 21 -168.76 K1109 173.4 41 36.0662 0.3705 997.6 977662.7 576732.52 307.859 111.631 978049.2 -190.27178 21 -169.27 K1110 173.4 41.8 36.0662 0.3777 1001.3 977651.6 587940.28 309.001 112.045 978049.2 -200.64399 14 -186.64 K1111 173.2 42.8 36.0644 0.3867 1005.3 977660.4 601949.97 310.236 112.493 978049.2 -191.05719 12 -179.06 K1112 173.2 43.7 36.0644 0.3949 1001.2 977662.9 614714.36 308.97 112.034 978049.2 -189.36366 11 -178.36 K1113 175.3 44.8 36.0833 0.4048 1008.9 977665.6 630125.03 311.347 112.896 978049.2 -185.14907 25 -160.15 K1114 175.3 45.6 36.0832 0.4121 998.3 977667.1 641488.45 308.075 111.709 978049.2 -185.73409 25 -160.73 K1115 175 46.3 36.0806 0.4184 993.5 977667.7 651295.24 306.594 111.172 978049.2 -186.07825 23 -163.08 K1116 174.6 46.9 36.077 0.4238 988.8 977658.9 659701.06 305.144 110.646 978049.2 -195.80274 18 -177.8 K1117 174.5 47.7 36.0761 0.431 988 977669.1 670908.81 304.897 110.557 978049.2 -185.7601 11 -174.76 K1118 174.6 48.5 36.077 0.4383 982.6 977670.9 682272.23 303.23 109.953 978049.2 -185.02229 11 -174.02 K1119 174.9 49.2 36.0796 0.4446 980.6 977670.9 692079.02 302.613 109.729 978049.2 -185.41569 10 -175.42 K1120 175 50.1 36.0805 0.4527 983.2 977669.8 704687.75 303.416 110.02 978049.2 -186.00427 9 -177 K1121 175.2 50.9 36.0823 0.4599 981.1 977668.3 715895.51 302.767 109.785 978049.2 -187.91734 9 -178.92 K1122 175.2 51.7 36.0823 0.4672 980 977668.1 727258.93 302.428 109.662 978049.2 -188.33371 9 -179.33 K1123 177.4 51.2 36.1021 0.4627 980.3 977670.2 720254.08 302.521 109.695 978049.2 -186.1747 12 -174.17 K1124 178.5 53.7 36.1119 0.4853 982.9 977673.9 755433.98 303.323 109.986 978049.2 -181.96328 13 -168.96 K1125 179.7 57 36.1227 0.5151 1011.1 977673.3 801821.65 312.025 113.142 978049.2 -177.01633 11 -166.02 K1126 178.9 59.5 36.1155 0.5377 981.8 977676.1 837001.55 302.983 109.863 978049.2 -179.97965 9 -170.98 K1127 180.1 61.1 36.1263 0.5521 974.3 977681.8 859417.07 300.669 109.024 978049.2 -175.7549 11 -164.75 K1128 180.4 64.1 36.129 0.5793 975.2 977683.7 901757.48 300.947 109.125 978049.2 -173.67787 9 -164.68 K1129 181.8 65.3 36.1343 0.5901 981.1 977680.8 918569.12 302.767 109.785 978049.2 -175.41734 9 -166.42 K1130 182.8 67.3 36.1505 0.6082 977.6 977680.6 946744.18 301.687 109.393 978049.2 -176.30579 14 -162.31 K1131 183.2 68.5 36.1541 0.619 980 977681.5 963555.81 302.428 109.662 978049.2 -174.93371 13 -161.93 K1132 184 78.7 36.1612 0.6389 976.5 977681.6 994532.81 301.348 109.27 978049.2 -175.52216 14 -161.52 K1133 182.3 72.8 36.146 0.6579 985.5 977683.5 1024108.8 304.125 110.277 978049.2 -171.85185 6 -165.85 K1134 182.2 75.1 36.1504 0.6787 992.4 977686.2 1056486.8 306.255 111.049 978049.2 -167.79462 6 -161.79 K1135 184.7 77.9 36.1675 0.704 1003.1 977690.2 1095869.6 309.557 112.247 978049.2 -161.68993 7 -154.69 K1136 182 80 36.1702 0.723 1031.2 977686 1125445.6 318.228 115.391 978049.2 -160.36265 5 -155.36 K1137 175.3 76.5 36.0831 0.6913 968.2 977696 1076100.4 298.787 108.341 978049.2 -162.75477 5 -157.75 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1139 158.7 52.3 36.024 0.4726 999.1 977657.1 735664.75 308.322 111.799 978049.2 -195.57673 6 -189.58 K1140 170.9 52.4 36.0437 0.4735 988.9 977656.2 737065.72 305.175 110.658 978049.2 -198.48307 6 -192.48 K1141 172.3 53 36.0608 0.4789 985.7 977657.2 745471.53 304.187 110.3 978049.2 -198.11251 7 -191.11 K1142 173.1 53.7 36.0635 0.4852 982.3 977657.6 755278.32 303.138 109.919 978049.2 -198.3813 7 -191.38 K1143 173 54.5 36.0626 0.4925 980.9 977657.1 766641.74 302.706 109.762 978049.2 -199.15668 6 -193.16 K1144 172.8 55.3 36.0696 0.4997 982 977656 777849.5 303.045 109.886 978049.2 -200.04031 6 -194.04 K1145 172.6 56.1 36.059 0.5069 980.5 977656.7 789057.26 302.582 109.718 978049.2 -199.63536 6 -193.64 K1146 172.5 56.8 36.0581 0.5133 977.9 977657.8 799019.71 301.78 109.427 978049.2 -199.04678 6 -193.05 K1147 171 60.1 36.0446 0.5431 975.2 977660.4 845407.37 300.947 109.125 978049.2 -196.97787 5 -191.98 K1148 171.2 50.9 36.0464 0.5503 977.5 977652.2 856615.13 301.657 109.382 978049.2 -204.72546 5 -199.73 K1149 171 61.6 36.0446 0.5566 974.1 977663.4 866421.92 300.607 109.001 978049.2 -194.19424 5 -189.19 K1150 169.3 59 36.0293 0.5331 984.9 977660.9 829841.04 303.94 110.21 978049.2 -194.56987 5 -189.57 K1151 170 63.3 36.0356 0.572 974.2 977665.6 890394.06 300.638 109.013 978049.2 -191.97457 5 -186.97 K1152 169.5 62.7 36.0311 0.5666 978.2 977664.3 881988.25 301.873 109.46 978049.2 -192.48777 5 -187.49 K1153 168.9 62.2 36.0257 0.562 981.8 977663.2 874827.73 302.983 109.863 978049.2 -192.87965 5 -187.88 K1154 168 61.8 36.0177 0.5504 996 977663.1 856770.79 307.366 111.452 978049.2 -190.1865 5 -185.19 K1155 167.4 61.3 36.0123 0.5539 991.5 977662.3 862219.01 305.977 110.949 978049.2 -191.87165 6 -185.87 K1156 166.9 60.8 36.0069 0.5494 998.5 977660.5 855214.16 308.137 111.732 978049.2 -192.29475 5 -187.29 K1157 166.4 59.2 36.0033 0.5349 1006.6 977660.4 832642.98 310.637 112.638 978049.2 -190.80148 5 -185.8 K1158 206.5 0.8 36.3634 0.0072 2357.6 977359.6 11207.757 727.555 263.815 978049.2 -225.85937 15 -210.86 K1159 205.7 2.2 36.3652 0.0199 2343 977366.2 30976.996 723.05 262.181 978049.2 -222.1312 15 -207.13 K1160 205.4 3.3 36.3535 0.0298 2362.8 977363 46387.663 729.16 264.397 978049.2 -221.43653 16 -205.44 K1161 204.8 1.7 36.3481 0.0154 2370.7 977358.8 23972.148 731.598 265.281 978049.2 -224.0826 16 -208.08 K1162 183.5 1.2 36.1569 0.0108 1606.9 977509.1 16811.636 495.889 179.812 978049.2 -224.02229 33 -191.02 K1163 183.9 2.8 36.1605 0.0253 1567.9 977519.4 39382.814 483.854 175.448 978049.2 -221.3936 31 -190.39 K1164 184.6 4.2 36.1668 0.036 1547.2 977522.4 56038.787 477.466 173.131 978049.2 -222.4653 37 -185.47 K1165 184.8 5.6 36.1686 0.0506 1535.9 977524.9 78765.629 473.979 171.867 978049.2 -222.18801 36 -186.19 K1166 184.5 7.2 36.1659 0.0651 1510.9 977531.7 101336.81 466.264 169.069 978049.2 -220.30552 28 -192.31 K1167 184.9 8.8 36.1695 0.0795 1525.5 977532.3 123752.32 470.769 170.703 978049.2 -216.83369 23 -193.83 K1168 185.2 10.5 36.1722 0.0949 1549.6 977528.8 147724.47 478.207 173.4 978049.2 -215.59322 18 -197.59 K1169 185.9 11.7 36.1784 0.1058 1574.6 977525.2 164691.77 485.922 176.197 978049.2 -214.27571 17 -197.28 K1170 186.6 13 36.1847 0.1175 1613.9 977519.3 182904.37 498.05 180.595 978049.2 -212.44539 15 -197.45 K1171 187 14.5 36.1883 0.1311 1642.9 977513.4 204074.58 506.999 183.84 978049.2 -212.64108 16 -196.64 K1172 187.6 15.8 36.1937 0.1428 1689.2 977505.8 222287.19 521.287 189.021 978049.2 -211.13385 13 -198.13 K1173 189.1 15.3 36.2072 0.1383 1762.4 977490.9 215282.34 543.877 197.212 978049.2 -211.63539 15 -196.64 K1174 190 14.8 36.2153 0.1338 1776.7 977487.8 208277.49 548.29 198.812 978049.2 -211.92258 15 -196.92 K1175 190.6 13.5 36.2206 0.122 1772.7 977484.7 189909.22 547.055 198.365 978049.2 -215.80938 16 -199.81 K1176 190.6 11.6 36.2224 0.1067 1776.4 977482.5 166092.74 548.197 198.779 978049.2 -217.28159 16 -201.28 K1177 190.1 10.4 36.2161 0.064 1805.6 977475.2 99624.511 557.208 202.046 978049.2 -218.83794 17 -201.84 K1178 189.7 8.7 36.2126 0.0786 1824.2 977469.3 122351.35 562.948 204.127 978049.2 -221.07931 20 -201.08 K1179 190.2 7.2 36.217 0.0651 1896.2 977453.4 101336.81 585.167 212.184 978049.2 -222.81689 10 -212.82 K1180 190.2 6 36.217 0.0542 1949.5 977441.8 84369.507 601.616 218.148 978049.2 -223.93277 23 -200.93 K1181 191.2 4.8 36.226 0.0434 1967.8 977435.3 67557.871 607.263 220.196 978049.2 -226.83315 21 -205.83 K1182 191.5 3.5 36.2287 0.0316 1979.7 977432.8 49189.602 610.935 221.528 978049.2 -226.99242 22 -204.99 K1183 189.9 4.6 36.2144 0.0416 2009.9 977428.5 64755.932 620.255 224.907 978049.2 -225.35207 20 -205.35 K1184 189 3.3 36.2063 0.0298 2042.2 977420.8 46387.663 630.223 228.522 978049.2 -226.69865 25 -201.7 K1185 187.6 2.6 36.1937 0.0235 2069.9 977412.1 36580.875 638.771 231.621 978049.2 -229.95005 36 -193.95 K1186 187.6 0.9 36.1937 0.0081 2089.4 977406.3 12608.727 644.789 233.803 978049.2 -231.91439 47 -184.91 K1187 177.1 0.9 36.0994 0.0081 1629.5 977509.5 12608.727 502.864 182.341 978049.2 -219.17686 11 -208.18 K1188 176.8 2.2 36.0967 0.0199 1586.8 977519.2 30976.996 489.686 177.562 978049.2 -217.87596 11 -206.88 K1189 175.5 2.5 36.0852 0.0226 1623.1 977513.9 35179.905 500.889 181.624 978049.2 -216.03574 10 -206.04 K1190 174.8 3.8 36.0789 0.0343 1653.5 977511.5 53392.511 510.27 185.026 978049.2 -212.45605 7 -205.46 K1191 174.2 5.2 36.0735 0.047 1667 977510.2 73161.75 514.436 186.537 978049.2 -211.1006 7 -204.1 K1192 173.2 4.4 36.0672 0.0398 1721.5 977500.3 61953.993 531.255 192.635 978049.2 -210.28043 9 -201.28 K1193 172.3 3.1 36.0564 0.028 1795 977485.7 43585.723 553.937 200.86 978049.2 -210.42296 17 -193.42 K1194 171.9 2.8 36.0528 0.0253 1784.3 977488.5 39382.814 550.635 199.663 978049.2 -209.72765 16 -193.73 K1195 170.8 3.6 36.0429 0.0325 1668.2 977514.8 50590.572 514.807 186.671 978049.2 -206.26456 6 -200.26 K1196 169.7 4.9 36.0331 0.0443 1655.4 977518.9 68958.841 510.856 185.239 978049.2 -204.68232 6 -198.68 K1197 168.1 5.3 36.0187 0.0479 1624.3 977527 74562.72 501.259 181.759 978049.2 -202.6997 5 -197.7 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1199 166.2 7.9 36.0016 0.0714 1566.4 977541.5 111143.59 483.391 175.28 978049.2 -199.58865 5 -194.59 K1200 212.5 0.4 36.4172 0.0036 2379.2 977362.4 5603.8787 734.221 266.232 978049.2 -218.81065 17 -201.81 K1201 211.4 2.2 36.4073 0.0199 2344.7 977370.6 30976.996 723.574 262.371 978049.2 -217.39681 14 -203.4 K1202 210.4 3.5 36.3983 0.0316 2346.4 977371.7 49189.602 724.099 262.561 978049.2 -215.96242 16 -199.96 K1203 175.6 27.6 36.0861 0.249 993.4 977860.3 387601.61 306.563 111.161 978049.2 6.502078 30 36.5021 K1204 175.8 27.1 36.0873 0.2447 995.8 977660.1 380908.09 307.304 111.43 978049.2 -193.22584 31 -162.23 K1205 176 26.6 36.0892 0.2407 991.8 977659.9 374681.56 306.069 110.982 978049.2 -194.21264 32 -162.21 K1206 176.2 26.2 36.0909 0.2368 992.9 977660 368610.69 306.409 111.105 978049.2 -193.89627 33 -160.9 K1207 176.3 25.7 36.0926 0.2324 996.1 977658.8 361761.5 307.396 111.463 978049.2 -194.46683 33 -161.47 K1208 176.6 25.3 36.095 0.229 992.9 977660.1 356468.95 306.409 111.105 978049.2 -193.79627 35 -158.8 K1209 176.2 27.2 36.0915 0.2458 989.2 977659.4 382620.39 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.22406 30 -165.22 K1210 175.3 28.3 36.0832 0.2553 995.3 977659.3 397408.4 307.15 111.374 978049.2 -194.12419 33 -161.12 K1211 175.4 28.9 36.0842 0.261 994.9 977659.1 406281.21 307.026 111.329 978049.2 -194.40287 29 -165.4 K1212 176.5 25 36.0963 0.2255 989.2 977660.1 351020.74 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.52406 37 -157.52 K1213 177.1 24.3 36.099 0.2191 989.2 977659.6 341058.29 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.02406 40 -155.02 K1214 177.4 23.5 36.1022 0.2121 989.2 977659.6 330161.85 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.02406 43 -152.02 K1215 177.8 22.7 36.1057 0.2051 989.2 977660 319265.42 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.62406 49 -145.62 K1216 179.4 25.5 36.1201 0.2304 989.2 977660.4 358648.24 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.22406 83 -111.22 K1217 179.4 24.8 36.1203 0.2241 989.2 977659.5 348841.45 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.12406 89 -106.12 K1218 179.3 24.1 36.1193 0.2178 989.2 977659.4 339034.66 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.22406 91 -104.22 K1219 179.3 23.4 36.121 0.2116 989.2 977660.6 329383.54 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.02406 91 -103.02 K1220 179.4 22.7 36.1197 0.2055 989.2 977660.6 319888.08 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.02406 76 -118.02 K1221 178.3 23 36.1106 0.2078 989.2 977659.9 323468.33 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.72406 50 -144.72 K1222 179 23.1 36.1161 0.2085 989.2 977659.9 324557.98 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.72406 60 -134.72 K1223 179 22.4 36.1162 0.2021 989.2 977659.5 314595.52 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.12406 62 -133.12 K1224 175.4 29.4 36.0845 0.2656 989.2 977660.5 413441.72 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.12406 29 -165.12 K1225 175.9 30.2 36.0851 0.2724 989.2 977660.5 424026.82 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.12406 29 -165.12 K1226 178.3 22 36.1102 0.1984 989.2 977659.2 308835.98 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.42406 55 -140.42 K1227 178.2 21.5 36.1097 0.1946 989.2 977659.1 302920.78 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.52406 59 -136.52 K1228 178.5 20.9 36.1121 0.1886 989.2 977658 293580.98 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -196.62406 74 -122.62 K1229 179.1 21.1 36.1176 0.1909 989.2 977657.8 297161.24 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -196.82406 99 -97.824 K1230 179.1 21.7 36.1228 0.1964 989.2 977658.5 305722.72 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -196.12406 ## -82.124 K1231 179.7 22.4 36.1223 0.2022 989.2 977660.5 314751.19 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.12406 97 -97.124 K1232 179.3 26.1 36.1192 0.2354 989.2 977661.1 366431.4 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -193.52406 72 -121.52 K1233 179 26.6 36.1165 0.2404 989.2 977660.5 374214.57 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.12406 60 -134.12 K1234 178.7 27.1 36.1139 0.2451 989.2 977660.5 381530.74 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -194.12406 50 -144.12 K1235 178.7 27.8 36.1139 0.2512 989.2 977660.7 391026.2 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -193.92406 50 -143.92 K1236 178.8 28.4 36.1144 0.2566 989.2 977659 399432.02 305.267 110.691 978049.2 -195.62406 50 -145.62 K1237 175.1 27.9 36.0815 0.2521 1041.6 977651.5 392427.17 321.438 116.555 978049.2 -192.81697 26 -166.82 K1238 174.8 28.2 36.0788 0.2544 1073.2 977643 396007.43 331.19 120.091 978049.2 -195.10124 21 -174.1 K1239 174.4 28.5 36.0752 0.2571 1097.8 977638.9 400210.34 338.781 122.843 978049.2 -194.36241 18 -176.36 K1240 174 28.6 36.0716 0.258 1069 977644.4 401611.31 329.893 119.621 978049.2 -194.52738 20 -174.53 K1241 173.6 28.8 36.068 0.2598 1098.4 977640.2 404413.25 338.966 122.911 978049.2 -192.94439 17 -175.94 K1242 173.2 29 36.0641 0.2519 1135.7 977631.6 392115.85 350.477 127.084 978049.2 -194.20747 13 -181.21 K1243 172.7 29.1 36.06 0.2625 1166 977624.8 408616.16 359.828 130.475 978049.2 -195.04745 12 -183.05 K1244 172.5 29.4 36.0577 0.266 1138 977629.7 414064.37 351.187 127.342 978049.2 -195.65506 14 -181.66 K1245 172.7 29.8 36.0595 0.2595 1140.1 977629.9 403946.26 351.835 127.577 978049.2 -195.04199 15 -180.04 K1246 172.7 30.3 36.06 0.2741 1136.1 977630.5 426673.1 350.6 127.129 978049.2 -195.22879 14 -181.23 K1247 175 27.4 36.0808 0.2471 1007.7 977656.1 384644.01 310.976 112.761 978049.2 -194.88511 35 -159.89 K1248 174.3 27.8 36.074 0.2514 1113.8 977635.4 391337.53 343.719 124.634 978049.2 -194.71521 18 -176.72 K1249 174.4 27.3 36.0749 0.2466 1081.8 977642.4 383865.69 333.843 121.053 978049.2 -194.00962 24 -170.01 K1250 175.6 25.8 36.0852 0.2333 1027.2 977652.5 363162.47 316.994 114.943 978049.2 -194.64945 28 -166.65 K1251 175.2 25.4 36.0824 0.2293 1045.6 977648.4 356935.94 322.672 117.002 978049.2 -195.13017 26 -169.13 K1252 178.1 20.6 36.108 0.1861 1013.2 977653.9 289689.4 312.674 113.377 978049.2 -196.00326 67 -129 K1253 177.7 19.9 36.1045 0.1795 1090.3 977639.2 279415.62 336.467 122.004 978049.2 -195.53766 48 -147.54 K1254 176.2 21.2 36.1092 0.1914 997.3 977657.7 297939.55 307.767 111.598 978049.2 -195.33079 61 -134.33 K1255 177.5 21.3 36.1031 0.1925 1101.1 977637.6 299651.85 339.799 123.213 978049.2 -195.0133 37 -158.01 K1256 177.1 21.4 36.0995 0.1936 1126.8 977631.8 301364.14 347.73 126.089 978049.2 -195.7581 32 -163.76 K1257 177.5 19.5 36.1031 0.1762 1119 977634 274278.73 345.323 125.216 978049.2 -195.09236 43 -152.09 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1259 181.6 21.4 36.1395 0.1936 1595 977541 301364.14 492.217 178.48 978049.2 -194.46302 42 -152.46 K1260 181.8 21.9 36.1412 0.1978 1611.2 977539.3 307902 497.216 180.293 978049.2 -192.97648 40 -152.98 K1261 182 22.4 36.1434 0.202 1620 977537.7 314439.86 499.932 181.278 978049.2 -192.84551 35 -157.85 K1262 182.2 22.8 36.1451 0.2063 1634.4 977535.5 321133.38 504.376 182.889 978049.2 -192.21303 34 -158.21 K1263 182.3 23.3 36.1461 0.2109 1534.4 977536 328293.9 473.516 171.699 978049.2 -211.38306 33 -178.38 K1264 182.4 23.8 36.1466 0.2151 1632.3 977536.7 334831.75 503.728 182.654 978049.2 -191.4261 33 -158.43 K1265 182.3 24.3 36.1464 0.2198 1635.8 977536.5 342147.93 504.808 183.046 978049.2 -190.93765 33 -157.94 K1266 181.9 23.3 36.1425 0.2107 1644.2 977533.4 327982.57 507.4 183.985 978049.2 -192.38537 47 -145.39 K1267 180.9 21 36.1336 0.1893 1571.7 977543.4 294670.62 485.027 175.873 978049.2 -196.64614 79 -117.65 K1268 181 20.2 36.1345 0.1824 1565.3 977547.7 283929.86 483.052 175.157 978049.2 -193.60502 34 -159.61 K1269 180.9 19.7 36.1332 0.1779 1559.9 977548.5 276925.01 481.385 174.552 978049.2 -193.8672 30 -163.87 K1270 180.7 19.2 36.1314 0.1739 1554.5 977550.4 270698.47 479.719 173.948 978049.2 -193.02938 28 -165.03 K1271 180.5 18.9 36.1297 0.1708 1538.3 977552.7 265872.91 474.719 172.135 978049.2 -193.91593 24 -169.92 K1272 181.5 22.8 36.139 0.2059 1627.9 977532.8 320510.73 502.37 182.162 978049.2 -196.19158 79 -117.19 K1273 180.2 19.2 36.1268 0.1731 1552.7 977549.5 269453.17 479.163 173.747 978049.2 -194.28344 33 -161.28 K1274 179.8 18.6 36.1234 0.1699 1575.1 977543.3 264471.94 486.076 176.253 978049.2 -196.07736 40 -156.08 K1275 179.5 18.5 36.1213 0.1672 1587.9 977540.3 260269.03 490.026 177.686 978049.2 -196.55959 39 -157.56 K1276 190.2 18.5 36.1273 0.1667 1534 977553.1 259490.72 473.392 171.654 978049.2 -194.36174 21 -173.36 K1277 180 18.1 36.1254 0.1632 1530.3 977553.7 254042.5 472.251 171.24 978049.2 -194.48953 19 -175.49 K1278 180.2 20 36.1269 0.1807 1581.5 977541.1 281283.58 488.051 176.969 978049.2 -197.01848 91 -106.02 K1279 286.2 2.1 37.0792 0.019 1930.5 977496.7 29576.027 595.752 216.022 978049.2 -172.77007 17 -155.77 K1280 284.3 2.9 37.0675 0.0262 1911.4 977502.1 40783.784 589.858 213.885 978049.2 -171.12705 15 -156.13 K1281 253.9 4.2 37.0585 0.038 1892.5 977508.8 59152.053 584.026 211.77 978049.2 -168.14468 14 -154.14 K1282 283.1 5.5 37.0513 0.0498 1879.7 977512.7 77520.322 580.075 210.338 978049.2 -166.76245 13 -153.76 K1283 282.4 6.9 37.0451 0.0624 1861.4 977517.8 97133.898 574.428 208.29 978049.2 -165.26206 12 -153.26 K1284 281.8 8.5 37.0397 0.0769 1843.4 977523.1 119705.08 568.873 206.276 978049.2 -163.50267 12 -151.5 K1285 280.3 9 37.0262 0.0814 1833.1 977525.7 126709.92 565.695 205.123 978049.2 -162.92868 11 -151.93 K1286 268.2 3.4 37.0972 0.0308 1971.1 977486.3 47944.296 608.281 220.565 978049.2 -175.18404 19 -156.18 K1287 291.2 4.3 37.1241 0.0389 1964.4 977488.5 60553.023 606.214 219.816 978049.2 -174.30193 21 -153.3 K1288 294 5.1 37.1493 0.0461 2010.8 977479.5 71760.78 620.533 225.008 978049.2 -174.17504 25 -149.18 K1289 296.8 6.2 37.1745 0.0561 2087.6 977465.2 87327.11 644.233 233.602 978049.2 -173.36845 28 -145.37 K1290 299.8 6.9 37.2014 0.0524 2125.1 977456.9 81567.568 655.806 237.798 978049.2 -174.29219 35 -139.29 K1291 301.3 8.2 37.2149 0.0742 2174.1 977447.3 115502.17 670.927 243.281 978049.2 -174.25388 33 -141.25 K1292 303.3 9 37.2329 0.0814 2199.7 977444.1 126709.92 678.827 246.146 978049.2 -172.41835 34 -138.42 K1293 306.8 12.4 37.2643 0.1122 2250.3 977436.6 174654.22 694.443 251.808 978049.2 -169.96531 34 -135.97 K1294 308.7 14.5 37.2814 0.1312 2264.7 977434.1 204230.25 698.886 253.419 978049.2 -169.63283 34 -135.63 K1295 308.9 16.8 37.2832 0.152 2257.3 977436.6 236608.21 696.603 252.591 978049.2 -168.58841 34 -134.59 K1296 310.5 18.4 37.2976 0.1565 2202.3 977447.4 243613.06 679.63 246.437 978049.2 -168.60693 34 -134.61 K1297 313 20.1 37.3201 0.1819 2077.5 977472.7 283151.54 641.117 232.472 978049.2 -167.85513 33 -134.86 K1298 314.7 20.3 37.3353 0.1837 2010.2 977485.6 285953.48 620.348 224.941 978049.2 -168.19306 37 -131.19 K1299 316.2 21.5 37.3488 0.1946 1852 977515.2 302920.78 571.527 207.238 978049.2 -169.71104 36 -133.71 K1300 319 21.2 37.374 0.1918 1818.4 977521.2 298562.21 561.158 203.478 978049.2 -170.32017 37 -133.32 K1301 320.8 20.9 37.3902 0.1891 1825.1 977519.8 294359.3 563.226 204.228 978049.2 -170.40228 36 -134.4 K1302 324.3 20.3 37.4216 0.1837 1755.3 977532.3 285953.48 541.686 196.418 978049.2 -171.63196 38 -133.63 K1303 327.2 21.2 37.4477 0.1918 1726.4 977536.9 298562.21 532.767 193.184 978049.2 -172.7166 31 -141.72 K1304 330.3 21.5 37.4756 0.1946 1726.7 977536 302920.78 532.86 193.217 978049.2 -173.55759 29 -144.56 K1305 332 22.3 37.4908 0.2018 1711.5 977539.7 314128.53 528.169 191.516 978049.2 -172.84744 27 -145.85 K1306 333.1 23 37.5007 0.2081 1707.5 977540.8 323935.32 526.935 191.069 978049.2 -172.53424 27 -145.53 K1307 335.8 24.2 37.525 0.219 1612.1 977560 340902.62 497.494 180.394 978049.2 -172.09945 25 -147.1 K1308 336.5 0.9 37.7105 0.0081 1243.9 977642.6 12608.727 383.868 139.192 978049.2 -161.9245 24 -137.92 K1309 353 3 37.6791 0.0271 1400.9 977602.2 42184.754 432.318 156.76 978049.2 -171.44255 30 -141.44 K1310 350 4.5 37.6521 0.0407 1570.3 977562.4 63354.962 484.595 175.716 978049.2 -177.92152 37 -140.92 K1311 333.4 20.9 37.5034 0.1891 1770 977524.9 294359.3 546.222 198.062 978049.2 -176.14047 30 -146.14 K1312 336.7 20 37.5331 0.181 1788 977518.7 281750.57 551.777 200.077 978049.2 -178.79986 32 -146.8 K1313 340 17.5 37.5627 0.1584 1857.1 977503.1 246570.66 573.101 207.809 978049.2 -180.80787 34 -146.81 K1314 342 14.5 37.5807 0.1312 1906.5 977493.5 204230.25 588.346 213.337 978049.2 -180.69088 38 -142.69 K1315 344.2 12.9 37.5996 0.1167 1809.9 977514.8 181659.07 558.535 202.527 978049.2 -178.39213 39 -139.39 K1316 346.9 8.7 37.6238 0.0787 1737.4 977527.9 122507.02 536.162 194.415 978049.2 -179.5529 39 -140.55 K1317 348.8 6.6 37.6409 0.0597 1686.2 977546.4 92930.989 520.361 188.685 978049.2 -171.12395 38 -133.12 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1319 339.9 33.3 37.5614 0.3012 1236.1 977642.5 468857.85 381.46 138.319 978049.2 -163.55876 18 -145.56 K1320 342.3 39.3 37.5829 0.3555 1100.9 977674 553383.02 339.738 123.19 978049.2 -158.65264 11 -147.65 K1321 343.5 44.6 37.5937 0.4034 1021.4 977691.5 627945.74 315.204 114.294 978049.2 -156.79031 9 -147.79 K1322 344.9 49.5 37.6063 0.4477 982.1 977701.5 696904.58 303.076 109.897 978049.2 -154.52064 6 -148.52 K1323 347.6 53.7 37.6305 0.4857 958.5 977707.3 756056.64 295.793 107.256 978049.2 -153.36276 5 -148.36 K1324 350 57.8 37.6521 0.5228 935.7 977717.7 813807.72 288.757 104.705 978049.2 -147.44753 4 -143.45 K1325 352.8 62.4 37.6772 0.5845 908 977726.9 909851.98 280.209 101.605 978049.2 -143.69613 3 -140.7 K1326 352.2 68.6 37.6718 0.6223 839.1 977741.8 968692.7 258.946 93.895 978049.2 -142.34878 3 -139.35 K1327 349.7 72.7 37.6494 0.6576 873.9 977736.3 1023641.8 269.686 97.7891 978049.2 -141.00361 2 -139 K1328 346.5 77.3 37.6215 0.6692 888.5 977735.9 1041698.8 274.191 99.4229 978049.2 -138.53178 2 -136.53 K1329 343.4 81.1 37.5927 0.7336 905.6 977732.9 1141946 279.468 101.336 978049.2 -138.16821 2 -136.17 K1330 339.5 85.8 37.5568 0.7761 902.2 977731.9 1208102.9 278.419 100.956 978049.2 -139.83699 5 -134.84 K1331 339.3 90.3 37.5559 0.8213 1025.3 977708.2 1278462.7 316.408 114.731 978049.2 -139.32318 31 -108.32 K1332 340.4 95.7 37.5657 0.6656 1003.7 977718 1036094.9 309.742 112.314 978049.2 -133.77191 20 -113.77 K1333 339.3 101 37.5612 0.91 914.1 977740.6 1416536 282.091 102.288 978049.2 -128.79626 5 -123.8 K1334 341.5 106 37.5756 0.957 885.7 977751.3 1489697.8 273.327 99.1096 978049.2 -123.68254 2 -121.68 K1335 308 111 37.2746 0.9994 1255.5 977677.1 1555699 387.447 140.49 978049.2 -125.14277 5 -120.14 K1336 309.8 106 37.2908 0.9605 1314.9 977664.2 1495146 405.778 147.137 978049.2 -126.35878 9 -117.36 K1337 305 105 37.2477 0.9478 1242.4 977678.4 1475376.7 383.405 139.024 978049.2 -126.41955 5 -121.42 K1338 298.8 103 37.192 0.9324 1167.1 977694.2 1451404.6 360.167 130.598 978049.2 -125.43108 4 -121.43 K1339 293.8 102 37.1471 0.9242 1279.9 977671 1438640.2 394.977 143.22 978049.2 -126.44329 5 -121.44 K1340 289.5 100 37.1084 0.907 1183.5 977691 1411866.1 365.228 132.433 978049.2 -125.4052 3 -122.41 K1341 283.2 98 37.0519 0.8862 1247.2 977680.5 1379488.1 384.886 139.561 978049.2 -123.37539 4 -119.38 K1342 286.6 95 37.0824 0.8591 1243.6 977679.9 1337303.4 383.775 139.158 978049.2 -124.68351 4 -120.68 K1343 288.5 91.1 37.0995 0.8238 1174.7 977691 1282354.2 362.512 131.449 978049.2 -127.13616 4 -123.14 K1344 289.1 87.1 37.1049 0.7877 1072 977708 1226159.8 330.819 119.956 978049.2 -130.33728 4 -126.34 K1345 289.5 83.1 37.1085 0.7515 1110.7 977699.8 1169809.7 342.762 124.287 978049.2 -130.92498 4 -126.92 K1346 292.5 78.5 37.1391 0.7099 1149.7 977690.6 1105053.8 354.797 128.651 978049.2 -132.45367 4 -128.45 K1347 296.7 75.2 37.1732 0.6801 1127.5 977692.8 1058666.1 347.947 126.167 978049.2 -134.62041 5 -129.62 K1348 300.3 72 37.2056 0.6511 1101.2 977694.4 1013523.7 339.83 123.224 978049.2 -138.19363 4 -134.19 K1349 304.9 69.3 37.2469 0.6267 1047.3 977702.4 975541.89 323.197 117.193 978049.2 -140.79578 5 -135.8 K1350 308.9 67.3 37.2828 0.6087 999.1 977709 947522.49 308.322 111.799 978049.2 -143.67673 6 -137.68 K1351 312.5 64 37.3152 0.5788 997.3 977706.8 900979.17 307.767 111.598 978049.2 -146.23079 8 -138.23 K1352 316.2 62.1 37.3484 0.5617 995.8 977702 874360.74 307.304 111.43 978049.2 -151.32584 8 -143.33 K1353 317.7 58.3 37.3619 0.5273 965 977704.1 820812.57 297.799 107.983 978049.2 -155.28421 16 -139.28 K1354 320.1 54.4 37.3835 0.492 1043.7 977685.9 765863.43 322.086 116.79 978049.2 -158.0039 28 -130 K1355 325.3 51.5 37.4302 0.4658 1087.5 977678.1 725079.64 335.603 121.691 978049.2 -157.18842 12 -145.19 K1356 329 48.1 37.4634 0.4351 1161 977658.7 677291.01 358.285 129.916 978049.2 -162.13095 5 -157.13 K1357 333.7 47.7 37.5057 0.4314 1196.3 977952.3 671531.47 369.178 133.866 978049.2 138.41257 27 165.413 K1358 339.1 48 37.5542 0.4342 1024.7 977691.9 675890.04 316.222 114.664 978049.2 -155.7412 8 -147.74 K1359 277.7 94.6 37.0025 0.8554 1286 977669.1 1331543.8 396.86 143.903 978049.2 -127.14341 6 -121.14 K1360 313.9 109 37.3276 0.9822 1311.9 977662.2 1528924.9 404.852 146.801 978049.2 -128.94888 8 -120.95 K1361 311 102 37.3016 0.9198 1249.4 977675 1431791 385.565 139.807 978049.2 -128.44265 20 -108.44 K1362 312.4 97.6 37.3142 0.8827 1176.8 977687.1 1374039.9 363.16 131.684 978049.2 -130.62309 6 -124.62 K1363 317 96.6 37.3555 0.8737 1190.2 977680.5 1360030.2 367.296 133.183 978049.2 -134.5873 8 -126.59 K1364 322.2 94.9 37.4022 0.8583 1161.3 977680.6 1336058.1 358.377 129.949 978049.2 -140.17194 20 -120.17 K1365 327.4 92.6 37.4489 0.8375 1089.7 977692.8 1303680.1 336.281 121.937 978049.2 -142.05568 26 -116.06 K1366 330.8 89.4 37.4795 0.8086 964.7 977718.2 1258693.4 297.706 107.95 978049.2 -141.24322 7 -134.24 K1367 334.9 86.8 37.5163 0.7851 925.7 977724 1222112.6 285.671 103.586 978049.2 -143.11453 6 -137.11 K1368 349.8 42.4 37.6503 0.3835 1057.7 977686.1 596968.75 326.406 118.356 978049.2 -155.05009 8 -147.05 K1369 358.6 46.4 37.7294 0.4197 1029.9 977701.2 653318.86 317.827 115.246 978049.2 -145.41836 7 -138.42 K1370 367.5 49.7 37.8093 0.4496 1079.3 977696 699862.19 333.072 120.773 978049.2 -140.90137 8 -132.9 K1371 374.7 55.1 37.874 0.4985 1029.3 977715.9 775981.54 317.642 115.178 978049.2 -130.83638 9 -121.84 K1372 382.8 57.3 37.9468 0.5184 1025.3 977727.3 806958.54 316.408 114.731 978049.2 -120.22318 10 -110.22 K1373 353.6 80.6 37.6844 0.7291 831.8 977751.2 1134941.1 256.693 93.0782 978049.2 -134.38469 2 -132.38 K1374 362.3 84 37.7625 0.7599 923.2 977732.8 1182885.4 284.9 103.306 978049.2 -134.80628 7 -127.81 K1375 372.1 87.4 37.8506 0.7906 760.2 977777.6 1230674 234.598 85.0662 978049.2 -122.06843 3 -119.07 K1376 380.4 91.9 37.9252 0.8314 717.2 977798 1294184.7 221.328 80.2545 978049.2 -110.12654 2 -108.13 K1377 381.3 29 37.9333 0.2624 1667.9 977575 408460.49 514.714 186.638 978049.2 -146.12357 39 -107.12 STN EASTING NORTH LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. Obs. lat. FA BS G Normal SBA TER CBA K1379 365.2 23.6 37.7887 0.2135 1467 977600.9 332341.14 452.716 164.157 978049.2 -159.74066 28 -131.74 K1380 359.9 17.5 37.7393 0.1583 1386.7 977613 246415 427.936 155.171 978049.2 -163.43569 17 -146.44 K1381 350.5 17.1 37.6566 0.1547 1493.5 977685 240811.12 460.894 167.122 978049.2 -70.428102 21 -49.428 K1382 313.8 9.6 37.3269 0.0868 2522 977369 135115.74 778.289 282.211 978049.2 -184.12184 54 -130.12 K1383 315.9 7.9 37.3458 0.0715 2646 977339.3 111299.26 816.556 296.087 978049.2 -189.43101 66 -123.43 K1384 317.7 5.1 37.362 0.0461 2855 977284.1 71760.78 881.053 319.474 978049.2 -203.52064 85 -118.52 K1385 320.3 4 37.3853 0.0362 3060 977240.2 56350.114 944.316 342.413 978049.2 -207.09708 96 -111.1 K1386 321 1.8 37.3916 0.0163 3190 977217.2 25373.118 984.434 356.96 978049.2 -204.52604 ## -98.526 APPENDIX 4: APPROVAL OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL APPENDIX 5: RESEARCH AUTHORIZATION LETTER APPENDIX 6: LIST OF DATA